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Toril Timeline

  • 1449

    King Foril Obarskyr Inherits the Throne
    Political event

    King Foril Obarskyr inherits the throne of Cormyr from Azoun V.

  • 1449

    King Azoun V dies.
    Life, Death

  • 1450

    Auril's Vassals Battle Djinn & Efreet
    Religious event

    Auril sends her vassals to battle the djinn and efreet of Calimshan.

  • 1450

    The Second Era of Skyfire Ends

    The Second Era of Skyfire comes to a close in Calimshan as the efreeti Memnon and the djinni Calim mysteriously vanish, presumably to their home plane.

  • 1450

    Skyfire Wastes Freeze Over
    Geological / environmental event

    As a result of Auril's vassals battling the djinn and efreet, the desert of the Skyfire Wastes is frozen over for months.

  • 1450

    Vasen Cale is Reborn
    Life, Birth

    Vasen Cale is born to Varra, who dies in childbirth

  • 1451

    Mount Hotenow Erupts
    Geological / environmental event

    Maegera, a primordial held in slumber through the craftsmanship of the dwarves of Delzoun and the elves of Iliyanbruen at the heart of Gauntlgrym, briefly awakens, causing Mount Hotenow, a long-dormant volcano, to erupt.

  • 1451

    Rediscovery of Gauntlgrym
    Discovery, Exploration

    A small adventuring party rediscovers the ancient dwarven city of Gauntlgrym.

  • 1451

    Netheril Diplomacy
    Diplomatic action

    Netheril attempts to establish diplomatic relations with High Imaskar.

  • 1453

    Minotaurs V. Warlock Knights
    Military action

    The Minotaurs of Kond are swept away by the Warlock Knights.

  • 1453

    Tai Shing Dies
    Life, Death

    Tai Shing, the first Suzerain of Thesk, dies, leaving an unstable nest of feuding nobles, merchants and gangs.

  • 1453

    15 Ches

    Tempi Althon
    Life, Birth

    Tempi Althon is born as the heir to Baron Althon of Blasingdel.

  • 1454

    Baerovus is Born
    Life, Birth

    Baerovus is born, first son of Crown Prince Irvel Obarskyr and his wife Ospra Goldfeather.

  • 1454

    Mages of Saruun and the Seven-Pillared Hall are Founded
    Life, Organisation Association

    After discovering Saruun Khel, the three wizards found the order of the Mages of Saruun and the Seven-Pillared Hall within the ruins.

  • 1454

    Ruins of Saruun Khel
    Discovery, Exploration

    Three wizards discover the ruins of Saruun Khel beneath Thunderspire Mountain.

  • 1456

    Phlan/Quivering Forest Agreement is Broken

    Talaric Daoran, despite the agreement between the people of Phlan and the fey of the Quivering Forest, sends loggers into the woods.

  • 1458

    Defeat of Brack'thal Xorlarrin
    Life, Death

    Drow wizard Brack'thal Xorlarrin is killed in Gauntlgrym by Artemis Entreri

  • 1459

    Barricading of Reaching Woods
    Military action

    The High Observer of Torm ordered the Reaching Woods barricaded, in an attempt to contain the goblin and gnoll tribes living there.

  • 1459

    Assassination of Queen Brianne
    Life, Death

    Queen Brianne Dragonsbane is assassinated in Bloodstone. This distracts the realm of Bloodstone from the marshalling Vaasan armies in the north. Civil unrest throughout Damara ensues.

  • 1459

    The Gentle Ghost
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Gentle Ghost of Silverymoon is first sighted in the city.

  • 1459

    Decimation of Clan Marlserpent
    Disaster / Destruction

    In Laerakond, Clan Marlserpent is decimated by dragons, nearly wiping it out.

  • 1459

    Jada Marlserpent is Born
    Life, Birth

    In Laerakond, Jada Marlserpent, last surviving member of Clan Marlserpent, is born in the village of Wandering Stones.

  • 1460

    Maalthiir Fails to Achieve Lichdom
    Life, Death

    Maalthiir of Hillsfar dies in a failed attempt to attain lichdom.

  • 1460

    Reunification of Many-Arrows
    Gathering / Conference

    The civil war that wracked the Kingdom of Many Arrows finally ends, reuniting the orc tribes under King Obould XVII.

  • 1460

    Military action

    Bloodstone and Vaasa go to war against each other.

  • 1460

    Birth of Raedra Obarskyr
    Life, Birth

    Raedra Obarskyr is born, daughter of Crown Prince Irvel Obarskyr of Cormyr and his wife Ospra Goldfeather.

  • 1460

    Farideh and Havilar - Born and Abandoned
    Life, Birth

    Farideh and Havilar are born and abandoned in the village of of Arush Vayem on the frontier of Tymanther.

  • 1460

    Destruction of Orcsblood
    Disaster / Destruction

    Two devas, Lakini and Lusk attack and destroy the pirate ship Orcsblood just off the coast of Mulmaster.

  • 1460

    Kamoth Kastelmar and Terena Hulmaster

    Kamoth Kastelmar and Terena Hulmaster are married in Hulburg.

  • 1461

    Jandi M'baren is slain
    Life, Death

    The young mage Jandi M'baren is slain by a former pirate named Helgre at Jadaren Hold.

  • 1461

    Sylora Salm is Defeated
    Military action

    Sylora Salm, a servant of Szass Tam, attempts to repeat the events of a decade previous and cause Mount Hotenow to erupt again. Thankfully for the residents of Neverwinter, she fails when adventurers and a small force of Delzoun dwarves defeat her in Gauntlgrym.

