Divine Quinternion


The Divine Quinternion is the name of the pantheon of gods on Thrail. Each of the deities in the Quinternion has granted power to followers in recent history which is part of why they are considered legitimate. Other gods, at least by most religions, are blasphemous if they do not actively imbue their followers with power. This universal recognition of existence tends to create dissent and schisms as most religions and cultures have different interpretations of what the Divine Quinternion represents, who among them is greatest, and, even for those that agree on the first two points, divide themselves over means of worship or minutiae of doctrine. Many religions may also choose to refer to the deity they worship by a different name or title. While most religions are polytheistic in that they recognize the Quinternion, most choose only to focus worship on a single member.   Each of the Deities ' names ends with the letter 'i'. This makes their name plural grammatically, but colloquially this is taken honorifically to elevate the name above all others and show complete ownership over it. Thus, names given to children avoid any similarities to the deities. This practice is common in Ormyst and Thrail, but other regions may not follow this convention and omit the 'i' entirely.  

Relationship with Halor

Each of the deities has followers and communities that worship them across Halor. To some followers, they may impart power in the form of magic or artifacts, but typically they remain quiet as their direct influence is limited. Divine power is seen as an endorsement of the legitimacy of faith for many followers, but none have a full understanding of when and how divine power is granted.   Since each deity is associated primarily with a single race on Halor, those races typically flock to that Deity. However, many religions allow for converts of other races and even consider it a point of pride to "steal" a believer from another faith. This inevitably leads to religious and racial tensions exacerbating one another to the point of conflict. For races without a patron deity, some will adhere to various faiths around The Silent Mother, while others form religions and worship beings outside the Quinternion.  


While many nuances exist, the origin and motivation of the five gods are agreed upon. When Qor punished Usos he relented from destroying all of his creations and instead appointed a deity for each to bring them to Halor, a world where the gods could not directly interfere with mortal affairs. Each of these beings would then be represented by a deity they choose to decide their fate after their mortal life has ended.   There are a select few who worship Qor directly and are considered to be heretical by just about every follower within the Quinternion.  

The Deities


Alusti or more commonly Alu, is the deity commonly associated with creation, ingenuity, diligence, individualism, and progress. He is worshipped most on Thrail but also has followers on nearly every band of the ring. He is the patron deity of the Humans  


Ezengeli is the deity assosciated with beauty, community, perserverence, and respect. He is the partron deity of the Elvespians.  


Velhaggi is the deity assosciated with life, death, procreation, and mourning. Thier followers often have lavish rituals surrounding birth, procreation, and death; three milestones key to any believers journey of worship. He is the partron Deity of the Stonehoofs.  


Nithani, or much more commonly, The Silent Mother, is the goddess of prudence, temperance, frugality, mercy, and humility. She is not the patron deity of any specific race, and typically appeals to any race not covered by another deity.  


Haukri is the deity associated primarily with courage, strength, nobility, wisdom. He is the partron Deity of the Varathi.


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