The Kurk Admiralty

Nomad Era

Before settling on Krak, the Kurks were a spacefaring nomadic tribe. Adept shipbuilders and tradesmen, they led lengthy caravans through known space. Naturally resilient, the Kurks did not mind the harsher conditions of spacefaring nomadic life. Each tribe had their own way of life and specialties, rarely ever crossing paths, but only ever cordial if they did.  


Encountering The Hizard , they understood that this voracious and populous species had a bright future. More importantly, they had needs. Establishing their base on the lonely planet of Krak, the Kurks began a fruitful trading alliance with the Hizard, who in turn defended them from attackers. Eventually, all the Kurk caravans had landed on Krak and the colonization was advancing rapidly.   By the time Krak was colonized, the alliance with the Hizard yielded more fruits, as the Hizard volunteered crew and soldiers in exchange for Kurk sailors and ships. This very direct collaboration prompted a shift in the organizational structure of the Kurks. Abandonning the tribal model and uniting under one banner, the Kurk decided that space faring was their society's prime goal, and became the Kurk Admiralty, under the first Grand Admiral.  

The Gerrean Covenant

Following the Hizard's lead, the Kurks called for the formation of The Gerrean Covenant. Once established, the Gerrean Covenant unanimously called on the Kurks to become their navigators and the leaders of their fleets. There is not a single ship in the covenant not staffed by Kurk sailors.    Over the decades and with immigration being more and more commonplace in the Covenant, the Kurk Admiralty has begun to count minorities from other species among their number. Adopting a welcoming immigration policy, these minorities are a part of Kurk society, though they are prevented from reaching the real positions of power.


The Grand Admiral is chosen by the various Admiral in Chiefs upon his predecessor's passing.  Driven by prowess in the field and merit, the Kurks have changed from a tribal system to a very efficient and well administered Meritocracy.  Sailors can progress up the ladder when a promotion is granted by their supervisor. Promotions for non-Kurk are capped at ship captain, which is already a great honour.
Geopolitical, State
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Government System
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