  • 1461

    Rebuilding of Neverwinter
    Construction beginning/end

    Rebuilding efforts begin in the ruins of Neverwinter.

  • 1462

    Zaltys Serrat
    Life, Birth

    The pureblood yuan-ti later known as Zaltys Serrat is born into a small yuan-ti tribe in the jungles of southern Faerûn.

  • 1462

    Thibbledorf Pwent
    Life, Death

    Thibbledorf Pwent is killed after being stung by the pit fiend Beealtimatuche.

  • 1462

    Bruenor Battlehammer
    Life, Death

    Bruenor Battlehammer dies due to injuries sustained defending Gauntlgrym from a pit fiend.

  • 1462

    Life, Birth

    Donna is born.

  • 1462

    Abduction of Yuan-Ti Tribe
    Military action

    The Slime King, ruler of a derro clan, orders her subjects to abduct a yuan-ti tribe living in the jungle near Delzimmer

  • 1462

    Icedawn Syllabus
    Artistic creation

    Demetrios Whitefire of Sossal, High Chillbringer of Auril, pens the Icedawn Syllabus.

  • 1463

    The Fifth Blackstaff
    Life, Career

    Samark Dhanzscul becomes the fifth Blackstaff.

  • 1463

    Capture of Drizzt Do'Urden
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Draygo Quick captures Drizzt Do'Urden, believing him to be a Chosen.

  • 1463

    Rebirth of the Companions of the Hall
    Life, Birth

    The fallen Companions of the Hall, having died and and their souls taken to Mielikki's Iruladoon, are given a second chance by the Forest Queen in order to help their friend and ally, Drizzt Do'Urden. They are reincarnated as newborns, all across Faerûn.

  • 1463

    Death of Mritt Shadalun
    Life, Death

    The Menzoberranyr jeweller Mritt Shadalun is found dead in the vault of his chief rival Hondel Belek’tyr.

  • 1463

    House Xorlarrin vs Gauntlgrym
    Military action

    House Xorlarrin of Menzoberranzan invades Gauntlgrym from below in an attempt to create a sister city, Q'Xorlarrin, free from the absolute rule of House Baenre. They are forced to flee briefly when the Xorlarrin patron Brack'thal Xorlarrin, influenced by Maegera, attempts to set the primordial free, but the drow return immediately after his efforts fail.

  • 1463

    Neverwintan Revolution

    Neverwintan citizens free their city from Shadovar/Netherese occupation after an assassination attempt on Herzgo Alegni leaves the Netherese leaderless.

  • 1463

    Death of Herzgo Alegni
    Life, Death

    Herzgo Alegni is killed in Gauntlgrym by Dahlia Sin'felle.

  • 1463

    New Neverwinter Vs Thay and the Ashmadai
    Military action

    The Shadovar under the command of Herzgo Alegni help defend New Neverwinter against the Thayan zombies and Ashmadai trying to take the city after several assaults.

  • 1463


    Death and Return of Sylora Salm
    Life, Death

    Sylora Salm dies at the hands of Jestry Rallevin after she is mortally wounded by the joint effort of Drizzt Do'Urden, Dahlia Sin'felle, and Artemis Entreri. However, Sylora later appears in Thay in 1478 DR, in the home of one of her lieutenants, a vampire named Muthoth.

  • 1463

    Returning to Port Llast
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Port Llast enjoys a reversal in fortune as the sahuagin who had been plaguing their shores are defeated; a new city wall is erected and a mass immigration of former Luskars begins.

  • 1463

    Vidrinath and Orbbcress
    Technological achievement

    Vidrinath and Orbbcress, the wondrous sword and shield owned by Tiago Baenre, are crafted by Gol'faninin Gauntlgrym.

  • 1463

    Eye of Justice

    Gedrin Thalavar founds the Eye of Justice.

  • 1463

    13 Mirtul

    Guinevere Goldheart
    Life, Birth

    Guinevere Goldheart is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1463

    28 Mirtul

    Lucius Emilien Orgueilleux Regis Dawnstar
    Life, Birth

    Lucius Emilien Orgueilleux Regis Dawnstar the protector aasimar is born to Lord Luzifer and Lady Emilia Dawnstar.

    Additional timelines
  • 1464

    Birth of Julen Serrat
    Life, Birth

    Julen Serrat is born the youngest son of the Guardians branch of the Serrat merchant family.

  • 1464

    Bregan D'aerthe in Luskan

    Bregan D'aerthe reestablishes its presence in Luskan, creating a base in the ruins of Illusk beneath the city.

  • 1464



    Clearing of Cormanthor
    Military action

    The Knights of Myth Drannor defeat several orc tribes and other enemies throughout the lands of Cormanthor, freeing slaves and reestablishing trade routes in the process.

  • 1465

    19 Hammer

    Erland Autumnguard
    Life, Birth

    Erland Autumnguard is born

  • 1465

    23 Tarsahk

    Thovien Chorster
    Life, Birth

    Thovien Chorster is born.

  • 1465

    28 Uktar

    Vladrek Ravenbane
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 1465

    21 Nightal

    Morticia Blackheart
    Life, Birth

    Reyna Blackheart is born.

  • 1466

    The Heroes Are Trapped in a Magical Slumber
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Drizzt Do'Urden, Artemis Entreri, Dahlia Sin'felle, Effron, Ambergris and Afafrenfere are sent into a magical slumber when they discover Iruladoon.

  • 1466

    Shieldsworn vs Griffonwatch Keep
    Military action

    In an attempt to seize control of Griffonwatch Keep in Hulburg, Kamoth Kastelmar and several Shieldsworn loyal to him attempt to kill Harmach Grigor Hulmaster but are discovered. Rather than face prosecution, they flee the castle and town.

