Caesarea Geographic Location in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Caesarea is a Human colonized planet that is home to the Caesarean people.


Caesarea is a temperate world, set in an archapelago of small islands.


Caesarea's ecosystem is very Earth-like, a planet of forests and lush vegetation. It hosts the ideal climate for growing grapes for wine.


Caesarea is temperate, with no extremes of temperature or weather.

Fauna & Flora

Caesarea is known for its grapes.


Caesarea was established several hundred years ago by a group of men who decided to model a society based on their opinion of what ancient Rome should have been. As a result, most of its population are oppressed and some even enslaved. The five-year contract was constructed as a way to justify indentured servitude, but in reality it is predatory and often those who sign are unable to leave.


Caesarea is often only visited for business reasons, as it has a reputation for kidnapping victims being sold into slavery. While a beautiful planet, few wish to take the risk.
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