Island of Khög

Split by both purpose and landscape, the Island of Khög is an enigmatic blend of oppressive architecture and untouched splendor. To the east, the formidable walls of Xabsiga Hold rise, a stern testament to the Empire of Iron's dominance, with watchtowers piercing the skyline. The other half, however, is a stark contrast, untouched by the empire's relentless expansion and a testament to nature's persistent beauty. Hidden away is a secret military complex owned by the Manastrife Union, hidden by magic.
  This western expanse has shimmering beaches, dense tropical forests, and cascading waterfalls. The beaches have a silvery hue, thanks to the unique crushed seashells that blanket the shoreline. The forests, dense and largely unexplored, are teeming with an array of exotic wildlife and vibrant flora. The Blue Laced Fern, a radiant plant with azure-tinted leaves, grows abundantly along the forest floor. The Dancing Orchid, named for its petals that seem to flutter in the wind, adorns the tree canopies.
  Among the fauna, the Amber-eyed Hawk of soars the skies, its keen eyes searching for prey from a great height. The Spotted Tail Deer, a creature exclusive to this island, prances through the forest, its coat a play of spots and stripes, serving as a mesmerizing camouflage amidst the dappled sunlight.
  Khög's waters are no less rich in life. Luminescent anemones glow in its coral reefs, offering a surreal underwater spectacle come nightfall. The elusive Moonfin Fish, with its crescent-shaped tail, is a prize catch among fishermen but is often released due to local beliefs surrounding its good fortune.
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