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Tveiharr is a nation of tall, windswept mountains and narrow, inhospitable valleys, dotted with ruins from ancient wars and great Tindbyer, cities carved from and built upon the tops of the mountains and floating conglomerations of rock. Originally ruled over by the Two-Sea King, a mighty Storm Giant, after the Gold Empire conquered the region stewardship of it was handed over to the Myrsky-dynasty, mighty warriors and storm sorcerers who had served the Two-Sea King as protectors and enforcers until a prodigal son of theirs had allied with the emperor. Now the Storm King rules Tveiharr, and the Two-Sea King is relegated to ruling the Giant vassals of the Gold Empire. The Storm Kings are known for travelling the world on expeditions for the Gold Empire, and have founded many of the Empire's colonies. Tveiharr also produces the empires finest aerial troops and dragon riders, with large contingents of wyvern knights serving in the auxiliary forces and legion knights being trained in the Tveiharran way of war.


The Storm King and the Storm Court
The undisputed ruler of Tveiharr is the Storm King, head of the Storm Court. The Storm King rules from the bastion of Windpeak, a great fortress that reaches high into the clouds. The Storm Court, Tveiharr's government, is rather decentralized and only gather in Windpeak for a month once a year to discuss policy and economy.


The people of Tveiharr are a hardy people, clinging to life among thunderous peaks and barely-tenable dirt. Long have the humans of Tveiharr lived in abject poverty under the power of mighty storm giants and cloud giants, who ruled as tyrants and gods from beautiful palaces in the clouds. The people of Tveiharr served their giant lords as farmers, servants and warriors, fighting gruelling wars miles in the sky, plummeting to their death and dying by the hundreds. This time has created a spirit of defiance and self-reliance in the Tveiharrans, alongside a fearsome warrior spirit. Even with the coming of the prosperity of the empire, bringing with it trade and wealth from the djinn Easefa and the technical knowledge of sky elves and sky gnomes, the Tveiharrans have not forgotten their roots as warriors.
Children of the sky
Having long clung to life among the high reaches of mountains, the Tveiharrans understand that they are the children of the sky. The water they drink, the birds they eat and the noble steeds they ride to battle, all these come from the sky, and the Tveiharrans respect it. Many Tveiharrans worship the copper dragon, and it is common to give thanks to the Sky for giving meals and safety.


The Flying City of Solitude
Solitude is an ancient flying fortress built during the First War. It has seen war in every corner of the world, and it was conquered for the Two-Sea king millennia ago. Solitude is a mobile base of operations that can transport tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of ships across vast distances, allowing its ruler to make war anywhere they desire. Combined with its logistical advantages and its strategic location in the sky are its elemental weapon platforms, alongside one of the mythic god-weapons. A massive elemental construction, Solitude consists of an inner and outer ring, each with their own purposes. The inner and the outer ring can be separated, as the inner ring with is more militaristic focus can move faster and support armies directly in battle while the outer ring can remain behind and serve as a base of operations.
Outer Ring
The Outer Ring is the "city"-portion of Solitude, populated by sky gnomes, sky elves, cloud giants and humans. There are ancient, colossal workshops here, dedicated to the production of war-materiel of many shapes and sizes. In addition to the workshops there are enough sky-docks to house an armada of airships and shipyards designed to work all day and night to produce airships for the armada. There are also bulkheads here with ballistae, catapults and strange elemental weapon such as lightning-cannons, windthrowers and sonic bombs.
Inner Ring
The Inner Ring is where Solitude is commanded, and houses its god-weapon. The Storm King has permanent quarters in Solitude should the need to put its weapons to bear against the imperium's enemies arise, and powerful enough wizards and elementalists can move Solitude from command stations. At the heart of the inner ring is an area quarantined by the alchemists and protected by a small legion of eisenmenn and automatons. It is in this area that the god-weapon lies. The alchemists refer to it as the zerchmettern sturm, gnomish for "shatterstorm", and believe that it could produce hurricane winds powerful enough to rip apart fortresses in a massive area of activated.

Demography and Population

The most numerous people of Tveiharr are the Tveiharrans, the humans who have lived there for centuries, and who know every tiny river and every corner of the mountains. The Tveiharrans are further divided into Low Tveiharrans and High Tveiharrans, divided by whether they live in the (relatively) lowlands or on the mountains. The Low Tveiharrans were often farmers and servants to the old giant rulers, while the High Tveiharrans were warriors and rode to battle on flying mounts such as pegasi and wyverns. Historically, the High Tveiharrans have ruled over the Low Tveiharrans as lords for their giant overlords, but the Gold Empire has worked to enfranchise Low Tveiharrans and the Storm King has aided in this work, somewhat reluctantly.
Sky gnomes and sky elves
In addition to these, there has been a great diaspora of races from the Stormlands far to the west, travelling on the recomendation of Easefa, lord of the southern winds. These sky gnomes and sky elves have taken up residence in the Tindbyer, the ancient reclaimed cities at the top of Tveiharr's peaks, from where a burgeoning and fastly-growing trade has quickly grown: the airtrade. Relying on skyships and airships, Tveiharr is the nexus for all high-priority trade and transportation in the Gold Empire, and Tindbyene facilitates this. The sky elves and sky gnomes regard themselves somewhat as foreigners in a new land, long-lived as they are, but the Storm King holds their services in high regard.
The aarakockra of Dain, who mostly live in Sceya, has several mountains in Tveiharr they consider sacred, and as such have monasteries where their Sky Priests live there. The aarakockra are regarded as noble and magical by the Tveiharrans, who regard them as emissaries from the Sky, and aarakockra are treated to the greatest hospitality from the Tveiharrans. Some aarakockra aid the sky gnomes and sky elves in the airtrade and many travel from Sceya to Tveiharr, and between other nations, as merchants as part of the Great Migration.
Tveiharr was once the seat of Dain's giant nations, as it was from here the Storm Giant Two-Sea King ruled before the coming of the Gold Empire. In those days, cloud giants and storm giants, though the latter in particular, ruled Tveiharr from cloud castles and sky fortresses, and having a seat in Tveiharr was a mark of prestige for Storm Giant nobility and a way to harness Tveiharr's great elemental potential for magic and runes. After the War of Liberation however, when the Gold Empire came to Tveiharr, the giants have lost much of their power in the province. Cloud castles have crashed to the ground, leaving burning craters behind and sky fortresses have been toppled from snowy peaks by gnomish ingenuity, and the giants have lost their grip on Tveiharr. The story of Tveiharr's giants has not ended in total destruction however, as was the case for the near-genocide of fire giants in Sceya, as the Two-Sea king bent the knee to the Gold Emperor and Storm King once he saw how the war would end did he not. Today the giants have been integrated into Tveiharr and the broader empire, many of them serving as mercenaries to the Gold Empire and aiding them in their conquests.

We rule sky and sea!

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Two-Sea Land
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The official currency of the Gold Empire is Alchemists' Gold, which is organized into low, medium and high purity depending on the alchemist who made the gold. The Imperial Bank, administered by the alchemists, controls how much gold is made and where it is distributed.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


Tveiharr is a province of the Gold Empire, but maintains some autonomy.


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