  • 1466

    Lord Errtu Attacks Bryn Shandar
    Disaster / Destruction

    The balor lord Errtu and several glabrezu demons attack Bryn Shander in Ten-Towns in an effort to draw out Drizzt Do'Urden. Drizzt does not appear but Tiago Baenre, also hunting Drizzt, witnesses the attack and slays Errtu, banishing him back to the Abyss. Despite their reservations, the people of Bryn Shander laud Tiago as a hero, erecting a statue of him while Drizzt becomes a persona non grata in Ten-Towns.

  • 1466

    Burning of the Scything Wind
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Scything Wind is burned at sea, with several casualties.

  • 1466

    26 Hammer

    Perdal Porridgepot
    Life, Birth

    Perdal Porridgepot is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1466

    27 Alturiak

    Torvald Edrickson
    Life, Birth

    Torvald Edrickson is born.

  • 1466

    5 Ches

    Volos Ambrose
    Life, Birth

  • 1466

    27 Ches

    Melchior Uriel Brightfist
    Life, Birth

    Melchior Uriel Brightfist is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1466

    21 Elient

    Marrok le Chevalier
    Life, Birth

    Marrok le Chevalier is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1466

    22 Elient

    Thomas Deadfoot
    Life, Birth

    Thomas Deadfoot is born.

  • 1466

    8 Marpenoth

    Aedoneus Shadowflame
    Life, Birth

    Aedoneus Shadowflame is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1467

    Dagult Neverember Arrives at Neverwinter
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Dagult Neverember, the Open Lord of Waterdeep, arrives in Neverwinter and soon becomes its Lord Protector, a position where he can begin to rebuild the city.

  • 1467

    14 Mirtul

    Birth of Luciana Morningdove
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 1467

    23 Flamerule

    Birth of Altan Ashheart
    Life, Birth

    Altan Ashheart is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1467

    9 Eleasis

    Birth of Alphonse Autumnguard
    Life, Birth

    Alphonse Autumnguard is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1468

    15 Ches

    Birth of Rogar Khran
    Life, Birth

    Rogar Khran is born.

    Additional timelines
  • 1468

    12 Uktar

    Felix Clevercraft
    Life, Birth

    Felix Clevercraft is born.

  • 1469

    Jaezred Chaulssin vs Arach-Tinilith
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Jaezred Chaulssin, having infiltrated Menzoberranzan's Arach-Tinilith with sleeper agents over the years, successfully unleash a horde of demons during the Ceremony of Graduation.

  • 1469

    Invasion of the Dominion of the Burned
    Disaster / Destruction

    Anaxims invade the Dominion of the Burned, killing most of its members and forcing the surviving genasi to flee to other regions of Laerakond. A genasi named Brindol rises as the leader of the few Burned who remain in the Dominions of Nehu.

  • 1469

    The Crafthouse of Inspiration
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Crafthouse of Inspiration, a temple of Gond located 20 miles east of Eartheart, begins.

  • 1469

    Lady Avelyere Adopts Ruqiah
    Life, Organisation Association

    Lady Avelyere adopts the Bedine child Ruqiah (Catti-brie) into her coven for young mages in the Shade Enclave

  • 1469

    Crafthouse of Inspiration is Finished
    Construction beginning/end

    The Crafthouse of Inspiration is finished with the assistance of the gold dwarves of Eartheart. During the following years it becomes the most important temple of Gond in the continent.

  • 1469

    Vaasa Take Bloodstone City
    Military action

    Bloodstone City, capital of the unified Kingdom of Bloodstone, is overrun by Vaasa, ending the war.

  • 1469

    Abandonment of Haelond
    Life, Relocation

    Members of the Elkannath family abandon Haelond when the mining outpost is overrun by mysterious monsters that swarmed out from the Underdark.

  • 1469

    The Children's Massacre
    Political event

    All nieces and nephews of Queen Anais of Tethyr are slain in a politically motivated attack, except for her niece Ysabel Linden, who becomes the sole heir to the throne.

  • 1469

    Death of Domavos Cormaeril
    Life, Death

    Domavos Cormaeril, Lord Morn of Daggerdale, dies and is succeeded by his son, Barathal.

  • 1469

    King Borigon Hillsafar
    Political event

    Borigon, third son of Garumbelly Hillsafar, claims his father’s throne after thwarting a Warlock Knight invasion of Hillsafar Hall.

  • 1469

    Proskur: Protectorate of Cormyr
    Life, Career

    Proskur is declared a protectorate of Cormyr to protect it from Netheril

  • 1471

    The Strange Iron Trade Bars

    A peculiar cache of iron trade bars is unearthed in Flandal's Dell, prompting a group of stern-faced gnomes (rumored to live beneath Kossuth's Ire) to start asking questions in Whitehorn.

  • 1471

    Rot Angel of the Hills of the Dead Kings
    Disaster / Destruction

    A rot angel is found in one of the tombs in the Hills of the Dead Kings, and a contingent of halflings from the neighboring villages is sent to dispatch it. Jaeg Felidae, a Malar-worshiping weretiger also hunting the beast, finds the corpses of the halflings that same night. Hours later, he too is dead, having failed to dispatch it.

  • 1471

    23 Kythorn

    Boznor Brightfist
    Life, Birth

    Boznor Brightfist is born.

  • 1471

    15 Nightal

    Branmur Ravenbane
    Life, Birth

    Branmur is born, being the second son of Valerik Ravenbane

  • 1472

    22 Elient

    Palar and Somerset
    Life, Birth

    The twins, Palar and Somerset, are born to Aradon and Trixana ("Trixi") Crestfallen.

