Greland The Tide Rises in Bayglen

The Tide Rises in Bayglen

Cultural event


The growing The Church of the Stormwyrm became powerful enough to issue demands to the Royal Council of Somercrag. With churches in every coastal or riverside settlement in the country, small shrines becoming common even futher inland, and the The Abyssal Codex, the faith's holy text, becoming the first text to be reproduced on a large scale, their influence was undeniable. A number of the Faithful gathered in The City of Bayglen during the new year festivities, and on the Third they gathered en masse behindStormprophet Isambard Brunel to march through the city and onto the The Royal Lawn, where they demanded an audience with the King. Their demands were varied, but included an official Royal acknowledgement of the faith, a proper church building within the Royal Quarter of the city, the recognition of The Festival of the Stormwyrm as a national holiday, formal nationwide adoption of Southbay's proclamations against landlords and support of the poor and homeless through public housing and foodbanks, and finally a position for A Representative of the Stormprophet on the Royal Council.

In response ser Talinora Echol formally quits The Kingsguard of Tyon I Cray to become the Sworn Sword of Stormprophet Isambard Brunel.

Related Location
The City of Bayglen
Related timelines & articles
The Timeskip 444-454KS (article)
History of Greland (article)
The Life of ser Allon Stormborn (article)
The Kingdom of Somercrag (article)