The Lamas Plains Geographic Location in Greland | World Anvil

The Lamas Plains

The Lamas Plains

The Lamas Plains is the name given to the region between The River Quick in the North, The Rotheval Mountains in the West and The Swamps of Baycotte in the South. In truth more of the 'plains' is made up of desert than true plains, and its borders shift often as the neighbouring kingdoms of Irogonie and Rotheval take or lose ground, to each other or to bands of Plainsfolk.

Its people, known mostly as Plainsfolk, have a mostly nomadic culture as the land is difficult to settle in and regular invasions from their neighbours have led to the people adapting to life on the move. This is aided by the Plainsfolk's success at taming the Giant Landsnail which live in the desert, building homes and even whole settlements on their backs.

This adaptive lifestyle has led to many Plainsfolk integrating with the Kingdoms of Greland, though they often find it difficult to settle anywhere for very long. Many find themselves as wandering performers, their culture's tendency toward oral history lending itself well to travelling actors and singers. Their culture also tends to place great focus on craftsmanship, as the nomadic lifestyle means one can only carry a little, each piece should be a work of art as well as serving its purpose, and so many Plainsfolk outside the plains become artisans of some kind or other.

Naturally, the people of the Lamas Plains place great value in water. Some are known to treat clean water as currency, while others see sharing water as a basic act of hospitality and decency.

In 440KS, in response to a landgrab made by the Kingdom of Irogonie, the Kingdom of Somercrag unexpectedly came to the aid of the Plainsfolk, defeating the Irogonians in a war referred to as The Irogonie Aggression. As a result of the Irogonians' surrender the Plainsfolk were gifted a stretch of formerly Irogonie land to settle, including a number of well established settlements.


  • The Lamas Plains


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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