the great dip Geographic Location in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

the great dip

Close to the town, the river end in a majestic cascade, called the shimmering end, into a several mile diameter sinkhole. Nobody has managed to know how deep the sinkhole runs. It is deep enough, curious people can't see water reaching the bottom, nor hear the sound of any object throw inside.   Erosion has broken it upper layers, that are now mostly consisting of sand and stone. But if you manage to descend just to a few meters under the uper layer, you will start to see a very different kind of surface, polished in some areas, as it the hole was created by something extremely hot, carving the earth.   There are many rumours, regarding this place:
  • Rumours of caves, that spread thought the whole surrounding area, and probably can be exploited to travel to far away places, if you can reach it entrance, that would be if not in the bottom, at least, deeper than anyone has explorer yet, as no cave has been found yet.
  • Rumours of riches and discoveries, as good as those who propel the Great Calaval before he founded the Order of Truth
  • Rumours of lost tribes of abhumans, that would attack anyone foolish enough to descend to the level they live, so adept to live in there, that need no light to see and can live for long time.
None of them, has been proven yet, but this does not stop the villagers to repeat them and sometimes, even invent new ones.
Crater / Crater Lake / Caldera
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