Amaxons & Centaurs

The Amaxons and Centaurs are the female and male members of a single near-human species in the Known World. Amazons appear superficially human, while Centaurs have equine bodies and limbs with human torsos atop them. The sexes live apart, in segregated communities, and are insular, violent and prejudiced against outsiders and even the opposite sex of their own species. They are yet another example of the debased horror the goddess of the Moon has brought to Gaia - in their violence and brutish destruction of civilization together with their lustful rejection of the norms of love, they perfectly encapsulate the Moon's war on Love.   Amaxons appear as exceptionally muscular, strikingly beautiful humans with exaggerated feminine features. The average Amaxon is over six feet tall with the tallest being nearly seven, broad-shouldered and wide-hipped with thick thighs and powerful arms. Her flesh is well-padded with subcutaneous fat, with significant deposits concentrated in her buttocks and breasts, forming an alluring female shape and soft outline despite her muscle density. Her feet are partially digitigrade; this is a result of equine-elements in her physiology and as a result  Amaxons find it more comfortable to stand and walk on the balls of their feet with their heels elevated. Accordingly, the wearing of footwear with stacked or spiked heels is common.   An adult Amaxon is strong enough to lift a full-grown man over her head, to break a human's neck or arm easily and crush his ribcage between her thighs. Amaxons are raised from birth to respect power and strength, and to hate and revile the masculine. They never submit sexually to a man and find human males sexually repulsive in their physical weakness, engaging in illicit unions with each other. A human male is physiologically capable of impregnating an Amaxon, but she would never lie willingly with him and individual human males rarely if ever have the capability to force themselves on an Amaxon. A human who uses trickery, poisons, traps or collective strength to secure an Amaxon will be reviled as particularly weak and treacherous. The humiliated Amaxon will exact bloody revenge as soon as she is able and will kill the offspring of any such union. Depending on the exact circumstance, she will keep the disgrace secret from her tribe (lest she is cast out) or employ their assistance in her revenge.   Amaxons settlements are found in the wild and they rarely interact with civilized humans, although they have been known to raid human settlements for food and supplies, as well as simply to slaughter humans (particularly males).   The humanoid portion of Centaurs' bodies are even larger than Amaxons', near-giants atop powerful horse bodies. They are crude and clumsy creatures with blunt, ugly features who make nothing of beauty - their weapons are effective because of their size and the creature's strength, not because of any artistry. They wear skins and hide as armor and make use of only the most basic of shields. They dwell alone or in small groups, their organization never rising above the level of a loose affiliation better described as a bandit gang than a tribe.   Centaurs are rapacious creatures with the appetites of the most base of beasts. They are drunks and gluttons, but most awfully they are consumed with a terrible lust. They find almost any woman attractive and raid settlements, slaughtering the men and raping the women. Many women die during the violent assault or are killed afterwards, but some survive. The most unfortunate of these find themselves pregnant - Centaurs are physiologically capable of impregnating a human female, but the women cannot carry the babies to term and they die horribly from internal trauma.   Centaurs are frustrated and angry creatures, consumed with self-loathing and jealousy. Their physical and emotional brutishness is coupled with a human intelligence - they are not stupid creatures, but they cannot master their base desires and so succumb to them. They are unable to make any civilization themselves, and so have to raid and steal for everything they have. They hate the civilized races, women, and even their own kind.   Like all in their lives, the reproduction of Amaxons and Centaurs is driven by violence and hatred. The Centaurs raid Amaxon villages and take the women without mercy. For their part, the Amaxons resist to the death but the Centaurs are powerful and driven with the madness of lust. The resulting offspring are - if female - raised by the Amaxons and - if male - abandoned by them in the wilds where those who do not die of exposure grow to continue the cycle. It is not known why Amaxons do not kill their boy children as they do other males - perhaps some maternal instinct remains within them, or the goddess of the Moon forces them to do it so the monsters she has created continue.   Centaurs and Amaxons worship the goddess of the Moon exclusively - the Centaurs do so crudely with simple sacrifices, raids and orgiastic feasts on the nights of the full moon, but the Amaxons honor her as the exemplar of the female huntress who slaughters men. They depict her as a voluptuous virgin female with the legs and head of a doe, preying on male hunters and their hounds.   Like Mermaids and Taureans, Amaxons and Centaurs are the result of the goddess of the Moon's defilement of the goddess of Love's children - probably some hideous union between horses and maidens back in the mists of time.  

"Heroes & Heretics" Rules

Amaxons and Centaurs have bonus (roll an additional die) for Brawn checks and disadvantage (roll 3 dice, pick 2 lowest) for Panache checks.
Abduction by Boris Vallejo


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