Fair Quater

Fair Quater was the fourth world to be terraformed in the Fair System. The Dremmers, with some Eltayr help, terraformed the planet to moderate success. The two very adaptable races quickly spread around the planet's one core continent, developping colonies, space commerce and large energy producing centres.   The arrival of The Orkyn State started a war that tore the planet apart. The resulting devastation scorched the sky and forced the two civilizations underground. What little Eltayr presence was on the planet evacuated or was wiped out. The war continued underground, with the Dremmens building powerful fortresses and the Goblyns developping powerful Hexlogs to pierce their walls. Neither side seems to be getting an advantage.


Climate: Barren   The large underground cave systems remain habitable only because of massive water reservoirs and underground plant life surviving the Scorch.    The skies are perpetually disturbed by electrical storms and firey winds, making travel in and out of the planet difficult.

Localized Phenomena

The Eye   Where the largest Dremmen power station once was is now a perpetual cyclone. It is the result of the insane amounts of energy that were expended in the destruction of the power station, coupled with the release of what was inside. This perpetual cyclone seems to be self fuelling, remaining perfectly locked in place with its eye located on the ruins of the power station.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fortress World, The Barren, The Ruin
Location under
Included Organizations


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