
A handsome Almaric warrior and former slave of Etrusca, Kurt is proud and strong. A gladiator in an Etruscan port city, he was freed by the actions of Gin & Meade and travelled with them to the capital city. Taken back into slavery by the Legions, he was sold to Brutus who planned to use him in the arena . . . but his good looks caught the eye (and more . . . ) of a beautiful Etruscan domina who hired him for a night's "entertainment" for her . . . and her two daughters, and her sister, and her daughter. This led to him fighting in the arena against Brutus (mostly he fought big cats who were slaughtering his "little friends" the midget gladiators, to be fair) and helping rescue Penelope and Chun. After the fight, he and Claudia were enlightened by the god of the Sun and the goddess of Love respectively and founded the Fireheart Cult.   Kurt is very eager to let people know he is "not a homo" despite his penchant for leather pants. He believes all people from Pelopon are "homos" and will explain this to anyone who asks, and many who do not.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

"Is this some homo thing? I am not a homo!"


Is not a homo!


Being a homo


Family Ties

Married to Claudia.

Religious Views

Devotee of the God of the Sun (specifically the Fireheart Cult)

Social Aptitude

Is extremely charismatic and outgoing, but lacks subtlety (and is always eager to make sure people know he is not a homo).


Speaks with a noticeable Almaric accent.
Long blond
Aligned Organization


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