The Men-at-Arms of House Hewlett Military Formation in Greland | World Anvil

The Men-at-Arms of House Hewlett

The standing army of House Hewlett of Caulstid is made up of a number of units as described below:  

Household Knights

House Hewlett currently has 12 Household Knights, formed into a unit of Foot Knights as described below.
House Hewlett Foot Knights

Unit Captain:

ser Lauryn Thorne

Experience Level:

3 (Regular)




Heavy Armour (+d to Defence checks)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)
Martial Superiority (This unit gains +dd on Attacks against units not made up of or led by a Knight. This unit will not voluntarily engage a Levy unit.)
The Household Banner of House Hewlett of Greater Stallken (+1 Leadership if accompanied by Lord Tylan Hewlett).
Determination (this unit gainst +1 Leadership to resist psychological effects.)


The maximum number of Men-at-Arms that Caulstid can support is 16.  

Southbay Soldiers

When it was established in August of 443KS House Southbay granted their Vassal a number of units formerly sworn to House Tarbor of Southbay who survived that house's destruction at the hands of House Darklyn of Darklyn Point in late 441KS.
In 446KS, with the holding now well established, those units which had not accepted permanent positions were returned to Southbay.   Captain Whent's Combined-Arms Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Jarrack Whent)

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Medium Armour (no effect)
Combined Arms (no effect on melee attacks, enables Ranged Attacks with -d, the effect of any bonus or penalty applied to this unit is reduced by 1 die.)
Captain Whent's unit were appointed to be the Caulstid Guard Unit.

New Units

Captain Jarden's Archer Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Jarden

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Medium Armour (no effect)
Shortbows (makes Ranged Attacks)

  Captain Adryana's Archer Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Adryana

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Medium Armour (no effect)
Shortbows (makes Ranged Attacks)

  Captain Maxir's Archer Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Maxir

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Medium Armour (no effect)
Shortbows (makes Ranged Attacks)

  Captain Darne's Heavy BIll Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Darne

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Heavy Armour (+d to Defence checks.)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)
Polearms (Reach; +d to Attacks against non-reach enemies; +d to Defence checks against non-reach enemies; +dd to Defence checks against Cavalry Charge attacks)

  Captain Padraig's Heavy BIll Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Padraig

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Heavy Armour (+d to Defence checks.)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)
Polearms (Reach; +d to Attacks against non-reach enemies; +d to Defence checks against non-reach enemies; +dd to Defence checks against Cavalry Charge attacks)

  Captain Rolan's Heavy BIll Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Rolan

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)




Heavy Armour (+d to Defence checks.)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)
Polearms (Reach; +d to Attacks against non-reach enemies; +d to Defence checks against non-reach enemies; +dd to Defence checks against Cavalry Charge attacks)

  1x Heavy Crossbow Unit

Unit Captain:


Experience Level:

1 (Green)




Heavy Armour (+d to Defence checks.)
Crossbows (makes Ranged Attacks)
Pavise (+f to Defence checks against Ranged Attacks)


Vassal Men-at-Arms

Old Caulstid
Old Caulstid currently has 8 units of Men-at-Arms.  



Guard Units

The forces of House Hewlett also include a number of Guard Units and other assets that do not normally leave their posts but are available to help defend the territory when necessary, as detailed below:   Caulstid Guard Unit

Unit Captain:

Experience Level:

3 (Regular)


5 (Order)


Medium Armour (no effect)
Polearms (Reach; +d to Attacks against non-reach enemies; +d to Defence checks against non-reach enemies; +dd to Defence checks against Cavalry Charge attacks)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)

  Caulstid Guard Unit

Unit Captain:

Captain Jarrack Whent

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)


5 (Order)


Medium Armour (no effect)
Combined Arms (no effect on melee attacks, enables Ranged Attacks with -d, the effect of any bonus or penalty applied to this unit is reduced by 1 die.)

  Old Caulstid Peacekeepers

Unit Captain:

Captain Rechar

Experience Level:

2 (Irregular)


5 (Order)


Medium Armour (no effect)
Shield (+d to Defence checks)
Clubs (Attacks gain aa:Disarm)




House Hewlett
  • One Unit of Household Foot Knights with Shields and Bodyguard - 70 points.
  • One Formation, comprised of three Units of Medium Archers - 50 points.
  • One Formation, comprised of three Units of Heavy Infantry with Shock and Shields - 75 points.
House Caul
  • Two Formations, each comprised of three Units of Skirmish Infantry with Elite and Terror - 50 points.
  • One Formation, comprised of three Units of Heavy Infantry with Shock and Terror - 80 points.
  • One Formation, comprised of five Units of Levy Light Infantry - 50 points.
  • One Trebuchet - 100 points.
  • One dedicated Siege Engineer - 50 points.


House Hewlett
House Caul
  • ser Malrik Caul, a Knight Commander - Leadership cc(+cc if all army members are/were criminals) - 100 points.


House Hewlett
  • Support Value: 1
  • Strategy Value: 2 (April 454KS)
  • Cavalry: 0 Units.
  • Phalanx: 0 Units.
  • Siege Engines: 0 Units.
  • Ranged: 3 Units.
  • Skirmishers: 0 Units.
  • Characters: 5.
  • Bodyguard: 1/3 Formations +b.
  • Shields: 2/3 Formations +d.
  • Household Knights +s.
  • +b when fighting an Army with untrained Levies.
  • +b when Attacking settlements.
House Caul
  • Support Value: 1
  • Strategy Value: 2 (April 454KS)
  • Cavalry: 0 Units.
  • Phalanx: 0 Units.
  • Siege Engines: 1 Units.
  • Ranged: 0 Units.
  • Skirmishers: 6 Units.
  • Characters: 1.
  • Shock: 2/5 Formations +b.
  • Terror: 4/5 Formations +d.
  • Elite: 2/5 Formations +b.
  • Household Knights +s.


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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