
A merchant and slaver in the capital city of Etrusca and a devotee of the Goddess of the Moon, Brutus took Penelope as a pleasure-slave and drugged her into compliance, using her as an alluring influence on the Emperor.   When M'fume and Kurt were captured as escaped slaves he bought them, and also had his men capture Gin & Meade. He sent Kurt to the arena and tried to bribe the Dragonriders with luxury into giving up their heroism - but he had figured without Claudia's sudden pang of conscience and Chun's friendship with the Dragonriders.   When the Dragonriders and their allies began to win the fight in the arena and threatened Brutus, he revealed himself in fact to not be a man at all, but rather a monstrous female Lamia and fought them. Killing Chun and poisoning Penelope, she was in turn slain by Gin & Meade.


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