
The mages of Hârn (and all of Lythia) are known collectively as the Shek-Pvar. The Shek-Pvar includes six separate sub-organizations each devoted to a specific esoterica principle.

Shek-Pvar subscribe to a doctrine of magick called Pvarism. The doctrine of Pvarism perceives and describes KeIestia (everything that exists) in terms of six key esoteric elemental principles: Air, Fire. Metal, Earth, Water, and Spirit. Because manipulation of these esoteric elements imposes unique demands upon the mind and body, six schools of arcane lore have evolved. Each school stressing one of the six elements. The earliest schools of magick predate the founding of Melderyn by at least a thousand years.

The first Pvarists believed that everything was literally composed of one or more of the six basic elements. This simplistic belief evolved over the centuries and most Shek-Pvar now view the six elements as mental templates that enable the mind to grasp and manipulate complex magical forces. For example, when referring to "earth", Fyvrian Shek-Pvar now means far more than the dirt beneath people's feet: they include all the natural cycles of birth and growth, death and decay.

Convocations of the Shek-Pvar

  • Fyvria: The element of Fyvria is Earth, the green and growing and of decay,
  • Jmorvi: The element of Jmorvi is Metal and focuses on artifice,
  • Lyahvi: The element of Lyahvi is Air, the insubstantial, invisible, ethereal, and illusory,
  • Neutral: Is not a convocation, it is what is in between and what binds all the other convocations together,
  • Odvishe: The element of magick is Water, darkness and cold,
  • Peleahn: The element of Peleahn is Fire, smoke, and heat,
  • Savorya: The element of Savorya is Spirit and the mind.
The Pvaric Code


Bring not the scorn of the Kvikir upon thy brothers, nor make with thyne art a place for thyself above them.


Keep sacred and free from harm thy House of Lore, and make a tithe to thy House a portion of thyne arcane treasure.


Spread not they lore even among thy brothers, without first obtaining the sanction of thy peers.


Succor not a renegade of the art, but strike him down With thy power, else summon thy brothers to thyne aid.

Renegade Shek-Pvar:

Although the Shek-Pvar are unified by a common belief in Pvarism and the practice of magic, there are good and evil members in every convocation. The Shek-Pvar have few universal rules however, The Pvaric Code, is rigidly enforced. Those who break the code are subject to being declared renegade.

Guild, Mages

Cover image: by Richard Luschek
Character flag image: Shek-Pvar Teaching by Eric Hotz


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