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Tyranny of Dragons

  • 1465

    28 Uktar

    Vladrek Ravenbane
    Life, Birth
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  • 1466

    27 Ches

    Melchior Uriel Brightfist
    Life, Birth

    Melchior Uriel Brightfist is born.

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  • 1467

    23 Flamerule

    Birth of Altan Ashheart
    Life, Birth

    Altan Ashheart is born.

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  • 1472

    22 Elient

    Palar and Somerset
    Life, Birth

    The twins, Palar and Somerset, are born to Aradon and Trixana ("Trixi") Crestfallen.

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  • 1477

    24 Elient

    Death of the Brightfists
    Life, Death

    The parents of Melchior are killed while searching for the lost ruins of a castle/temple near Neverwinter Wood.

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  • 1478

    20 Elient

    10 Mirtul

    Vladrek's Apprenticeship
    Life, Education

    Vladrek Ravenbane is apprenticed under Kinsler Silverstorm in Baldur's Gate.

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  • 1490


    Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    For years, the evil Cult of the Dragon has devoted itself to creating undead dragons in a vain attempt to fulfill an ancient prophecy. However, the cultists were misguided. They misunderstood. But now, under new leadership, the cult believes that the prophecy does not speak of undead dragons, but of a dragon empire that’s been extinct for 25,000 years. Tiamat, the queen of evil dragons, has languished in the Nine Hells for millennia. The cult believes that the time of her return is at hand. The cult has a new face and a new mission. It seeks to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells and bring her into the Forgotten Realms. To accomplish its goal, the cult needs five ancient dragon masks and the support of evil dragons everywhere. The cult leaders—each one a "dragon whisperer"—have reached out to the evil dragons of the Sword Coast and earned their allegiance.   Meanwhile, evil dragons in partnership with the cult seek to amass a treasure hoard worthy of their dark queen, not by plundering their own hoards (of course) but by stealing money from cities, caravans, good-aligned dragons, merchant ships, and other sources. Their ravenous hunt for treasure throws the Sword Coast into upheaval. Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate—no city is safe from their depredations.

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  • 1490


    Rise of Tiamat

    The situation is dire. However, the Sword Coast is far from defenseless. Powerful factions are ready to rise up and put an end to the tyranny of dragons. Adventurers throughout the Realms must join forces to face Tiamat, destroy the Cult of the Dragon, and prevent the rise of a new dragon empire. The Harpers have since shared their intelligence with the remaining factions. To combat the Cult of the Dragon, Lord Dagult Neverember of Neverwinter proposes that adventurers representing each of the five factions be sent north to investigate—and to report back with haste. In their hands, the future lies.

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  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 12:00

    30 Eleasis

    Greenest in Flames
    Disaster / Destruction

    Cult of the Dragon leads a group of cultists and mercenaries with a blue dragon to attack and raid the town of Greenest for wealth. A group of adventurers made up of (party members) helped fight off the cult and promised to track down the cult to return Greenest's wealth that was stolen from them.

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  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 16:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Sanctuary
    Military action

    The party is sent to the temple of Chauntea to rescue the townsfolk that have barricaded themselves inside. Upon arriving at the temple, they find the raiders have successfully forced themselves into the temple and have begun to take prisoners. The party defeats the raiders inside the temple and then fight off another raiders groups trying to break into the temple as well. The party and the townsfolk escape but the temple burns down as they leave.

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  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 18:00

    Greenest in Flames: Saving the Mill

    The party is sent to deal with the raiders that are trying to burn down the town's mill

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  • 1490

    29 Eleasis 13:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Spear-It Wagon
    Military action

    The party is sent out on three missions: 1) rescue imprisoned townsfolk, 2) take some of the raiders and kobolds prisoner for questioning, and 3) retrieve the cart of a merchant and its cargo. The party fixes up the broken cart and uses it to transport the rescued civilians and the capturted enemies. One of the enemies, a black winged kobold named Leila, decides to defect and become Vladrek's apprentice.

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  • 1490

    29 Eleasis 23:00

    Greenest in Flames: Sally Port
    Military action

    Raiders break through the doors of the keep in the middle of the night. Escobert discovers this and sounds the alarm before going to the party for help. The party helps the rest of the defenders drive back the raiders long enough for the doors to be repaired and barricaded.

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  • 1490

    30 Eleasis 11:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Blue Dragon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Lennithon, the blue dragon allied with the raiders, attacks the keep. The party helps defend the keep against Lennithon's attacks as well as the raiders and kobolds who have joined in attacking the keep. Eventually, Lennithon retreats and flees from Greenest as the rest of the force attacking the keep is defeated.

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  • 1490

    15 Elient

    17 Nightal

    The Raiders Camp
    Military action

    After returning to Greenest, the party agrees to investigate the raiders. The party then tracks down the raiders to gather information and rescue Dirt's monk friend, Leosin. In the process the raiders discover the party so Vladrek uses magic to set the camp on fire and cause the raiders to panic so the party could escape. Vladrek also kills one of their leaders, Frulam Mondath, during their escape.

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  • 1490

    17 Elient

    The Dragon Hatchery

    The party is asked to further investigate the cult by Leosin. During the investigation, they find the cult's new camp and a guard drake hatchery.

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  • 1490

    19 Elient

    Alliance Against the Cult of the Dragon
    Gathering / Conference

    The party heads to Elturel to meet with Leosin Erlanthar and Ontharr Frume. There, they are invited to a meeting at the tavern called a Pair of Black Antlers. The meeting consists of Leosin and his monks, Ontharr and his knights, and the party. Leosin represents the Harpers and Ontharr represents the Order of the Gauntlet. Together, with the party, an early alliance is formed against the Cult of the Dragon. The party then leaves on their mission to follow Rezmir and her forces to Baldur's Gate.

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  • 1490

    20 Elient

    Cult of the Dragon in Bladur's Gate

    The party arrives in Baldur's Gate to investigate Rezmir and her forces. With the help of one of Ontharr's contacts, the party signs up as potential mercenary guards to help protect the carriages of the Cult.

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  • 1491


    The Green Dragon Mask
    Military action

    The Green Dragon Mask is recovered from the lair of Claugiyliamatar in Kryptgarden Forest. Old Gnawbone herself was injured while blows were struck against Thay, the Cult of the Dragon and the Zartruss hobgoblin clan.