Bran’ Modan


The territory of Bran' Modan is a typical highland geography which is filled with mountains, glens (valleys), and lakes, most of which have several hundreds of years of stories to go with them.


The ecosystem in Bran' Modan is very diverse and provides plenty of flora and fauna throughout the region. The weather patterns in the region can go with many rainy days followed by an equal amount of days with clear skies.

Localized Phenomena

The region is quite diverse and there are areas within that shows signs of the supernatural, Blood Woods the Somerset Mountains and the storms that rage across Voxery Depths.


The climate in the region is quite temperate, with summers and winters being mild for the most part. However, times have shown the regions experience severe drought and heavy snowfall.

Fauna & Flora

The wildlife of Bran' Modan include grey wolves, brown bears, flying squirrels, lynx, moose, elks, red deer, roe deer, and wild boar.
Most widespread flora are pines, firs, birches, and aspens; less common are oaks, maples, elms, and ashes. Many other plants include Saaremaa yellow rattle (Rhinanthus osiliensis) , saw-wort (Saussurea esthonica) and hawkweed (Hieracium)

Natural Resources

The land is rich in resources. Minerals from the mountains and foothills, grains and vineyards throughout the region and forest on the north and southside of Blackbury Run and plenty of fish and other aquatic resources provide the inhabitants of Bran' Modan ample opportunity for food and economical growth.


The region of Bran' Modan has a history that spans back centuries. For the last couple centuries the territory has remained in a relatively peaceful existence. However, before that the area was plagued with war between the ogres of Bru’ghan Nation and Ang Khalidman. Relics and artifacts can be found within the fields and mountains from these ancient civilizations.


There is very little tourism to the area, as it has rumors of hauntings and beasts lurking in the nearby woods caused many to stay awake at night. Some were even driven mad by whispers.
Bran' Modan
  Ruins of ancient civilizations are scattered across the landscape.
Very few settlements exist in Bran' Modan those that do include 
Garen's Well
Fort Karthmere
Alternative Name(s)
Region of Nightingale
Related Ethnicities