
A priestess of the goddess of the Harvest in the capital city of Tunis, Core is a lovely teenager who - in honor of her goddess - dyes her hair jet black and wears black silk dresses and silver jewelry. She is the daughter of the former high priestess of the temple - her mother and the other clerics were killed when the followers of the goddess of the Moon opened the southern gate of the city and allowed the Caarth from the Pearl Sea into the fields of the temple. They killed the priesthood and salted the fields, making it so nothing would grow.   When Gin & Meade came to the city, they visited the temple and heard this sad tale - she told them only a great miracle could plough the evil magic out of the fields and allow the harvest again. Fortunately, Gin & Meade already had a hare-brained scheme to go to the Underworld and free the Bull-of-Heaven from his imprisonment . . .   Core was much enamored of Gin and agreed to make a tincture of Hellebore Root so protect them in their journey through the Underworld. Before they left, Gin was eager to kiss the lovely Core and promise he would return.


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