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Warlock Spell List


Mana: Warlock Spellcasters get 1 + (Class Level) in mana.
  • 100% of your mana will be restorted on a short rest (1 hour long)
Spells Known: You know 2 spells at level 1, and learn 1 additional spell per level
  • You can also replace one known spell with a different spell upon level up, or using downtime days.

Spell List

Spell Name
Mana Cost
Cast Time
Detect Extraplanar 0 1 Action 10 Minutes Self Yes
Cutpurse's Friend 0 1 Action 1 Minute Touch Yes
Liquid Augury 0 1 Action Instantaneous 15' No
Shadow Strike 0 1 Action 1 Round 30' No
Phantom Pain 0 1 Action Instantaneous Touch Yes
Jet Blast 0 1 Action Instantaneous 120' No
Arc Blade 0 1 Action Instantaneous 5' No
Thorned Hilt 0 1 Action 1 Round 5' No
Reinforce Material/Armor 0 1 Action 1 Minute Touch Yes
Aquan Ward 0 1 Action 8 Hours Self No
Summon Shadow Arm 0 1 Action 1 Minute[2] 30'[2] No
Phantom Servant 1[1] 1 Action 1 Hour 60' No
Commune with Animals 1[1] 1 Action 15 Minutes 30' Yes
Comprehend Languages 1[1] 1 Action 1 Hour Self No
Flames Retort 1 1 Reaction Instantaneous 60' No
Breath Element 1 1 Action Instantaneous 15' No
Minor Hex 1 1 Bonus Action 1 Hour 90' Yes
Protection from Good/Evil 1 1 Action Instantaneous Touch Yes
Swift Step 1 1 Action 1 Round 30' No
Minor Water Breathing 1[1] 1 Bonus Action 8 Hours Touch No
Wry Recuperation 2 1 Action 1 Minute 30' No
Leeching Seed 2 1 Action 2 Rounds 15' No
Frostburn Armor 2 1 Action 8 Hours Touch No
Serrated Blade 2 1 Action Instantaneous 60' No
Auran Fidelity 2 1 Bonus Action 1 Round 30' No
Crown of Charms 2 1 Action 1 Minute 120' Yes
Stonen Touch 2 1 Action Instantaneous Touch No
Barbed Metallic Cloud 2 1 Action 1 Hour 60' Yes
Daybook of Blood 2 1 Minute Instantaneous Touch Yes

Fathomless-Specific Spells

Spell Name
Mana Cost
Cast Time
Create/Destroy Water 1[1] 1 Action Instantaneous 60' No
Thunderous Applause 1 1 Action Instantaneous Self No
Wind Gust 2[1] 1 Action Self 1 Minute Yes
Hush 2 1 Action 120' 10 Minutes Yes

HexBlade-Specific Spells

Spell Name
Mana Cost
Cast Time
Fire Shield 1 1 Reaction 1 Round Self No
Mind Plague 1 1 Bonus Action 1 Minute Self Yes
Blurred Motion 2 1 Action 1 Minute Self Yes
Pure Smite 2 1 Bonus Action 1 Minute Self Yes
[1]- Can be ritual casted
[2] - Can very depending on class level

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Articles under Warlock Spell List

Aquan Ward
Spell | Feb 2, 2023

You trace an image over your chest using both hands, granting you the ability to breath underwater. You can breather underwater until the spell ends. You also retain your normal mode of respiration.

Arc Blade
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5' of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects, and you can cause a blue spark of lighting to leap from the target

Auran Fidelity
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You can enhance a creatures ability to land a swift blow. Target one creature in range, for one round it has advantage on it's next attack. On hit, it can add 1d8 + Your spellcasting modifier in Auran damage to the total damage dealt.

Barbed Metallic Cloud
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You are able to manipulate the space around a 20' cube, creating thin, sharp barbed wire. Any creature that starts it's turn in the area of effect must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 Metallon damage. In addition, any creature that moves into th

Blurred Motion
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through

Breath Element
Spell | Feb 3, 2023

You take a deep breath, and quickly form a bond with a draconian entity who tempoarily inbues you with their breath. In a 15' cone, you can unleash a breath of these elements of your choice

Comprehend Languages
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

While under the effect of this spell, you can understand the meaning of any spoken or written language. You must be able to clearly hear or see the speech/text you are trying to understand. It takes about a minute to read one page of a book.

