Blackfinger Temple Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Blackfinger Temple

The bridges spanning the Starstone Chasm each lead to a temple corresponding to one of the gods who successfully passed the Test of the Starstone. Aroden’s broken bridge leads to what is now the Chelaxian Embassy. Cayden’s bridge leads to the latest iteration of his holy feast hall, and Iomedae’s Seventh Church fronts the bridge corresponding to her victory. The bridge associated with Norgorber, however, appears to lead to nothing but a collection of nondescript buildings that would look more at home in Eastgate or the Coins. The facade of interconnected structures obscures the gray-and-black edifice of Blackfinger Temple, the only legally recognized house of worship dedicated to Norgorber in Absalom. The temple is a hub of alchemical learning and laboratories, and its less lethal concoctions are sold openly to the public. The alchemists’ fascination with venoms has also led to the discovery of numerous powerful antivenoms and restoratives. Although rumors of mysterious side effects persist, these creations have benefited Absalom greatly, and they are often invoked by Norgorberites to justify why their temple should be tolerated.
Even here, however, Blackfingers’ faithful keep their faces hidden, and they are careful to ensure that any evil or illegal activities are either restricted to the nearby and semi-secret Black Mask, or—if truly dangerous—are conducted somewhere else entirely.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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