Seventh Church of Iomedae Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Seventh Church of Iomedae

This magnificent cathedral of white marble and gold is built on the site where Iomedae called forth the Undenying Light in 3824 AR, causing stars to shine through a terrible storm that was wracking Absalom. With torches and lanterns blown out, rain sleeting down in sheets, and waves cresting into the streets, on the night of that miracle a pack of sea-ghouls swarmed into the city. With the guard blinded in the darkness and communication by horn impossible, the ghouls ran roughshod through the city. Iomedae, still mortal, called for the Starstone to ask its brethren in the sky to light the city. The Starstone Cathedral glowed with blue fire, and the night stars shone rays of blue light through the clouds. The light pinpointed every ghoul in the city, and allowed Iomedae and other defenders to find and destroy them. This is the seventh of her 11 miraculous Acts, and the event is commemorated not only with the Temple, but with the Iomedannae, a 10-foot statue of the goddess carved from red limestone thinly banded with sapphire.
Today, the Seventh Church serves both to train new acolytes in Iomedae’s service and to welcome the aged, injured, and infirm champions who have already spent their best years serving her faith, and who are now ready to pass their wisdom on to younger swords. Until recently, the high priest of the Seventh Church was one of these: Genedair the Faithful, a nonagenarian veteran of the Mendevian Crusades. Recently, Genedair passed on to his final reward, and leadership of the Seventh Church went to Tavorae Falsebane, a Molthuni paladin who was born into slavery in that land.
The worship of Iomedae is widespread in Absalom, and numerous acolytes take vows in the Seventh Church every year, but each also swears to serve where the Sword of Iomedae places them. While training for 3 or 4 years in the Seventh Church is commonplace, most of those trained here are shipped from Absalom to posts around the world upon giving their final vows.
The more vital of Iomedae’s priests may visit here, but they soon head off to churches more in need of their strong arms and bravery. Absalom is seen as a point of origin and recruitment by the church’s hierarchy rather than a vital stronghold in need of attention or defense. While they would never abandon the site of one her miracles, her high priests believe the Seventh Church is in no danger, and its staff should be those unable to fight in her name elsewhere.
In truth, if any foe ever did threaten the Seventh Church, the priests there would have strong allies to call upon. Directly across the street from the Seventh Church is the Tempering Hall, a training ground for young paladins. Though the senior priests are rarely in the prime of health, the students are dozens of paladin trainees. Most Iomedaeans split their time between the hall and the temple, visiting each regularly.
Cathedral / Great temple
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