Burning Sun Legion Military Formation in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Burning Sun Legion

Led by Warlord Nodachi, the Burning Sun Legion is a nomadic paramilitant tribe of hobgoblins that travels throughout the northern reaches of the greater Salinmoor region of Keoland. Noted for their use of wolves bred for tracking, the Burning Sun pride themselves at being expert beast handlers. Members of the tribe will often refer to "Burning Sun" when they are discussing the tribe specifically, or "The Legion" when discussing strictly military matters but the two are in fact one in the same. One cannot be a soldier of the Legion without also being a member of the tribe and visa versa.  

Attitudes and Views

Driven by a twisted sense of honor, the Legion have been able to coexist with other groups in the region despite viewing them with contempt for being soft and weak. There are few individuals they will grant any measure of respect or deference; among those are included Pack Lord Varulven and the Moor King, both of whom have fearsome reputations of their own.

  When negotiating with a disciplined military order or liaison the Legion will extend full courtesies and comport themselves professionally with a strict code of conduct so long as military courtesy is reciprocated.   As with nearly all hobgoblins, members of the Burning Sun Legion see themselves as the pinnacle of the goblinoid species and have little use for their distant cousins beyond roles as laborers and slaves, viewing them more as functional tools than as individuals.



As in any strict military hierarchy, every hobgoblin in the Legion has a rank, from the Warlord down through a cadre of officers to the soldiers that make up most of its number. These ranks are as follows:  
  • 1st rank: Warlord
  • 2nd rank: Banner Generals
  • 3rd rank: Captains, Devastators (War Wizards)
  • 4th rank: Fatal Axes
  • 5th rank: Spears, Iron Shadows (Shadow Monk Assassins)
  • 6th rank: Fists, Wolf Brothers (Beast Master Rangers)
  • 7th rank: Soldiers, Scouts
  The Legion is comprised of five Banners, each led by a Banner General. Positions are not hereditary and must be earned by merit, but those among the "nobility" of the command structure typically have great advantages in education and martial training. When a warlord dies or is removed from the post, a successor is chosen from among the existing Banner Generals. The Banners and current respective Generals are as follows:  
  • Deathgrip: The Grinner
  • Blood Talon: Rhazarg the Bull
  • Dark Gauntlet: Vordoq Edgewalker
  • Fire Hand: Aku-Nesh the Unforgiving
  • Cinderclaw: Khaegurn One-Eye


Originally from the Pomarj, the Burning Sun tribe relocated to the northern Salinmoor nearly 50 years ago. This migration had become necessary for the continued survival of the tribe after several successful military campaigns against them by neighboring orcish and goblinoid tribes.   After a sustained period of continued expansion and military dominance, the Burning Sun roused significant alarm in the other tribes of the region, who subsequently banded together. This rare alliance of tribes was enough to overwhelm the Burning Sun's legions on multiple occasions, and the once plentiful reserve of soldiers dwindled to an alarming few. In essence, the Burning Sun had become a victim of their own successes.   Despite their military prowess, the numbers were overwhelming against the Burning Sun. When Warlord To'karo himself fell in a crushing loss, the three remaining generals were divided in how to proceed. The two generals who agreed on abandoning the ancestral holdings in the interest of survival banded together to slay the third general.   The remaining two generals, Hegfarn and Sogrist, lead the troops out of the Pomarj but differed in opinion as to where the best destination would be. Knowing the tribe needed a decisive leader and wanting to avoid a civil war between factions that would further endanger the tribe's long term survival, the generals agreed to a duel. Sogrist cut down Hegfarn in a lengthy battle and assumed the leadership of the tribe as its new warlord. The most skilled of the remaining captains became the new generals and so on down the ranks.   Sogrist led the Burning Sun to the northern Salinmoor where they were able to range freely and unmolested so long as they did not encroach on the Moor King's territory or venture too close to the elven tribes of the Dreadwood. Sogrist slowly rebuilt their numbers and even undertook several mercenary contracts when he could do so without crippling the tribe.   In its present incarnation, the tribe is once again strong under the leadership of Sogrist's descendent Nodachi.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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