Kaina Merlyn Fic in Greland | World Anvil

Kaina Merlyn Fic

A horse-drawn wagon rolls along a stretch of dirt road. To the East, which is the right side from the driver's seat, a small stretch of windblown grass, a wider span of rocks, and then the calm, clear waters of the Bay of Glass. To the West a bed of thorny bushes from which sprout an irregular wall of trees that grow up and out, their branches stretching above the road as if reaching for the sea, their leaves breaking the summer sun's light into dappled shadows across the young faces in the wagon.
At the front, driving the wagon      
  • Kaina's decision to leave
  • escaping the other kids
  • getting to irogonie
  • seeing her parents
  • - effects of being near her other self - parents accuse her of being a changeling - parents probably white knights
  • finding the black knights are the only ones who take her seriously
  • Resources

    Story Points
    Military Units
    Useful Lists


    Player Characters

    Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
    Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
    ser Mattheo Foxworth
    Colrin Blest
    King Tyon I Cray
    Sigrid Ashwood
    ser Allon Stormborn
    ser Odric Vortane
    Lord Tylan Hewlett
    ser Callor Perryn
    ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
    The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

    Player Settlements

    The Settlement Creation System
    Settlement Management Sessions
    Settlement Conquest
    Greater Stallken


    Player Councils

    Anatomy of a Ruling Council
    Royal Council
    The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
    The Council of Southbay
    The Duchal Council of House Southbay
    The Council of Greater Stallken



    The Continent of Greland
    The Kingdom of Hillhurst
    The Kingdom of Rotheval
    The Kingdom of Irogonie
    The Lamas Plains
    The Swamps of Baycotte
    The Kingdom of Somercrag
    The Foxworth Duchy
    The Blackbar Duchy
    The Skanler Duchy
    The Gaunt Duchy
    The Southbay Duchy
    The City of Southbay
    The Hayford Duchy
    The Continent of Amoth


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