Pearl Sea

Also known as the Sea of Pearls, the Pearl Desert, the Moon Sands and many other names the Pearl Sea is not a body of water, but a huge desert to the south of Tunis. Virtually all of the north of the great landmass to the south of the Middle Sea is desert (including much of Tunis and Khemri) but the name Pearl Sea is applied to a desolate portion of it which particularly brilliant white sand. Much of the sand is made up of ground-up sea-shells lined with mother-of-pearl, hence the name.   The actions of wind and water (a result of the extreme and infrequent desert monsoons) accrete the pearl sands together into pearlescent rocks which are highly valued for luxury architecture. The hostile terrain and climate of the desert (as well as the random nature of its appearance) makes mining the rock dangerous and expensive.   In addition, the desert is dangerous because of its inhabitants - the snake-people collectively known as the Caarth, debased near-human devotees of the goddess of the Moon led by their Lamia priesthood.
Alternative Name(s)
Sea of Pearls, the Pearl Desert, the Moon Sands


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