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Impact Arts V2


  Everybody knows that there is a limit to how hard you can punch or kick. No matter how hard you train your body you just cant pass the limit set on you by your body.   So how would one go about surrpassing that limit.   You would obviously use the impact arts.   The impact arts unlike the Solar Arts or Lunar arts , this art requires you to use Aura. You have to contain your aura within yourself and release/ptoject it at high speeds at the point of impact of any of your attacks.   If you can master the impact arts then you can go from throwing your hardest punch only to hurt yourself and do no damage to just placing your hand on a surface and obliteraring it with destructive force.   Pair that with an Exo suit or a Combat arms and will be able to go to greater heights.  


  The impact arts are mainly used for attacking but can also be used for defence.   Its not that complicated. Even little kids figure it out every once in awhile without being taught how too.    All you have to do is project your aura and focus it all it the place where the the attack is coming from.   If the attack will attack every point around you then you just project your aura around you evenly and hope it enough.
This art used to be called the Earthern arts because it was first used for defense


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