  • 1473

    Abolethic Sovereignty Destroys Tohrepur
    Military action

    The Keepers of the Cerulean Sign attack the Abolethic Sovereignty in Akanûl. In retaliation, the Abolethic Sovereignty destroys Tohrepur, turning its residents into aberrations. The aboleths march this army to the village of Caidris, where they defeat the Keepers' mercenary army and destroy the village.

  • 1473

    Wheloon Becomes a Prison Colony
    Political event

    After an upswing in the faith of Shar in Wheloon, King Foril of Cormyr orders the city sealed and turned into a prison colony.

  • 1473

    Destruction of the Docks of Easthaven
    Disaster / Destruction

    A storm in Icewind Dale causes a wave on Lac Dinneshere to destroy the docks of Easthaven and several of its ships, as well as their crews.

  • 1473


    Rozalia Ravenbane
    Life, Birth

    Rozalia Ravenbane is born to Valerik Ravenbane III and Jessua Ironheart.

  • 1473

    28 Tarsahk

    Vlagkrod Brightfist
    Life, Birth

    Vlagkrod Brightfist is born.

  • 1475

    Werewolf Attack on Neranya Cormaeril
    Disaster / Destruction

    Neranya Cormaeril, sister of the Lord Morn of Daggerdale disappears when her entourage is attacked by werewolves near Castle Daggerdale. Her body is never found.

  • 1475

    The Coin Spinners' Soup Kitchen
    Criminal Activity

    The Coin Spinners gang of Luskan begin operating a soup kitchen as a front for criminal activity

  • 1475

    Death of Demascus
    Life, Death

    Demascus kills the rakshasa Kalkan and is then slain by cultists in Akanûl.

  • 1475

    Death of Tarsis the Oghman
    Religious event

    Tarsis, an Oghman priest, is killed by the deva Demascus as part of a plan to cause an Oghman heretic to reveal himself.

  • 1475

    Fall of Invadiah and Lorcan
    Political event

    The erinyes Invadiah is demoted to succubus form and her cambion son Lorcan is imprisoned in Malbolge as punishment for screwing up one of the archdevil Glasya's plots in Neverwinter.

  • 1476

    Disappearance of Fort Morninglord
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    All the paladins manning Fort Morninglord, west of Elturel, disappear one night under mysterious circumstances that leave every stone of the keep blackened and every window and door fused. Soon after, the High Observer of Torm forbids entrance to the keep.

  • 1476

    The Mask Dance

    The Mask Dance, an erotic dance in which the dancer wears nothing but a mask, takes Suzail by storm. This form of entertainment becomes so popular that it soon spreads to other major cities, notably Westgate.

  • 1476

    Spellslayer Wine
    Scientific achievement

    The herbalist Janesse Wyndsur begins selling Spellslayer wine, a concoction that renders mages unable to cast spells for several hours.

  • 1476

    Eye of Justice Betrays Kalen Dren
    Religious event

    Kalen Dren, the spellscarred follower of the Threefold God known as the heir to Gedrin "Shadowbane" Thalavar, is betrayed by the leadership of the Eye of Justice, an organization once dedicated to the same faith. With the aid of Levia Shadewalker, he fakes his own death and escapes.

  • 1476

    The Brotherhood of the Griffon vs The Simbarchs of Aglarond
    Political event

    The Brotherhood of the Griffon turn against the Simbarchs of Aglarond

  • 1476


    Haunting of The Northwall Deathhouse
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Northwall Deathhouse in Dagger Falls is discovered to be haunted by the spirit of a deadly Zhentarim spy named Vathris Koll.

  • 1477

    Earthquake Hits Castle Perilous
    Disaster / Destruction

    An earthquake strikes Vaasa which causes Castle Perilous to shed its crumbling exterior, revealing sleek new black stone underneath.

  • 1477

    Construction of the Wall of the Great Port of Tarmalune
    Construction beginning/end

    The Great Port of Tarmalune, which until now was unwalled, completes construction of a gated wall.

  • 1477

    Opening of The Dragonriders' Club

    The Dragonriders' Club, an expensive, risqué dancing club opens in Suzail.

  • 1477

    Flight of Aubrin Crownsilver
    Life, Relocation

    The young Cormyran noble Aubrin Crownsilver flees a Tormite monastery for the Sword Coast.

  • 1477

    Restoration of King Mith
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    King Mith, the King of Iltkazar, is restored to life, having had his astral form stolen by Tiamat a full century previously.

  • 1477

    Captain Emrius Baergil
    Life, Career

    Emrius Baergil becomes Captain of the Riders of Mistledale, aged 22.

  • 1477

    Geran Hulmaster vs Rhovann Disarnnyl
    Cultural event

    A tournament between the defenders of Myth Drannor turns into a duel when Geran Hulmaster and Rhovann Disarnnyl, both contenders for the love of the moon elf maiden Alliere, turns into a duel that ends when Geran cuts off his opponent's hand. This prompts his banishment from Myth Drannor.

  • 1477

    Farideh's Warlock Pact
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The tiefling Farideh unintentionally makes a warlock pact with the cambion Lorcan.

  • 1477

    24 Elient

    Death of the Brightfists
    Life, Death

    The parents of Melchior are killed while searching for the lost ruins of a castle/temple near Neverwinter Wood.

    Additional timelines
  • 1478

    Thayan Zulkirs and Brotherhood of the Griffon vs Szass Tam
    Military action

    The exiled Thayan Zulkirs lead their army into Thay accompanied by Aoth Fezim's Brotherhood of the Griffon and Bareris Anskuld in an attempt to stop Szass Tam's plan to destroy the multiverse and build it anew as he sees fit.

