East Hill Neighborhood Meeting Part 1 Report in Golarion | World Anvil

East Hill Neighborhood Meeting Part 1

General Summary

Starday, 15th Desnus, 4709

The Player Party (TBD Name) makes their way to the East Hill meeting put together by Sofra Crestwoods.

Before the meeting, Doran Sonan had a brief conversation with Aedwed and Ralphye about being mercenaries. Valkyriy had a brief conversation getting an update from Enlor.


The meeting starts with Sofra Crestwoods having a nervous speech. Enlor bring up his family which Sofra says the guards are spread thin but theyre doing everything they can. Rib-bon mentions setting up posts with bells in the street that can be rung if you are in trouble to alert nearby guards.


The meeting ends and Oderis shakes Sofra's hand. Pichio also shakes her hand. Theo sees that Pichio is going for her knife but fails to stop her. Sofra is stabbed in the stomach and starts bleeding out. Raphyle launches an arrow but misses Pichio. Pichio runs and Doran Sonan and Valkyriy follow in pursuit. Rib-bon and Theo stay behind to tend to Sofra.


Doran Sonan and Valkyriy follow Pichio into an alley. They discover her body behind some boxes and investigate. At first they are only able to discover that the woman was stabbed in the neck. Theo arrives and after some explanations and further investigation they decide to head back with the body. Right as they were leaving Valkyriy discovers that the boxes nearby had blood on them and in them upon further investigation.


Oderis decides they should fund some citizen mercenaries to keep watch. Aedwed and Raphyle volunteer in exchange for 10 gp each for the first week.


The alleyway group heads back and meet up with the rest of the group. Oderis is surprised at the results and he plus Sofra decide to fund the Player Party (TBD Name) to investigate this as they couldnt rely on the guards.

Some guards show up and Sofra uses them to escort her back to her carriage so that Theo can stay here. Valkyriy discovers there is an aura of necromancy magic on the body. They decide to go back to the alley to investigate further.


Reaching the alleyway again, they discover someone has cleaned up the crime scene including replacing the box. They then discuss some more and a drunk appears letting them know a cloaked figure was here standing about and opening his robe on the boxes. Detect magic revealed conjuration magic was used. They then were discussing leaving when they got a guard to take the body but the guard wanted them to come back to the garrison with him. They tried to convince him otherwise but failed.


Valkyriy decides to use spellsong to "discreetly" cast some spells on him. Lullaby takes effect and Doran Sonan takes this chance to cast ghost sound to get him to run and help "some people screaming for help". The party then leaves the body and alley behind.


After some more investigation they track a cloak figure down to the shipyard where they find them moving the very same bloody box onto a pier. Rib-bon sneaks down the wall while Valkyriy casts a sleep spell. The other two decide to not be suspicious and walk normally down to the docks. The sleep spell fails and the figure discovers Rib-bon. Initiative starts but another sleep spell is cast and they are successful in putting them to sleep this time. The session ends with the group peering into the box to see some blonde hair

Author: KazutoDM
Report Date
02 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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