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Cayden’s Hall

This massive, open hall of rough-hewn timbers is famed across the continent as “the world’s largest nonstop festival.” The festival has in fact stopped at least 16 times in the past, when the place burned down after some especially uninhibited carousing. The current incarnation, its seventeenth, is a faithful re-creation of the original tavern that Cayden Cailean staggered out of before taking the Test of the Starstone. After decades in which the temple was prudently located a few blocks away, nearer a public fountain, the latest iteration returns Cayden’s Hall to its original location near the chasm bridge Cayden himself used to return to Absalom as a living god.
Here freedom fighters and explorers gather to plot revolutions, plan expeditions, and recruit like-minded fellows for heroic exploits. The High Priestess, Saphira, can often be found watching performances in the temple’s oratorium, although day-to-day operations are overseen by a young cleric named Dahar. Anyone willing to hoist a tankard to fighting evil is welcome, and those seeking to put together a group of adventurers for a dangerous exploit often come looking here.
Those who perform exceptional services on behalf of the temple are sometimes granted “Honored Guest” status, meaning that they are no longer expected to offset their carousing with a donation so long as they remain in the good graces of the temple. This benefit also sometimes extends to healing and other spellcasting services, at the discretion of Saphira.
Some say that, years back, another Caydenite built a research laboratory and demonology archive beneath the temple’s garden, but the temple’s current caretakers generally deflect inquiries about the secret archive by claiming that if this was ever true, its creator got drunk and lost the key, and now no one remembers how to get in.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
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