  • 1478

    Shadow Creatures in Eastern Cormanthor
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Shadow creatures start appearing at random places in eastern Cormanthor.

  • 1478

    Tarchamus the Unyielding is Destroyed
    Life, Death

    Tarchamus the Unyielding's undead form is destroyed by Farideh and friends.

  • 1478

    Fall of the Zulkirs
    Life, Death

    Lallara Mediocros (Thay's Zulkir of Abjuration), Malark Springhill, Samas Kul (Thay's Zulkir of Transmutation), Bareris Anskuld, Nevron (Thay's Zulkir of Conjuration), and Lauzoril (Thay's Zulkir of Evocation) die fighting Szass Tam.

  • 1478

    Tog the Glorious
    Life, Identity

    Moz Marshbarrow, the changeling druid, crafts a new identity for himself: an orc named Tog the Glorious.

  • 1478

    Kelemvor Monastery Relocates to Ormpetarr
    Population Migration / Travel

    Gregor receives a vision and convinces one of the largest monasteries of Kelemvor to move from Impiltur to Ormpetarr.

  • 1478

    Brimstone Begins Xorvintaal
    Political event

    The dragon Brimstone draws the draconic rulers of Murghôm into a game of Xorvintaal.

  • 1478

    Brotherhood of the Griffon Goes to Chessenta
    Life, Relocation

    After defeating Szass Tam, Aoth Fezim leads the Brotherhood of the Griffon into Impiltur to fight a demon-worshiping cult. The Brotherhood is betrayed by a noble and is forced to retreat, later finding employment in Chessenta.

  • 1478

    Kylynne Silmerhelve Joins the Black Robes
    Life, Organisation Association

    The tiefling Kylynne Silmerhelve joins the Black Robes.

  • 1478

    Spellscarred of Neverwinter Sent to Helm's Hold
    Plague / Epidemic

    Lord Dagult Neverember, the self-proclaimed Lord Protector of Neverwinter, issues a standing order that anyone in the city showing signs of Spellplague infection should be sent to Helm's Hold for treatment.

  • 1478

    Glasya's Plot Against the Abolethic Sovereignty
    Political event

    Glasya, Archduchess of the Sixth Layer of Hell, attempts a convoluted plot to bring her father Asmodeus into conflict with the Abolethic Sovereignty in Neverwinter.

  • 1478

    Destruction of the Library of Tarchamus
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group of adventurers lead by the Harper Tam Zawad vie with Shade and the Zhentarim to find the lost Library of Tarchamus and plunder its treasures. Unfortunately the library is destroyed.

  • 1478

    20 Elient

    10 Mirtul

    Vladrek's Apprenticeship
    Life, Education

    Vladrek Ravenbane is apprenticed under Kinsler Silverstorm in Baldur's Gate.

    Additional timelines
  • 1479

    Elminster and Simbul vs Manshoon
    Life, Death

    Several magically-dominated nobles are slain killing Lady Marantine Delcastle in Manshoon's attempt to get at Elminster. He is successful, and when Elminster calls him out, the Old Sage is nearly destroyed in the ensuing battle between himself, Manshoon's death tyrants, and Suzail's War Wizards. He is saved only by the timely arrival of the Simbul, who sacrifices herself by restoring the Old Sage to his original body and giving him her silver fire.

  • 1479

    Battle at the Ruins of Tethgard
    Military action

    The ruins of Tethgard are the site of a bloody battle between the trio of Elminster, Storm Silverhand, and the Simbul against a company of War Wizards and Purple Dragons seeking to take them into custody.

  • 1479

    Tarmel Drouth Attacks His Father and Grandfather
    Political event

    Tarmel Drouth, the exiled bastard son of Rancelair Illance of House Illance of Cormyr, attacks his father and grandfather at the family's summer home at Stag Well although both men survive.

  • 1479

    Chessenta Claims Threskel
    Military action

    Chessenta defeats Threskel in a brief war and claims Threskel as a vassal kingdom.

  • 1479

    Castle Irlingstar is Abandoned
    Life, Death

    Many of the traitorous nobles imprisoned in Castle Irlingstar are slain in Rorskryn Mreldrake's refinements of a spell to harden air into a weapon. The castle is abandoned.

  • 1479

    Elminster Destroys Manshoon

    Enraged at the death of his paramour and the countless others slain by Manshoon's machinations, and with a painful overabundance of Mystra's silver fire, Elminster tracks down and destroys Manshoon's body. In the process, he discovers that Manshoon is himself a Chosen of Mystra and that he does not have power enough to kill him.

  • 1479

    Manshoon vs the Sage of Shadowvale
    Life, Death

    Manshoon, having covertly eliminated Elminster's contingency spells over a period of months, finally manages to destroy the Sage of Shadowdale.

  • 1479

    Chessenta Civil War
    Military action

    Chessenta erupts into a brief civil war in which the Brotherhood of the Griffon, Akanûl and Chessentan forces loyal to Shala Karanok defeat Tchazzar's forces.

  • 1479

    The Blueflame Ghosts Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    Treth Halonter and Relve Langral - former members of the Nine turned into blueflame ghosts by Myrkul - butcher their way through Suzail, hunting a noble at the command of Marlin Stormserpent, slaying dozens.

  • 1479

    Myrkyssa Jelan vs House Chumavh
    Military action

    A large force from Ravens Bluff led by Myrkyssa Jelan defeats the drow of House Chumavh in the Underdark beneath the city.

  • 1479


    Ash Giants Invasion of Tymanther

    The green dragon Skuthosiin sends his forces of ash giants to invade Tymanther.

