
Uruks are a near-human species inhabiting the eponymous major power to the east of the Middle Sea. They are taller and more muscular than humans, stronger and tougher, natural warriors and extremely pragmatic. Their skin is dark green or black and they have short tusks in place of their lower canines. Uruks are not unintelligent, but do not spend time debating philosophy or pondering intellectual pursuits, and have little use for abstract moral concepts - their focus is on pragmatic survival and the highest level of loyalty they can reach is to their tribe (which is an extended family). Their architecture is practical and unadorned while art is used for tribal identification only. They value practical contributions to the tribe - in whatever form, not merely military - and an Uruk who cannot serve in some capacity is seen as a burden and is killed. Most Uruks accept this fate and do not fight back.   Uruks are not unattractive by human standards (and are even alluring in their brute power) but their intimidating stature and extreme directness can be off-putting. Uruks do not understand romance or attraction as humans see it. They do not engage in sex for pleasure - the union of a male and female is a practical step to produce offspring, and Uruks will breed freely for the good of the tribe. A particularly fertile female Uruk who can bear strong children with ease may find a role as "brood mother" in the tribe. Uruk gestation is a year long and the child born is more capable than a human neonate, being able to walk shortly after birth. Uruk children are breastfed for about two years, but any female Uruk in the tribe can and does feed the children (Uruk females constantly lactate - if there are no children to feed, the extremely-rich milk is used as food for the tribe). Education and raising of the children is a group effort by all adults in the tribe, and Uruks feel no particular attachment to their parents or offspring, instead feeling loyalty to the tribal group.   Uruks are sexual dimorphic in the same manner as humans - an Uruk female is about as strong and tall as the average human male. Uruk females do fight and hunt, taking time away only to bear offspring.  

"Heroes & Heretics" Rules

Uruks have advantage (roll 3 dice, pick 2 highest) for Brawn checks (including Resist Damage) and disadvantage (roll 3 dice, pick 2 lowest) for Intelligence checks related to purely abstract, philosophical or academic pursuits.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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