



  In 198.980, dissatisfied by the creation of the The Gerrean Covenant and the surrender of his people, The Republic Of Worle, General Dorgal Reakins takes his men and begins a guerilla campaign on Worle in an attempt to fracture the Covenant.   Forces are quickly marshalled and the vast majority of his men are slaughtered over a year long campaign. Chased out of the system, Reakins and his men take the name of WarMongers.  


  The WarMongers want to liberate Worle, and the first step for that would be a base of operations. After the death of Dorgal Reakins in 199.915, a series of new generals succeed each other as over the following decades, The WarMongers flee through known space, trying to take over small planets or military outposts. They are unsuccessful in every attempt and their forces dwindle.  

Change of plans

  General Akis is chosen to lead in 199.965 and immediately sets about to save the failing organisation. Instead of going after worlds, they look for abandonned outposts or bases, anything that could be a base for them to settle and regroup. Over the decades, they had found and use small military outposts throughout known space, but nothing big enough for the whole army.   They also begin a hefty recruitment drive, after finding a series of rich donors who employ them as a private army. With that money, they recruit men, buy weapons, hire scientists and engineers.   In 199.970, they find Asteroid P3-N15, a large mining outpost tucked away in an asteroid belt. There, they settle the majority of their troops.  

The Science Supremacy Operation

  With a proper base, which was already outfitted with decent labortories, the WarMongers enact a new phase of their plan: Kidnap important scientists throughout Known Space and put them to work on experimental weapons programs and biological engineering.   After a series of high profile kidnappings, they attract a lot of intergalactic attention, but they avoid detection by keeping a low profile. They become known black market arms dealer, cementing their position among the shadowy players of the underworld.  

Dr Maths

  During their large kidnapping operation, the Warmongers kindnapped Dr Maths from his apartments in HP - LVC. Initially compliant, Maths works on several programs and becomes absolutely instrumental to the war effort. Due to his years of solid work and good behaviour, he is gradually given more and more privileges within the station.   In 200.001, he manages to send a signal throughout Known Space. The signal is noticed by the Future Club, who send operatives to rescue him. In a livestreamed bloodbath, the facility on Asteroid P3 - N15 is torn upside down as the operatives kill their way through the WarMongers and escape with the doctor.  


  With their headquarters ruined and taken over by Arkorp, General Akis gethers the remaining WarMonger fleet into a nomadic existence looking for a new base.  


  The WarMongers recruit primarily on their origin planet of Worle. They have agents infilitrated in the various seperatist, isolationist or libertarian movements in the Republic, charged with locating the most isolated or angry young people. Eventually, after a lengthy radicalization process, an offer is made to join the Militia, one that is rarely refuses.   These agents are relentlessly pursued by Republic and Gerrean agents, but so far have proven very elusive.  


  Since 199.965, the WarMongers sell their services as a private army. With their reputation, clients can count on the fact that the militia's actions will be passed off as terrorist attacks rather than the targeted and well pay strikes they often are.   After thirty years of experimental weapons development and sale on the black market, the WarMongers have accrued quite a decent clientele in all corners of Known Space.  


  After the destruction of their Headquarters on Asteroid P3-N15, the WarMonger troops counted in the low thousands, with a flotilla of old, but robust ships. Mostly small corvettes, transports or frigates, but also a couple of decent Destroyers.   The WarMonger troops are often young and inexperienced, but their training is impeccable. The veteran soldiers in the militia are a real force in the field.
Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members
Related Species

Articles under WarMongers


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