  • 1479

    2 Mirtul

    Terror of Lendris

    Lendris, a small town outside Baldur's Gate, is terrorized for a tenday by a mysterious undead warrior.

  • 1479

    23 Mirtul

    Dusty Bones
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A dust wight known as Dusty Bones is briefly freed from a crypt in the City of the Dead in Waterdeep before being recaptured by the ghostly warrior Ash and the maintenance worker Leaplow Carver.

  • 1479

    5 Kythorn

    Chessenta v Threskel (Soolabax)
    Military action

    Chessentan forces are victorious against Threskelan interlopers in Soolabax.

  • 1479

    5 Flamerule

    Tymanther is Victorious Against Giant Invasion
    Military action

    Tymantheran forces are victorious against the giant invaders.

  • 1479


    Arumbar Defends the Wandering Stones
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The small village of Wandering Stones in the mountains bordering Skelkor and the Sword Landsis attacked by the brown dragon Thovantareth. The spirit of the primordial Arumbar manifests to defend the town.

  • 1481

    Battle of Lendon's Dike
    Military action

    A horde of orcs, hobgoblins, and ogres, bolstered by a group of Warlock Knights and controlled monsters, destroys the small mining town of Glister. Hoping to accomplish the same at Hulburg, they are narrowly defeated by an army half their size, consisting of human, dwarven, and undead warriors.

  • 1489


    Lost Mine of Phandelver
    Discovery, Exploration
  • 1489

    13 Flamerule

    A Dangerous Journey
    Military action

    The adventurers are on the road to the town of Phandalin when they stumble into a goblin ambush. They discover that the goblins (who belong to the Cragmaw band) have captured the characters’ friend—a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker—and his escort, a human warrior named Sildar Hallwinter. The characters must deal with the ambushers and then follow their trail to the goblins’ hideout. There, they can rescue Sildar and learn from him that Gundren and his brothers previously discovered a famous lost mine. Sildar knows only that Gundren and his map of the mine have been taken somewhere called Cragmaw Castle.

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  • 1489

    18 Flamerule

    Trouble in Phandalin
    Military action

    After arriving in Phandalin, the characters find it terrorized by the Redbrands, a gang of miscreants led by a mysterious figure called Glasstaff. The Redbrands try to run the characters out of town, so the characters return the favor and storm the Redbrands’ lair. In a hidden stronghold beneath an old manor, they find that Iarno “Glasstaff” Albrek, the leader of the Redbrands, is taking his orders from someone called the Spider—and that the Spider wants the adventurers out of the picture.

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  • 1489


    The Spider's Web
  • 1489


    Wave Echo Cave
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  • 1489


    The Shattered Obelisk

    Shortly after the events of Lost Mine of Phandelver; some heroes in the area find a tale of ancient magic, a malevolent godlet, and fanatics obsessed with transforming innocents into mind flayers faithful to Ilvaash. The characters discover that psionic goblins have committed crimes of vandalism in Phandalin. Investigating the crime scenes reveals that the goblins are searching for pieces of the titular shattered obelisk. Chasing down the goblins reveals their connection to a sobering plot against Phandalin.   The characters learn that mind flayers who serve Ilvaash are behind this plot. These mind flayer fanatics are renegades who hope to reconstruct and harness the power of the obelisk. Using the obelisk to focus wicked Far Realm power, the mind flayer fanatics plan to enact a ritual to transform Phandalin’s townspeople into mind flayers. The characters must follow the mind flayers into their Underdark stronghold and then into the Far Realm if they hope to save Phandalin from certain doom!

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  • 1489

    2 Elient

    20 Nightal

    The Wild Beyond the Witchlight

    Once every eight years, the fantastic Witchlight Carnival touches down on your world, bringing joy to one settlement after the next. Its owners, Mister Witch and Mister Light, know how to put on a good show. But there’s more to this magical extravaganza than meets the eye!   The carnival is a gateway to a fantastic Feywild domain unlike anything found on the Material Plane. Time has not been kind to this realm, however, and dark days lie ahead unless someone can thwart the dastardly schemes of the Hourglass Coven.

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  • 1489

    27 Uktar

    Out of the Abyss

    The Underdark is a subterranean wonderland, a vast and twisted labyrinth where fear reigns. It is the home of horrific monsters that have never seen the light of day. It is here that the dark elf Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, casts a foul spell meant to ignite a magical energy that suffuses the Underdark and tears open portals to the demonic Abyss. What steps through surprises even him, and from that moment on, the insanity that pervades the Underdark escalates and threatens to shake the Forgotten Realms to its foundations.

  • 1489

    20 Nightal

    Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

    Famed explorer Volothamp Geddarm needs you to complete a simple quest. Thus begins a mad romp through the wards of Waterdeep as you uncover a villainous plot involving some of the city’s most influential figures.   A grand urban caper awaits you. Pit your skill and bravado against villains the likes of which you’ve never faced before, and let the dragon hunt begin!

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  • 1490


    Hoard of the Dragon Queen

    For years, the evil Cult of the Dragon has devoted itself to creating undead dragons in a vain attempt to fulfill an ancient prophecy. However, the cultists were misguided. They misunderstood. But now, under new leadership, the cult believes that the prophecy does not speak of undead dragons, but of a dragon empire that’s been extinct for 25,000 years. Tiamat, the queen of evil dragons, has languished in the Nine Hells for millennia. The cult believes that the time of her return is at hand. The cult has a new face and a new mission. It seeks to free Tiamat from the Nine Hells and bring her into the Forgotten Realms. To accomplish its goal, the cult needs five ancient dragon masks and the support of evil dragons everywhere. The cult leaders—each one a "dragon whisperer"—have reached out to the evil dragons of the Sword Coast and earned their allegiance.   Meanwhile, evil dragons in partnership with the cult seek to amass a treasure hoard worthy of their dark queen, not by plundering their own hoards (of course) but by stealing money from cities, caravans, good-aligned dragons, merchant ships, and other sources. Their ravenous hunt for treasure throws the Sword Coast into upheaval. Neverwinter, Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate—no city is safe from their depredations.

