Greland Slaughter at The Hollow

Slaughter at The Hollow

Life, Death


On the day of Tyon Foxworth's twelfth birthday ser Katriana Foxgard, a knight sworn to his parents, appeared within the walls of The Hollow by Unknown Means.
When confronted by the castle's Men-at-Arms Katriana responded by calling forth Living Shadows to attack them.
She fought her way through the castle until she came upon the young Foxworth Squire, siezing him and spiriting him away from The Hollow.

Amongst the casualties of Katriana's assault on The Hollow, aside from the many men-at-arms, were ser Evin Malls, the knight who Tyon had been squiring to; ser Taliyah Bancey and ser Inga Hornwood, Sworn Swords to Tyon's sister Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth and her wife Lady Hellna Gaunt respectively; and Luras, the Marshal of The Gaunt Duchy.