If someone within SHORT range of you is hit by an attack, you can dive in to take the hit. Roll for MOBILITY: AGILITY. It doesn’t count as an action in combat. If you roll one or more you take the hit instead. You can push the roll.  


When making a supply roll for air, you get to roll two dice fewer than your Supply Level, to a minimum of one die.  


Once per Turn, you can use the COMMAND: EMPATHY skill to reduce the STRESS LEVEL of another character within SHORT range. For each you roll, their STRESS LEVEL is reduced by one extra step (in addition to the default one step). You cannot use this talent on yourself.  


You get +2 to HEAVY MACHINERY: STRENGTH and COMTECH: WITS rolls when spacewalking.  


You can draw two initiative cards instead of one during the initiative draw. Choose the one you want to use, and shuffle the other one back into the deck before others draw their cards.  


When you block in close combat, you can use AGILITY instead of STRENGTH.  


You get a +2 modification to CLOSE COMBAT: STRENGTH COMBAT if you sacrifice your fast action.  


You are very resilient and recover quickly from injuries. The healing time of critical injuries is halved for you.  


You begin each session with an extra item of your choice, hidden on your person or stowed somewhere safe. The item must be something you could reasonably have. The GM has final say about what items are available to you. If the GM allows it, you may wait until a dramatic moment during the session to choose what type of item you are hiding.  


You don’t like being told what to do. You get a +2 modification to opposed rolls for MANIPULATION: EMPATHY whenever someone tries to give you orders. This talent can also be used to resist the Officer’s career talent Pull Rank.  


When making a supply roll for food, you get to roll two dice fewer than your Supply Level, to a minimum of one die.  


You can get by on less sleep than most. You only need to sleep for one Shift every two days, instead of one shift every day.  


You know where to strike to make your enemy fall and not get up. Ever. When your enemy sustains a critical injury you may switch the D66 roll so that the ones die becomes the tens die and vice versa. This talent can only be used on humans.  


Firing full auto is the only way to get the job done, in your opinion. When firing on fully automatic, your STRESS LEVEL does not increase.  


You have a scary physical presence that makes it easy to intimidate people. You can roll for MANIPULATION: EMPATHY using STRENGTH instead of EMPATHY when you threaten someone to make them do what you want. If you succeed, your opponent cannot demand anything in return from you. They can still choose to attack you instead of giving in.  


You can perform a coup de grace without rolling for EMPATHY. Also, your STRESS LEVEL is decreased one step each time you cause an enemy to be Broken.  


You keep a cool head in all situations, and thus get a –2 modification to all Panic Rolls.  


You can carry twice as many objects as normal without being encumbered.  


You can draw your weapon so quickly it doesn’t cost you an action.  


You can fire a pistol or rifle as a fast action instead of a slow action, at the cost of a −2 modification.  


You can reload a weapon as a fast action instead of a slow action.  


When you are Broken, you can get back on your feet immediately, without anyone giving you first aid. Roll for STAMINA. For every you roll, you get one Health point back and can keep fighting a little while longer. This talent can only be used once per Turn, and has no effect against critical injuries.  


In the role as a captain of a spaceship during space combat, you can draw two initiative cards instead of one during the initiative draw. Choose the one you want to use.  


You get a +2 modification when you use HEAVY MACHINERY: STRENGTH or COMTECH: WITS to repair damage to a spacecraft.  


As a gunner on a spaceship during combat, you get a +2 modification to your RANGED COMBAT: AGILITY rolls.  


You get a +2 modification to MOBILITY: AGILITY when using the skill to move undetected.  


You can roll for STAMINA using WITS instead of STRENGTH.  


You are used to taking a beating. You increase your Health by +2, i.e. your maximum number is equal to your STRENGTH plus 2.  


The hairs on the back of your neck stand up when enemies lurk nearby. You get a +2 modification to OBSERVATION: WITS when trying to spot a sneak attack.  


You’re an expert at using a specific weapon model—choose one from the weapon lists. When you use this weapon, you get a +2 modification. You can choose this talent several times, once per weapon type. You can be a specialist at fighting unarmed.  


Your sense of balance is well adapted to an environment without gravity. You get +2 to @MOBILITY rolls in zero-G.   BORN LEADER: You exude authority, from your personality, your position in the Company, your place on the command team or because the force of law is behind you. If you fail a COMMAND roll you can immediately, as a free action, attempt a MANIPULATION roll to try and salvage the situation.   GROUP PSYCHOLOGY: You understand what drives pack behavior and how people tend to function as a group. With a successful OBSERVATION roll you can predict the short-term attitude or behavior of a group of people. You get to ask the GM a question about the group, and they must offer you some insight (more detail with extra successes) into what they are going to do as a group.  


Your resilience allows you to block out the bad things going on around you. Once per Shift you can use your signature item to reduce the Panic total you suffer by D6 points. This does not stop you from using the signature item to reduce your STRESS LEVEL as usual.  


You have grown up with animals or have been extensively trained. You can manage livestock, control dogs, and even handle a manacled Harvester with the right equipment. You can use SURVIVAL: WITS to force animals to follow simple instructions, and you are skilled in the use of harnesses and electro-prods to handle Harvesters without the usual negative modifier for using such equipment (see chapter 6 to find out more about “wrangling” a Harvester).  


Your discipline and attention to detail gives you the ability to block out the outside world and focus on the task at hand. You gain a +2 modification to any task that takes at least a Turn or a Shift to complete, but if you are interrupted you automatically fail the task and must start again.  


: With a Turn of work, you can make a one-use item from scrap and parts you find lying around (at the GM’s discretion). The number of successes beyond the first determines any positive skill roll modifier of the item.  


Your ability to use heavy machines to unearth the most fragile of artifacts is second to none. You gain a +2 modification to HEAVY MACHINERY: STRENGTH MACHINERY rolls when operating, rather than repairing or building, a machine.  


A born orator and public speaker, you can talk to a crowd and make every person think you are talking just to them, and them alone. Rather than suffering a negative modifier to your COMMAND: EMPATHY or MANIPULATION: EMPATHY rolls when outnumbered, you gain a +1 modification instead.

Cover image: by DALLE


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