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  • 1490


    Rise of Tiamat

    The situation is dire. However, the Sword Coast is far from defenseless. Powerful factions are ready to rise up and put an end to the tyranny of dragons. Adventurers throughout the Realms must join forces to face Tiamat, destroy the Cult of the Dragon, and prevent the rise of a new dragon empire. The Harpers have since shared their intelligence with the remaining factions. To combat the Cult of the Dragon, Lord Dagult Neverember of Neverwinter proposes that adventurers representing each of the five factions be sent north to investigate—and to report back with haste. In their hands, the future lies.

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  • 1490


    Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

    In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon shunned by all but the most daring adventurers. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteries—to what end is a constant source of speculation and concern.

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  • 1490


    Storm King's Thunder

    Giants have emerged from their strongholds to threaten civilization as never before. Hill giants are stealing all the grain and livestock they can, while stone giants have been scouring settlements that have been around forever. Fire giants are press-ganging the small folk into the desert, while frost giant longships have been pillaging along the Sword Coast. Even the elusive cloud giants have been witnessed, their wondrous floating cities appearing above Waterdeep and Baldur’s Gate. Where is the storm giant King Hekaton, who is tasked with keeping order among the giants? The humans, dwarves, elves, and other small folk of the Sword Coast will be crushed underfoot by the onslaught of these giant foes. The only chance at survival is for the small folk to work together to investigate this invasion and harness the power of rune magic, the giants’ weapon against their ancient enemies, the dragons. The only way the people of Faerun can restore order is to use the giants’ own power against them.

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  • 1490


    Princes of the Apocalypse

    Called by the Elder Elemental Eye to serve, four corrupt prophets have risen from the depths of anonymity to claim mighty weapons with direct links to the power of the elemental princes. Each of these prophets has assembled a cadre of cultists and creatures to serve them in the construction of four elemental temples of lethal design. It is up to adventurers from heroic factions such as the Emerald Enclave and the Order of the Gauntlet to discover where the true power of each prophet lay, and dismantle it before it comes boiling up to obliterate the Realms.

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  • 1490

    21 Eleasis


    Dragon of Icespire Peak

    As the safety of Phandalin is threatened, Sir Chaddeus Maximus of Phandalin gathers a group of local adventurers to go with him and deal with the threat.

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  • 1490

    23 Eleasis

    30 Eleasis

    The Sunless Citadel

    This adventure concerns a once-proud fortress that fell into the earth in an age long past. Now known as the Sunless Citadel, its echoing, broken halls house malign creatures. Evil has taken root at the citadel’s core, which is deep within a subterranean garden of blighted foliage. Here a terrible tree and its dark shepherd plot in darkness.   The tree, called the Gulthias Tree, is shepherded by a twisted druid, Belak the Outcast. He was drawn to the buried citadel twelve years ago, following stories of oddly enchanted fruit to their source. The druid found an old fortress that had been swallowed up by the earth in some sort of magically invoked devastation. With the previous inhabitants long dispersed, vile and opportunistic creatures common to lightless dungeons infested the subterranean ruins. At the core of the old fortress, Belak stumbled upon the Twilight Grove. He discovered at the grove’s heart the Gulthias Tree, which sprouted from a wooden stake that was used to slay an ancient vampire.   A perfect, ruby-red apple ripens on the Gulthias Tree at the summer solstice, and the tree produces a single albino apple at the winter solstice. The midsummer fruit grants vigor, health, and life, while the midwinter fruit steals the same. In the years since Belak’s arrival, the enchanted fruit has been widely dispersed through the surrounding lands, promoting good and ill. The seeds of either fruit, if allowed to sprout, grow into small plant monsters known as twig blights.

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  • 1490

    27 Eleasis

    Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

    In Icewind Dale, adventure is a dish best served cold.   Beneath the unyielding night sky, you stand before a towering glacier and recite an ancient rhyme, causing a crack to form in the great wall of ice. Beyond this yawning fissure, the Caves of Hunger await. And past this icy dungeon is a secret so old and terrifying that few dare speak of it. The mad wizards of the Arcane Brotherhood long to possess that which the god of winter’s wrath has so coldly preserved—as do you! What fantastic secrets and treasures are entombed in the sunless heart of the glacier, and what will their discovery mean for the denizens of Icewind Dale? Can you save Ten-Towns from the Frostmaiden’s everlasting night?

  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 12:00

    30 Eleasis

    Greenest in Flames
    Disaster / Destruction

    Cult of the Dragon leads a group of cultists and mercenaries with a blue dragon to attack and raid the town of Greenest for wealth. A group of adventurers made up of (party members) helped fight off the cult and promised to track down the cult to return Greenest's wealth that was stolen from them.

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  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 16:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Sanctuary
    Military action

    The party is sent to the temple of Chauntea to rescue the townsfolk that have barricaded themselves inside. Upon arriving at the temple, they find the raiders have successfully forced themselves into the temple and have begun to take prisoners. The party defeats the raiders inside the temple and then fight off another raiders groups trying to break into the temple as well. The party and the townsfolk escape but the temple burns down as they leave.

