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The Forest Whispers her Name Report

General Summary

The Loose Cannons defeated the vampires attacking them quickly and with devastating skill, cutting through them like a hot knife through butter. As our heroes returned to Grandal, they were surprised by Agnes Solsø telling them that Carmen Diamante was going to be opening her Fallen Claw tavern, and that the Loose Cannons were invited as guests of honor. She suggested dressing up nicely and making the most of the evening!
Well-dressed and after a couple of hours of relaxation, the party arrived at the Fallen Claw fashionably late, discovering that many of Ravå's good people had come both to celebrate them, and to enjoy cheap, good, frosty cider and local lumberwine. Most of the party's friends were in attendance, and many Faordaon and West Sceyans enjoyed themselves with good food and music, especially with Faordaoni traditional dance. There were also some Mistborn in attendance, supplying shrimp from the Coldmarshes and fish from the Blackfjord.
The Loose Cannons were the hero of the hour and were given free food and drink from Carmen, before mingling and socialising with the good folk of Ravå. Several of the party's friends were in attendance, including Holgar Andersen, Amal Andersen, Master Isíbel and brother John White.
Fred was worried that master Isíbel would recognize him from when they met in Akshus, but he decided that he was done running from anyone who could recognize him, and he decided to finally speak to her. He asked Kari to help with this, and Kari spoke to Master Isíbel, inviting her over to a small booth where they could talk in private. It soon became clear that master Isíbel remembered Friedrich, but she did not remember him well enough to fully know all the incriminating details about him. The two shared a pleasant evening, discussing alchemical science, the frustration of dealing with the Onikaan Vahlok of the Brass Metal Church, and their projects since their meeting in Ye'or deltaet. Isíbel had received a stipend from the duke to work near Ravå and organize the reclamation of Faordaon farms lost in the wake of the Ravå Massacre. Her aim is to publish a few papers on how to efficiently reclaim farmland from deep forests, and eventually get a stipend to complete her doctorate at either the University of Highhammer or the University of Ælmesleóht. Friedrich explained that his own PhD-work had been stalled by meddling from the Onikaan Vahlok, and he was spending some time as an adventurer to do some fieldwork.
Elizabet danced with Agnes and enjoyed her time, until Candido Diamante wanted to speak with her. The two of them went outside, where Candido gave Elizabet the core of a fire elemental, a gift from Synce. Elizabet told Candido that she believed an Ah Vokul Arkanic informant was in Ravå, and that she suspected that sister Zekori of the Ravå Reporter may be the one supplying information to the Brass Metal Church. Candido thanked Elizabet for sharing and promised to distract sister Zekori, and promised that el Lobo Rojo would be thankful also.
Kuzuha stayed at the bar and enjoyed the food and drink, where she was approached by Mogens Fjellmark, an older amber-prospector who had been in Ravå for a long time. He told her that the people of Ravå who had been there for a long time still had a great deal of respect for her and how she helped them during the Wildwalker Uprising, and that if she needed any help the whole town of Ravå owed her a favor. Kuzuha was thankful for this, and the two shook hands as friends.
Gorm saw Mistborn in the corner of the inn, and went over to them hoping for a good time. He was to be disappointed however, as he quickly understood the Mistborn were stressed, worried and in mourning. Their elder, Eaxar, explained that now that the river was no longer frozen, they had sent some of their fishing boats down to Storfjorden and Koldmark, hoping to get the first catch of the late-winter. Some of these boats had not returned, and the Mistborn now fear the worst for their friends. He asked Gorm if the Loose Cannons would be able to help them, and Gorm promised that he was almost certain he could promise their aid. Eaxar offered to give them a ride on one of their fishing boats to make the trip faster.
After Kari had helped Friedrich break the ice, they decided to get up and walk around the establishment. They were quickly approached by Thanaa Mustar, who tanked them for their help in returning the spices, it had saved her family a small fortune and a great deal of time and effort. She offered to buy Kari some cider, and the two sat down and talked about Ælmesleóht and home. Elizabet and Agnes eventually joined the conversation.
The party returned to their cabins happy and contented, ready for the challenges of the morning.
