
A female Uruk mercenary once in the service of a travelling merchant who visited Ithaki and then employed by King Ulixes to train the dragon riders Gin & Meade in the arts of combat. When the forces of Al-Djinn attacked Ithaki, she was captured as a slave and sold to the arena of the Etruscan capital city, where she fought as a gladiator for many years until Gin & Meade came to the city and found her. Fighting on the sands of the arena for the last time, Chun was killed by a Lamia who had disguised itself as the slave-master Brutus and exercised an evil influence over the Emperor. Buried with honor by Kurt, many prayers and libations were offered for her by the Fireheart Cult.
Very dark green (almost black) tied in an efficent bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green


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