ser Evin Malls Character in Greland | World Anvil

ser Evin Malls

Mechanical Information
Brawn: 4
Willpower: 2
Melee: 3
Shield Use: 3

Wounds: 14
Strain: 12


  In 441KS, following The Tourney at Fairstrand 441KS and ser Theadwyn Wynch's departure to assist in The Revolution of 441KS, Lady Terin Foxworth and Lady Hellna Gaunt were sent to live in The Gallows, where Evin Malls was serving as the Squire of ser Bennar Wrought. Although he could not bring himself to interact with the two young ladies he became enamoured with them.

In 443KS, having been knighted the previous year, ser Evin resolved to travel with the other knights from The Foxworth Duchy to Tourney at Southbay 443KS and confess his admiration to the two women and enter into their service as a Sworn Sword, a common resolution to such unrequited feelings. The ladies accepted this request, and he returned with them to The Hollow after the Tourney.
Personal Heraldry
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Death
14th of March
Year of Birth
424 KS 30 Years old
Sword Sworn To Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth and Lady Hellna Gaunt
Squired To
ser Bennar Wrought beginning in 432KS
Knighted By
ser Bennar Wrought in 442KS
Tyon Foxworth beginning in 451KS
Former Squire(s)



Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth


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