
A militaristic and stratified imperial society with sophisticated technology. They have a large empire which extends into the landmass north of the Middle Sea - this gives them resources but also means they have to defend and administer that area. They are in conflict with the Tunis.   Etrusca makes significant use of slaves from all over the Known World. Prisoners of war are enslaved, as are the children of existing slaves. Some slaves are simple laborers while others are educated and highly skilled. Not all slaves are treated badly - it depends on the master - but some are and there are few restrictions or laws governing mistreatment. All slaves wear chains around the neck, ankles and wrists - for some, these are practical heavy iron while for others (such as well-educated house-slaves) these are more symbolic. For the lovely pleasure slaves, golden chains like jewelry are worn.   Militarily, Etrusca is powerful with a standing army (rare in the Known World) of the Legions. These are well-equipped and highly-trained infantry who fight together with great precision and discipline, serving for 25 years. The Legions are supported by various auxiliaries, drawn from all over the Etruscan Empire, who fight using different techniques and weapons. The Legions are the most significant military force in the Known World, and have successfully conquered a vast territory.   Gladiatoral combat is a common form of entertainment, and most settlements of any size have some kind of arena where warriors fight each other or wild beasts. In smaller settlements, these are simple brawls between slaves but in the great cities professional gladiators fight exotic beasts in massive amphitheaters in carefully stage-managed productions. In many cases, enemies of the state - particularly religious dissidents - will be thrown to wild beasts as a sort of "warm up" act.   The religion of Etrusca is pantheistic, as are all the religious practices of the Great Powers, but Etrusca adds a labyrinth of syncretism to it that makes it byzantine and incomprehensible in its complexity. A minor variation in name or belief about one of the gods among a conquered or trading people will result in the creation of a new deity in the ever-expanding pantheon, with the result being that there are hundreds or thousands of gods in Etrusca, most of them simply "aspects" of one of the major gods. Etruscans also worship nymphs, legendary heroes, dead (and living!) Emperors, interestingly shaped trees or hills, and almost anything else available. The average Etruscan is no more religious than any other inhabitant of the Known World but he is very open to any form of worship and will accept new gods casually and without any real evidence. The only form of religion forbidden is a dogmatic one which claims exclusivity or states some other belief is wrong. The Levanti, regardless of which god they follow, often fall foul of this because of their insistence on precision and deep theological understanding.   The government of Etrusca is complex, with the Emperor ruling over all but supported by a senate of Praetors. The Praetors are protected by the elite Praetorian Guard, while the Vreyjian Guard guards the Imperial Household.

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