Warmaster Unit Profiles Military Formation in Greland | World Anvil

Warmaster Unit Profiles

  Artillery: Apart from pivoting on the spot, an Artillery piece can only be Moved as part of a Brigade, in which case it must be flanked by 3 stands of Infantry on either side, and the entire Brigade becomes Slow. Note that pivoting on the spot is still Moving, and thus still requires an Order. If an Artillery piece loses combat it will automatically be destroyed. If an Artillery Piece wins combat it cannot Pursue. An Artillery piece cannot Shoot outside of the Shooting Phase for any reason, including as a reaction to being Charged.
Bodyguard: Bodyguard units add +1 to their Hits value.
Bolt Thrower: A Bolt Thrower's Ranged Attacks will be expressed as something like 2x30cm - this means that it rolls 2 dice for its Attack. When attacking with a Bolt Thrower draw a line from the Bolt Thrower through its target stand and any other stands in formation with it, ending when the line reaches the back of the formation. Each stand in that formation which lays on this line is hit by the Bolt Thrower - roll seperately for each unit affected, but roll a number of dice determined by the number of stands hit - for example, if the Bolt Thrower is able to hit the front of three lines in Column formation and draw a line through all of them it will roll three times as many dice against that unit, whereas if it was to hit two units deployed in Line formation directly behind each other it would roll once against each of them.
Crossbow: When a stand armed with Crossbows shoots in the Shooting Phase, if that unit did not move in their Command Phase the enemy must take their saves at -1.
Combined Arms: When a stand with the Combined Arms special rule is making a Ranged Attack, it can ignore a single friendly stand with which it is in contact if it is perfectly aligned with that stand. If a unit perfectly aligned in front of a Combined Arms unit is charged, the Combined Arms unit can make a Ranged Attack as though they themselves were being charged. If a unit perfectly aligned in front of a Combined Arms unit is engaged in combat, the Combined Arms unit is also considered to be engaged even though they cannot support or contribute to the combat, they will be obliged to retreat if the combat is lost and will be eligible to pursue if their side is victorious.
Countercharge: A unit with Countercharge can attempt to Countercharge as a Reaction to being Charged by an enemy they can see. Skirmishers can only attempt to Countercharge enemy Skirmishers.
Elite: Elite units add +1 to their Attacks value.
Fanatics: Fanatics ignore the usual penalty for fighting Terrifying enemies. If a Fanatic unit is able to charge in the Intitiative sub-phase of the Command Phase then they must do so, and must charge before any other units. If several Fanatic units are able to charge the player may choose which order they do so. Fanatics must always Pursue first in combat, or Advance first if they are able to do so.
Knights: In their first round of combat in the game, if a stand of Knights is fighting to its Front it gains +1 to its Attack value. This is in addition to any other bonuses, regardless of if the units charges or is charged, and regardless of if the target is defended, fortified, or any other bonuses that may apply. Note that this is only the first round of the first combat they engage in, so only once per game for each unit of knights.
Levy: Levy units subtract 1 from their Hits and Attacks values. Levy units making Ranged Attacks roll one less die from their total. For each Settlement in a player's holding they may bring one Levy Formation with a Size equal to that Settlement's level (1 for a Hamlet, 2 for a Village and so on). They may count all of their Hamlets as a single settlement for this purpose if they wish.
Longbow: A non-skirmishing unit of three stands armed with Longbows and deployed in a regular line formation or part of a Combined Arms formation adds +1 Shooting Attack to its total (generally this will increase it to 4 shots total instead of 3).
Minmoth: If an army does not include Minmoths then its horses find the scent of Minmoths unsettling. Consequently, if an order to a unit of Cavalry within 20cm of a unit of Minmoths fails, it is automatically treated as a Blunder.
Pavisse: A unit with Pavisse counts as Defended against Ranged Attacks originating in its Front. A unit which retreats or pursues in combat, charges or advances into combat is driven back by shooting, or otherwise makes any movement outside the Command Phase for any reason, will automatically abandon its Pavisse, losing the rule until the end of the game.
Phalanx: Phalanx units which are in any formation other than standard line or column, or which do anything but move directly forward or charge have their movement halved during the Command Phase. Phalanx stands cannot support or be supported from behind. Instead, if a Phalanx stand is positioned behind another Phalanx stand (from the same unit or another) it adds its Attacks value to the unit in front. Phalanx stands have an Attacks value of 0 when fighting to their Flank or Rear. Phalanx stands count as Defended when charged by Cavalry to their Front. Phalanx units treat all dense terrain as impassable. Phalanx units cannot be given ladders.
Ranger: When this Hero is attached to a unit which makes Ranged Attacks, this Hero adds 1 to the total number of Attacks being made.
Schiltron: When a unit with the Schiltron special rule does not move in its Command Phase it enters Schiltron Formation. While in Schiltron Formation the unit has no Flank or Rear facings, every facing is considered to be its Front. Because the Schiltron upgrade is only available to Phalanx units, this also means they will count as Defended against charging cavalry on any facing. A unit in Schiltron Formation can choose to become Confused instead of being Driven Back by shooting.
Shieldwall: A Shieldwall unit counts their Armour as one point better in the first round of a combat where they are charged. This bonus does not apply if the unit is Fortified or if they are occupying dense terrain.
Shock: A Shock unit gains an additional +1 Attack when Charging or Pursuing.
Skirmish: Skirmishing units can draw line of sight from any edge. Skirmishing units are affected differently by some terrain. Unless confused a Skirmish unit can Evade as a Reaction to charges in the enemy Command Phase and can choose to Evade instead of being Driven Back by shooting. Skirmishers can Evade through other units. Skirmishers cannot support a unit from behind, only from the side.
Stakes: A unit with the Stakes upgrade carries enough Stakes to cover their entire frontage 10mm deep. Placing the Stakes requires an Order to be successfully issued to the unit and takes up that unit's entire move. Stakes remain where they are once placed. Stakes have no impact on movement or ranged attacks. A unit behind Stakes which is charged by Cavalry counts as Defended.
Terror: A unit engaged with an enemy who causes Terror suffers -1 Attack die.
Trebuchet: A Trebuchet does not need Line of Sight to make attacks. When a Trebuchet attacks a unit, choose a stand to be the target as normal. A Trebuchet's Ranged Attacks will be expressed as something like 2(1)x60cm. The first number is the number of dice the Trebuchet rolls against its initial target, while the second is its 'splash damage'. In addition to rolling as normal against the initial target, roll the 'splash damage' dice against every stand (friendly or enemy) in base contact with the initial target.

*This stand is an upgrade to another unit. This unit's size is identical to the unit it is purchased as an upgrade for, and its cost is multiplied by the number of stands. These stands are considered to be part of the unit they are added to for all purposes, but special rules on these stands only apply to these stands. These stands only have Skirmish when their parent unit has Skirmish.  

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