The Doppelgangers Part 10: Wrapping up and Rewards Report in Golarion | World Anvil

The Doppelgangers Part 10: Wrapping up and Rewards

General Summary

25 Desnus

Wrapping up

The party exhausted from the fight took a minute to recover and heal their wounds. Once they caught their breath it was time for every adventurer party's favorite past time, looting!   On the doppelgangers' bodies they found high quality masterwork weapons and armor, a variety of potions and poisons, one concoction that resembled the potion the Mirage took before becoming a hulk, many magical items the most of which they could not identify. Lastly a lot of money. Upwards of 600 platinum and 1000 gold.   After looting, Siga says that she will need to report back to Judge Venphyra. She asks what the group's plans are and what their plans are for the remaining doppelganger.   Valkyriy convinces her to leave the doppelganger in their care and that she would follow Siga to see the judge.   The group splits into two groups during this time.   Fletch and Adrian head back to the hideout with the doppelganger and Rumro. There they fill Brun in on what has happened and that this doppelganger helped them defeat Mirage.   He is hesistant but trusts them and will not hold a grudge against the doppelganger for now.   Fletch then decides to go out and peek at Enlor's Magical Spot after convincing Adrian it is only for looking for property to buy.   Valkyriy and Rib-bon arrive with the guards at the courthouse. They make a full report of their victory to Judge Venphyra.   Discussions are then held about the fate of the remaining doppelganger. The group argues that since it helped defeat Mirage it should recieve a reduced sentence. They try to argue for a short time in prison but the judge does not think that will go over well with the council.   The judge then pitches the idea of getting the creature to sign a Blood Contract. They would either agree to not break out of prison forever or agree to life in servitude. She does not see how they can garuntee it will not try to trick them or go kill other people in another city otherwise.   Valkyriy and Rib-bon did not think these were good options but wanted to talk to the doppelganger first. They thank her for her consideration and agree to meet with her and the council tomorrow.   They head back to the hideout.   Fletch meanwhile arrived at Enlor's Magical Spot and attempted to look for a way in. Only seeing the two gates as entrances he decides to climb one. About 10 feet up, he senses eletrical currents heading towards him. Reacting quickly he jumps off and decides this was a bad idea. He too heads back to the hideout.   Arriving at the same time, Fletch decides to sneak into the hideout without Valkyriy or Rib-bon seeing him.   Once everyone is together they go over what was discussed with the judge. The doppelganger agrees that those options are not the best and is open to suggestions. The group figures out that it likes to copy people and infiltrate groups as that is what it has done all it's life. So they come up with that it should agree to work as a spy for the Twilight Talons and think that if it agrees to do so for 50 years they could convince the council.   The doppelganger agrees but then adds that it wants to sign on for 200 years if other doppelgangers can be given the chance to sign the same contract for 50 years with possible citizenship after. The group is all in agreement and gets the doppelganger to consider revealing all doppelgangers in the city once the contracts are signed. With that they all get some rest.  

26 Desnus

The group heads over to The People's Council in the late morning. They arrive in the midst of discussions on how to handle sweeping the city for more doppelgangers. The council appears to be deciding whether to be truthful to citizens or if they should lie and come up with something that will not cause a panic.   Once the debate is over they turn their attention to the newcomers. Judge Venphyra introduces the group and lets them take the floor.   Valkyriy speaks up and outlines their plan for the doppelganger with the help of the rest of the group. The council is hesistant at first but the Crestwood Ambassador speaks out in their favor and how this could open many doors for the country. They vote and are in favor for allowing the contracts.   A representative then escorts the doppelganger away.   The group then pitches one more thing as a reward, that their goblin friend should be allowed citizenship since he helped save the city. The council replies that the Supreme Elect will be arriving in a couple days so they should talk about that with him.   They then inquire about Lord Emberswift. Turns out that the journal they took incriminated him in slave and drug trafficking on top of planning with Druma to overthrow the government. He is still set to be executed.   The meeting then adjourns with the party resting and checking in on friends for the next two days.  

28 Desnus

The group meets back up at The Golden Aerie where they meet with Codwin I of Augustana the Supreme Elect of the Free Peoples of Andoran. He greets them warmly as heroes of the city and country, thanking them for their service. They are given a small chest full of platinum as a reward and he asks if there is anything else they would like.   They tell him about Fletch and that they want to open a store/detective agency. So they would like Fletch to become a citizen. He thinks for a moment and recalls that he has heard of other exceptions of goblins not being the evil creatures people assume them to be. He agrees to allow him citizenship.   Fletch decides to push this further and asks for two other goblins to be allowed citizenship. Which he manages to convince Codwin into allowing.   Lastly Valkyriy brings up that these new citizens should have a representative that will fight for them in The People's Council. So she suggests Adrian. Adrian says it would be an honor to do so and Codwin allows it along with letting him know about his permotion to captain in The Eagle Knights.   With the rewards out of the way they make their way out to address the crowd around The Golden Aerie. Codwin I of Augustana makes a speech about the fine heroes of the city and country. That they represent the best of Andoran and have been rewarded for saving it. He starts to let the crowd know who they are but pauses and asks for their group's name. They decide on the name Almas Detective Society. Codwin I of Augustana then steps back and lets Adrian take the stage.   Adrian makes a good speech to the crowd of millions saying he will do his best to represent the oppressed in the council. The crowd cheers.   Codwin I of Augustana takes the stage again and announces that today will be a national holiday. It will be Andoran's Heroes Day to celebrate this group and others that save the country.   The speeches now done. The group walks back into the building and sets off to start their next adventure.
Author: KazutoDM

Current Party Level: 5


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