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Cundras (M8)

Realm: Melderyn
Holder: Lady of Paladins
Population: 330
Liege: King of Melderyn
  Cundras Keep was built by order of King Lodros in 624. In 654, King Etobron granted both Cundras and Fosumo to the Order of the Lady of Paladins, a Laranian fighting order. Cundras is now the headquarters of the order. Since 714, the order has staged a vicious crusade against the Solara tribesmen, seeking to win control of their lands. The order faces growing opposition within the Church of Larani for its genocidal atrocities. The Chabla (grandmaster) is Sir Enyel Trenoul, a shrewd and stubborn man of 48.



Industry & Trade

Self sufficent in production of fish & wood
Imports all other goods
This trade imbalance is subsidized

Outpost / Base
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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