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  • 1490

    28 Eleasis 18:00

    Greenest in Flames: Saving the Mill

    The party is sent to deal with the raiders that are trying to burn down the town's mill

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  • 1490

    29 Eleasis 13:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Spear-It Wagon
    Military action

    The party is sent out on three missions: 1) rescue imprisoned townsfolk, 2) take some of the raiders and kobolds prisoner for questioning, and 3) retrieve the cart of a merchant and its cargo. The party fixes up the broken cart and uses it to transport the rescued civilians and the capturted enemies. One of the enemies, a black winged kobold named Leila, decides to defect and become Vladrek's apprentice.

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  • 1490

    29 Eleasis 23:00

    Greenest in Flames: Sally Port
    Military action

    Raiders break through the doors of the keep in the middle of the night. Escobert discovers this and sounds the alarm before going to the party for help. The party helps the rest of the defenders drive back the raiders long enough for the doors to be repaired and barricaded.

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  • 1490

    30 Eleasis 11:00

    Greenest in Flames: The Blue Dragon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Lennithon, the blue dragon allied with the raiders, attacks the keep. The party helps defend the keep against Lennithon's attacks as well as the raiders and kobolds who have joined in attacking the keep. Eventually, Lennithon retreats and flees from Greenest as the rest of the force attacking the keep is defeated.

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  • 1490

    15 Elient

    17 Nightal

    The Raiders Camp
    Military action

    After returning to Greenest, the party agrees to investigate the raiders. The party then tracks down the raiders to gather information and rescue Dirt's monk friend, Leosin. In the process the raiders discover the party so Vladrek uses magic to set the camp on fire and cause the raiders to panic so the party could escape. Vladrek also kills one of their leaders, Frulam Mondath, during their escape.

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  • 1490

    17 Elient

    The Dragon Hatchery

    The party is asked to further investigate the cult by Leosin. During the investigation, they find the cult's new camp and a guard drake hatchery.

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  • 1490

    19 Elient

    Alliance Against the Cult of the Dragon
    Gathering / Conference

    The party heads to Elturel to meet with Leosin Erlanthar and Ontharr Frume. There, they are invited to a meeting at the tavern called a Pair of Black Antlers. The meeting consists of Leosin and his monks, Ontharr and his knights, and the party. Leosin represents the Harpers and Ontharr represents the Order of the Gauntlet. Together, with the party, an early alliance is formed against the Cult of the Dragon. The party then leaves on their mission to follow Rezmir and her forces to Baldur's Gate.

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  • 1490

    20 Elient

    Cult of the Dragon in Bladur's Gate

    The party arrives in Baldur's Gate to investigate Rezmir and her forces. With the help of one of Ontharr's contacts, the party signs up as potential mercenary guards to help protect the carriages of the Cult.

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  • 1491

    9 Alturiak


    The Forge of Fury

    Two centuries ago, the great dwarf smith Durgeddin the Black and his clan were driven from their home by a horde of fierce orcs and trolls. They plundered the dwarves’ ancestral halls and slew all they could catch. Fleeing his enemies, Durgeddin led the destitute remnants of his clan in search of a new home. After years of wandering, the dwarves discovered a great cavern system beneath the Stone Tooth: a rugged, forested hill crowned by a bare rocky crag. There Durgeddin and his followers founded the stronghold of Khundrukar.   About a century ago, a member of Durgeddin’s clan was captured by a powerful orc tribe during a raid, and the orcs learned of their enemy’s hidden stronghold. The orc chieftains raised a great army and marched on Khundrukar. In a hard-fought siege lasting months, the orcs tunneled around the dwarven defenses. When they finally stormed the place, they put all within to the sword, then carried off wagonloads of booty.   In the years since the great battle, various creatures have occupied the stronghold and used the place as a base for their raids. At other times, the caverns have lain empty except for the mindless and bloodthirsty monsters that haunt such places. Today legends of Durgeddin’s Vengeance (or the Smith’s War) and the extraordinary blades the dwarves forged in anger still surface from time to time in the lands near the Stone Tooth.

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  • 1491


    Storm Lord's Wrath

    The Sleeping Slayers/Naptime Knights meet continue their investigations in to the threat of the Cult of the Storm Lord.

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  • 1491


    Sleeping Dragon's Wake

    The Naptime Knights continue on to the next adventure.

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  • 1491

    28 Elient

    Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus

    Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a city of ambition and corruption. You’ve just started your adventuring career, but already find yourself embroiled in a plot that sprawls from the shadows of Baldur's Gate to the front lines of the planes-spanning Blood War! Do you have what it takes to turn infernal war machines and nefarious contracts against the archdevil Zariel and her diabolical hordes? And can you ever hope to find your way home safely when pitted against the infinite evils of the Nine Hells?

  • 1491


    Divine Contention

    The Naptime Knights continue their journey

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  • 1491


    The Green Dragon Mask
    Military action

    The Green Dragon Mask is recovered from the lair of Claugiyliamatar in Kryptgarden Forest. Old Gnawbone herself was injured while blows were struck against Thay, the Cult of the Dragon and the Zartruss hobgoblin clan.

  • 1513

    Tomb of Annihilation

    The talk of the streets and taverns has all been about the so-called death curse: a wasting disease afflicting everyone who’s ever been raised from the dead. Victims grow thinner and weaker each day, slowly but steadily sliding toward the death they once denied.   When they finally succumb, they can’t be raised—and neither can anyone else, regardless of whether they’ve ever received that miracle in the past. Temples and scholars of divine magic are at a loss to explain a curse that has affected the entire region, and possibly the entire world.   The cause is a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger, which is located somewhere in Chult, a mysterious peninsula far to the south, ringed with mountains and choked with rainforests.