Kanadia Prime Geographic Location in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Kanadia Prime

Kanadia Prime is a Human colony.


Kanadia Prime is mountainous, with wind-swept peaks. It is mostly landlocked, due to the deep freeze present on most major bodies of water.


Most of the planet is tundra, but there are some boreal forests near the inhabited areas around the equator.


Kanadia Prime is a world undergoing an extreme ice age.

Fauna & Flora

There are some trees, but many have been removed to make room for domed human cities.


Kanadia Prime is known for its technological marvels and Computers. Most tourism is to gain access to their impressive array of Cybernetic Implants, which are in high demand. Otherwise, there is little of interest on the planet for tourists, unless they are there on business for Dynamo Quantronics or a technical school.
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