Greland The Kingdom of Somercrag Rescues Refugees from Rotheval and Hillhurst

The Kingdom of Somercrag Rescues Refugees from Rotheval and Hillhurst

Population Migration / Travel


Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford concieved a response to the eruption of The Boxsart Hills, inspired by her own relocation of the oppressed peoples of Barrowton many years ago. Throughout The Kingdom of Somercrag the Duchal Houses would each be responsible for raising fund. These funds would be used to create stores of food, clothing, and other supplies, as well as to to outfit the ships of Somercrag's Royal Fleet for the rescue opertion. The ships would make several trips around the coast of The Continent of Greland, ferrying smallfolk from the worst affected areas on the shores of The Hurst Channelto various ruined or abandoned settlements throughout Somercrag to be settled.

In The Foxworth Duchy this targeted the former Black Cities of Fairdeep and Southmarket as well as the ruins of Stathgow. These cities had recently been cleansed of their Shades and now had whole cities of abandoned infrastructure waiting to be repopulated. In The Southbay Duchy this targeted the ruined settlements formerly part of Eastern Southbay made into new territories, Conbridge in House Prester of Conn and Old Caulstid in House Hewlett of Greater Stallken, as well as the ruined town of Westcross in House Blackwood of Westlake. It would also target a number of smaller settlements in the Western households devastated by the cracking of The Great Grinding in 443KS. In The Blackbar Duchy , House Tallman of Summerswind would see the benefits, as though Summerswind had officially reopened in 445KS, it was still but a shadow of its former self and the neighbouring farms and towns still bore the damage of The Razing of Summerswind during The Revolution of 441KS. Finally, in The Hayford Duchy, House Locke of Riverfoot and House Bailer of Tayach Dam would see the settlements abandoned in the shadow of the Blackfire that had consumed the tower in Riverfoot be repopulated.