Senghorx Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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The city-state of Senghor has had to make significant changes as of late, most notably due to the overthrow of Sargava and subsequent establishment of Vidrian. Previously, Senghor had a degree of importance as one of the Mwangi’s few remaining safe trade hubs and home of the Expanse’s most powerful navy. With the fall of Sargava’s colonial regime, however, some of that protection is gone, since the Free Captains who once made a tidy profit from Sargava’s bribes now raid the waters around Senghor to compensate for their losses, making trade with former partners difficult. Senghor’s defensive fortifications and dozens of navy ships have kept these pirates from reaching the city proper, but anyone hoping to trade with Senghor nowadays must first wind their way through Free Captain blockades—a risk few are willing to take.
The dominant people of Senghor, called Caldaru, are unique to this city and have a distinctly different appearance from other Mwangi peoples. They are relatively tall, with green eyes and skin tones that range from olive to dark tan. Their dialect includes several unique words and phrases not found in any other Mwangi tongue. Senghoran mythology suggests that the Caldaru trace their lineage to a Garundi ancestry that no longer exists, and the unique architecture of the city only reinforces this legend.
Though Senghor once willingly traded with Sargava, the Caldaru have no interest in allowing strangers to gain a foothold in their city, so it was no surprise when they aided the Sargavan revolution to repel the Chelish colonialists. To keep things agreeable between Senghor and the new nation of Vidrian, the two have cemented a very tentative alliance, the goal of which is to keep colonizers from retaking Vidrian and to prevent any possibility of such outsiders gaining influence in Senghor. The alliance also establishes several trade and naval agreements, with the terms benefiting Senghor more than Vidrian. The people of Vidrian were grateful for Senghor’s help in their young nation’s earliest days, but as it has grown into its independence its citizens have begun to protest the unbalanced terms of the deal. Vidrian’s leaders are pressuring Senghor in hopes of reworking the terms of agreement, but Senghor has yet to give in to these demands, heightening tensions between the two powers.
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