Elyssia-A Geographic Location in Galactic Hegemony | World Anvil
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Elyssia-A is a planet colonized by Humans. It is characterized by its low gravity and unique geology and ecology.


Elyssia is a planet of extremes. The low gravity has enabled the planet to have a very unique geology. Mountain ranges can span continents and be kilometers high, and waterfalls of hundreds of meters, or more, are common. The air tends to be thin, even in the low-lying valleys, and visitors often require supplemental oxygen to survive.


Elyssia is colder than almost every other inhabited planet, the exception being Kanadia Prime.

Fauna & Flora

Elyssia is home to the Giant Sequoia, a tree that can grow up to a kilometer in height. These trees dominate the landscape, even braving the chilly heigths of the mountains.   The basins below the waterfalls are home to Wingfish, an edible flying fish that is used to make the local delicacy Wingfish Pilaf.


Some visit Elyssia to experience the novelty of it, but the low oxygen and strangeness of very low gravity often keep the planet from realizing its full potential.
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