Crown of Charms
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You are able to clout the judgement of one sapient creature and take control if it's body. One sapient creature of your choice that you can see within range must make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the spell's duration. A creature whic

Cutpurse's Friend
Spell | Feb 1, 2023

Through hand gestures, you can create a magnetic sphere around most metallic objects. During this effect, you can force all metallic objects within a 15' radius to be pulled towards it. Generally, an object will be pulled 15' per 5 lbs it weighs. Any obje

Daybook of Blood
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

Through the blood of a living or dead creature, you can gain answers to a few questions about them as long as you have access to it's blood. This spell can be casted on dried or fresh blood. While casting the spell, you can ask any question related to the

Detect Extraplanar
Spell | Jan 28, 2023

A soft bubble of invisible strings extrude out of your body, allowing you to read vibrations of nearby objects as they pass through. For the duration of the spell, you detect all objects and locations originating from extraplanar sources. Objects seen thi

Fire Shield
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and you take no damage from Jet Blast

Flames Retort
Spell | Feb 3, 2023

Your eyes turn solid ember as you utter a phrase at a target in view. A ward of flame entraps them. They must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target creature takes 2d10 pyro damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Frostburn Armor
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

You expel the heat around a given target, causing an insulated frost layer to form around them and their equipment. This spell also works on objects and surfaces up to 20' cubed.

Spell | Feb 4, 2023

A hush falls upon an area of your choice. For the duration, no sound can be created within or pass through a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range. Any creature or object entirely inside the sphere is immune to Draconian and Te

Jet Blast
Spell | Jan 29, 2023

You compact and charge water into a powerful jet towards a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 aquan damage.

Leeching Seed
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You enhance a few seeds before tossing them at an opponent. This seed will absorb the life force out of anything it touches, causing a florescent beam to emit outwards, healing all nearby creatures. This seed can also heal and repair grass, trees, and oth

Liquid Augury
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

Manipulation of liquid objects is a medium most Abbericians learn how to use their newfound Mana. With it forms the ability to freely manipulate the properties of most known liquids

Mind Plague
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

Your weapon of choice begins to shimmer with a magenta-colored glow. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 1d6 psychic damage. Additionally, if the target is a creature, it must make a Wi

Minor Hex
Spell | Feb 19, 2023

You place a curse on a creature you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 wildern damage to the target whenever you hit with an attack. The target also gains disadvantage on one saving throw of your choice.

Phantom Pain
Spell | Feb 1, 2023

With the touch of a hand, you can awaken old wounds within a creature. Pain it once had will come to fruition once again. Touch one creature, it takes 1d8 phantasm damage as it writhes in pain from an old wound. At the end of it's turn, it must succeed a

Phantom Servant
Spell | Feb 3, 2023

You call upon an phantom servant. An Invisible mindless force that can perform simple and repetitive tasks at your command. It can fetch items, open/close doors, hold objects and furniture, clean messes, and mend certain items. The servant can only perfor

Pure Smite
Spell | Feb 11, 2023

The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, the weapon gleams with astral radiance as you strike. The attack deals an extra 2d6 radiant damage to the target, which becomes visible if it's invisible, and the target sheds d

Reinforce Material/Armor
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You place your hand on any material and utter words to reinforce any bonded materials within.

Serrated Blade
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You focus power into a weapon of your choice, allowing you to throw and toss it with great speed. The blade can fly up to any point 60' away and strike at a target. Make a ranged spell attack. On hit, the target takes 3d8 strife damage and gives the targe

Shadow Strike
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

In every shadow lies a threat, including your own. You can manipulate the shadow of any object or creature to retaliate against itself. The target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 Phantasm damage, in addition to losing half it's movement spe

Stonen Touch
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You are able to quickly break down and convert most materials into hardened stone. This ability can affect certain material on an item, or an item in it's entirety. Generally, any item that weighs less than 10 lbs can be converted into a stone or hard cla

Summon Shadow Arm
Spell | Feb 2, 2023

A shadow-like humanoid floating arm appears at a point you choose within range. You can use your action to control the arm. It can lift and move objects at will from a distance. As a move action, you can move the hand up to 15'. You may use it to manipula

Swift Step
Spell | Feb 3, 2023

You speak to the area around a target, causing favorable weather to aid them in their steps. Choose one target in range. They may take a 5-foot step without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Thorned Hilt
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You brandish the weapon used in the spell's casting and make a melee attack with it against one creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack's normal effects and then becomes sheathed with thorny roots surrounding the targ

Thunderous Applause
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

You quickly forge a dark thunderstorm ahead, causing lightning to strike down on you at the clap of your hands. Each creature in a 15' foot originating from you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 4d6 Terran damage an

Wind Gust
Spell | Feb 4, 2023

A line of strong wind 60' long and 10' wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the spell's duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15' away from you in a direction following

Wry Recuperation
Spell | Feb 3, 2023

You offer an insect as sacrifice in return for temporary regeneration. Choose one target up to 30' away. They gain 1d20 in temporary HP. Any creature that removes HP suffers from Insectum damage equal to the temporary HP removed.


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