The morning after, Ruth led the Loose Cannons out into the forest, where she expected to meet Goldmask. They came to an ancient ruin of Cathaír Ombra, hidden amongst the trees. Instead of Goldmask however, another Amber Elf waited for them, Conandil South-of-River. Clad in beautifull wrought leather armor and an amber mask, she told the party that something had come up that required Goldmask's attention, but she would lead them to him. She was terse in her manner, and clearly despised Kari, Kuzuha and Gorm. Especially Gorm, as a matter of fact.
She led them on a trail between worlds, allowing them to enter the emerald green twilight forest of the Feywild. She led the party to an autumnal paradise, with ruby and gold leaves casting the forest in a beautiful firelight, and eventually they came to what appeared to be a ruin of Cathaír Ombra, perhaps an ancient watchtower. How it came to be in the Feywild was not clear to the party.
There they found a group of 5 amber elves dancing naked but for their masks and long leather strips hung from their shoulders around a bonfire, and Conandil undressed and joined them. She told the party that they were free to join, but they did not.
The dance was energetic, sad and distressing all at the same time. After some time, it was difficult to tell how long, Goldmask came to the ritual. He too was undressed but for he leather strips and his golden eagle-mask. It became clear to the party that this was a wake for the deceased Ealin Spear-Singer, who had died in battle against a daemon of the Abyss. All the assembled amber elves spoke words of remembrance for their dead sister, and Goldmask vowed to bring her ashes to Teamar Onórach, the House of the Honoured Dead, that she may find purpose nurturing the Suntree, and that some of her spirit may be reunited with the light.
Goldmask then adressed the party, and told the assembled Amber Elves that these guests would help him both deliver Eanil's ashes, and to purge Teamar Onórach of the corruption from the foul Gulthias tree. He told the party that they would have to swear oaths if they wished to enter the Teamar Onórach, and that should they break the oaths or disrespect the holy ground they would know his wrath. Each of the party gave their name and swore to purge the evil, and they were all blessed to enter the Teamar Onórach.
Goldmask assembled Eanil's ashes and donned his own leather armor, before leading the party on a new golden path towards the Teamar Onórach. They quickly passed into shadow and darkness, as if walking through a great cave, and they could smell seawater and her the pounding of waves on rocky shores. Goldmask explained that Cathaír Ombra had always been a city which existed in both the Material Plane and the Feywild, and when it fell to World-Hunger, only the parts within the Feywild survived. However, even these were ruined as the devastation of World-Hunger caused sympathetic pains and trauma upon the parts within the Feywild, and for this reason Teamar Onórach is now an island in an impossible sea.
The party arrived at Teamar Onórach, in a small chapel which seemed to form around them as they walked. There were engravings of warriors, children and pregnant Amber Elves on the walls, and Goldmask explained that the House of the Honoured Dead was a burial ground for those who died before entering the Dreaming, and who were thus denied an afterlife of light within the Feywild. The grass around them was golden and flowed in a spectral wind the party could not feel, and they saw tall trees around them with amber leaves glowing in the strange un-light of the Feywild.
Leaving the chapel, they saw the Suntree far to the north in the horizon, casting a dim yellow light on the entire island. To the east they saw a tall temple atop a cliff, seemingly grown from the trees, and to the north they saw roots of the Suntree form a tower which went deep beneath the island. However, the party heard something distressing, as they heard the sound of tree being ripped up by the roots, and Elizabet heard shouting in goblin. Led by Elizabet, the party quickly found several goblins and ogres laboring to bring down the ancient trees, directed by hobgoblin commanders.
Elizabet immediately opened fire at the goblins, who grabbed their weapons and charged the party and an enraged Goldmask, wielding a longsword of glowing words of power. The hobgoblins drew red glowing powder from pouches at their hips and quickly smeared it across their ōdachi, drawing fire for attacking our heroes.
A Song of Wolves and Dragons
Ruth Pilkvist
8 / 8 HP
Margot Elizabet Kuznetsov
Friedrich Müller
Lawful Neutral Rock Gnome (Purple Alchymist)
Sorcerer 5
37 / 37 HP
Report Date
13 Oct 2024
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