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Orenia is the central continent of Gailardia.   Orenia is a vast land and home to a great majority of the mortal races. Along with the birth of elvenkind in ages past, so too is Orenia the ancestral home of the dragons of the north and wyverns of the east. Throughout the millennia, elvenkind laid the foundations for the great civilizations of today, carving their own paths towards the future. With new races born onto this world, whether forged through hardship or born from the mystical forces of mana, Orenia has become a land of great diversity, such that has been the cause of many great wars in the past, giving rise to the world's most wondrous and terrible creations.


Due to the vast size of Orenia compared to other continental regions, its common practice to look upon the distinct regions rather than the entire scale of the continent. Considering the size of the ruling nations, many merely refer to these lands as those of each nation. However, such is also seen as disrespectful to the smaller nations, for good or worse, as well as the small lands held by tribes and clans lacking the scale of the great powers of Gailardia.   The major regions of Orenia are as follows:

Nations and Factions

  • Dakhana - The great nation of the mountains, forged from the blood and flames of dragons. Long ruled by the God-Kings, the recent fall of the God-King Karlann has brought change to the north.
  • Melloriah - Born from the scraps of exiles, humanity came to be under the harsh guidance of the wyverns. Often the enemy of many, humanity is currently rebuilding from civil war.
  • Phelaress - Ancient and mystical nation of elvenkind, long remained unexplored by outsiders. Traditional and reclusive, they are known for their passiveness towards the outside world.
  • Rei'Crest - Great seat of arcane knowledge and home of the high elves. Savoring an era of prosperity, many of its leaders seek to expand their reach on both this and other planes.
  • Khaldor - Hunted throughout the world, the goblins of Orenia would come to unite in a southern corner of the world. Cunning and greedy, their influence is felt in various underworlds.
  • Khor-Moraan - Carved into the mountains, the dwarven kingdom has long been a tale of servitude. Now freed from the grip of Dakhana, they seek to expand their horizons across the world.
  • Mak Thul - Brutal and bloodthirsty, the orcs have forged their home through battle. Ever seeking to expand their borders, many also seek the thrills and challenges that lie beyond.
  • Lysithia - An island of demonic power, both a home and a prison to the dark elves. Its shores have remained quiet for centuries, leaving many to fear what secrets its lands may hold.
  • Guild Alliance - Once a mere gathering of artisans, now a vast conglomerate of guilds. Their combined power vast, some have sought to claim new lands beyond the northern seas.

Major Settlements

  • Vol'Dhaka - Great fortress of Dakhana, carved into the volcanic cradle of the Primordial One.
  • Golveriah - The diamond city of the Golden Sea and proud heart and seat of power for humanity.
  • Rho'Jarae - Ancient city of the wild elves surrounding the great tree Yulin'Mir, the Cradle of Balance.
  • Lhyra - Radiant heart of the high elves, a beacon the ambitious souls seeking to master their skills.
  • Fangohr - The vast capital of Khaldor, a city always noisy from the ingenuity of its people.
  • Morim-Gaar - A vast fortress of the mountains, stretching from the soaring peaks to its molten depths.
  • Khan Thul - Savage heart of orc society, bearing the marks of the many clans from ages past.
  • Caia'Mun - The city of eternal night, rising from the wastes born from overexposure to the Nether.

Notable Locations

  • Fountain - An island at the top of the world, eternally locked in an arcane blizzard, the cruel winds said to rip even lesser gods to shreds.
  • Fangs of God - Once a simple forest in the heart of Dakhana, a display of power at the hands of the God-King tore it apart with earthen razor spires.
  • Bleeding Canyon - Great chasm separating Dakhana and Rei'Crest, its lands forever cursed to remain desolate and bereft of natural life.
  • Crimson Sea - Calm waters shimmering in the night with red light, said to emanate from the blood of the many forces who died in naval battle.
  • Golden Sea - A vast desert at the heart of Melloriah, its reaches both dangerous and beautiful as the winds blow across the shimmering sands.
  • Vanity's Grave - Lost even before the birth of elvenkind, the desolate border of Rei'Crest and Melloriah serves as a reminder of a troubled past.
  • Rift Valley - Carved by the ravages of dark rituals, this cursed valley is ever under watch as hoards of demonic creatures tear through from the Nether.
  • Isle of Severence - The lost island of the south where no mana is said to flourish, leaving nothing but a cold and harsh air where only few would tread.

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