
Therianthrope is the name given to humans who are capable of transforming (willingly or unwillingly - or perhaps both depending on environmental factors) into an animal or part-animal form. Also known as Weres, they are commonest in the Northlands although they can be found all over Gaia and the Known World. Therianthropy tends to run in families but does not appear in every member, and has also spontaneously appeared in individuals following magic, mystical experiences, and other events. For this reason, scholars are unsure if Therianthropes are a species of near-humans or humans suffering a particular condition.   Therianthropes have three "forms" - a human form (their phenotype often reflects their animal heritage - so bear therianthropes are huge and shambling, cat therianthropes are quick and athletic, and werewolves appear savage and cruel), an animal form (indistinguishable from a natural animal), and a war-form. Fusing the deadliest aspects of human and beast into one body, this form's sole purpose is to kill and shred all enemies into pieces. When a Therianthrope assumes this form, it shows that the time for negotiations is over. Towering roughly nine feet tall, it features a beast-like head as well as gigantic fangs and horrific claws; long, powerful arms; thick skin and bones; heavy fur, scales or feathers; and a large tail for balance and body language. Its awful mouth can barely speak human words, though it can bay and howl with deafening eloquence. When assuming the war-form rational thought flees and the Therianthrope is capable of nothing more than murderous rage and destruction.   Different Therianthropes turn into different animals, and particular kinds are associated with one of the gods.   Wolf Therianthropes, also known as werewolves, wargs and other local names are associated with the goddess of the Moon. They are savage and rapacious, given to raiding and cruelty. Their animal forms are normal wolves.   Bear Therianthropes are associated with the god of the Sun. They are slow, placid people but strong fighters when roused. Their animal forms are brown bears.   Cat Therianthropes are associated with the goddess of Wisdom. They are highly intelligent creatures. Their war-form is sometimes mistaken for that of a Basti but they are separate species. Basti often have features of larger cats - lions, leopards, panthers - but Cat Therianthropes have features of domesticated or feral cats, and their animal forms are domestic or feral cats.   Swan Therianthropes are associated with the goddess of the Harvest and are known in the Northlands as Valkyries. Legend says they are all female and they escort the souls of the righteous-dead to the Purple Hell, although how much of this is true is unknown. Rarely assuming the war-form, their animal forms are swans.   Dragon Therianthropes are associated with the goddess of Love. They are heroic and noble, given to sacrifice. Their animal forms are diminutive dragons, scarcely bigger than a dog. But as they spend more and more time in an inhuman form they find their human form less and less comfortable and their dragon form becomes larger and larger. Legend has it that some of the ancient, enormous and powerful dragons in the high mountain passes are not true dragons at all, but Therianthropes who have become stuck in their draconic form.  

Heroes & Heretics Rules

  Therianthropes have normal rules in their human form. They can transition between their animal and human forms at will, and have appropriate abilities in that form (but no mechanical modifications - although the GM should allow things like tracking by scent at an appropriate TN). Curses, exposure to their deity's aspect (e.g. moonlight for werewolves) may force a transformation at the GM's discretion.   Assuming the war-form is traumatic and requires a Willpower check (TN10). It causes 1 Mortal Wound of physical damage. In the war-form, they gain Bonus on Brawn Checks and +2 dice to Resist Damage and are armed with appropriate natural weapons (small sharp, +2). They must engage in violent action and direct combat. Reverting to human or animal form is a TN10 willpower check and causes another Mortal Wound. The GM may insist on a Willpower check to not transform into the war-form in the face of mockery, danger, violence etc.
Jarl Fairfang, a Cat Therianthrope from the Northlands
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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