The healing groud Building / Landmark in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The healing groud

People in Melomyr can normally take care of themselves when they are hurt, but if the wounds are more serious, they normally go to Zienne 's healing grounds.   The healing grounds are not a real apothecary nor a clinic, it just another farm in the village, this farm has two peculiarities:
  • It's one of the small farms, which cultivate a fruit orchid, that haven't reach full-grown yet and several berries type fruits below them, to try to reduce the need to harvest them from the nearby forest.
  • Next to the house, there is a smaller structure, were sick people can stay to recover. Next to the orchid, a garden,  has been planted around one little lake, where the water of the near river emerges naturally.

Purpose / Function

This is normally Zienne's farm. She is the most skilled healer in town, so she naturarilly stated to treat those who either fall sicker, that their families could treat or those who injured with some severity.


  • Annex to the house and farm. There is a little room, prepared to treat anyone who need/ require special care.
  • The river created a little lake near the house, surrounding this, a garden of mostly medicinal flowers is tenderly cared by Zienne
  • The area between the little room and the garden, is trying to be a peaceful  oasis, to help with the recovery of those wo need it.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
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