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This primitive matriarchal tribe, is slowly being exterminated by the Larani sect Order of the Lady of Paladins .   Its members include:
Once a member has proved themselves a contributing adult member of the tribe, they are permanantly considered a full-fledged member of the tribe, regardless of race, time, & distance from the tribe.  

Solori Tenacity

There is a song that, surprisingly, is sung by both the Solori and the Hodiri. It recounts an attempt by a Solori warrior to avenge a Hodiri chief’s attack on his family. He dogged the chief’s travels but the man was always well protected. All Horadir came to know the ludicrous lone figure and when the chief died peacefully, years after the attack, the Solori was able to sneak into camp. When the Hodiri caught him, they laughed, saying “You are too late, he has died.” The Solori promptly slew himself, vowing “I will catch him.” To the Solori, the story is one of heroic determination and patience. The Hodiri interpret it differently.


Stoicly Serious, pig-headedly Proud, & stubbornly Just.

Technological Level

Advanced herbalism skills at producing both healing balms and poison mixtures.

Foreign Relations

Recently, the tribe has allied with a Sahuagin tribe to the east.

Type: Association of nomadic tribes   Leadership: Westra, goliath Sorcerer
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species


Allied: Sahuagin oceanic tribe off the south east cost of Harn

Enemy: Larani, goddes of chivalry and battle
Harn Kingdoms
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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