Lance Holton Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Lance Holton

Lance Holton (a.k.a. Baby Holton)

As the heir to the House of Holton fortune, Lance was born into a life of priviledge. Unfortunately, his name was on the list for Merakesh Larkin given to him by the Lady of the Bones. Lance was stolen from his crib in the night, and his body was never found. He has been presumed dead but the unknowing has left a mark in the family.   The Holton family is an influential family within Hausken, and Lance's older cousin currently sits in the Tower Council.  
Ward Two - A new born child to know lady luck.

Five Wards

Unknown to anyone but Merakesh Larkin, Lance Holton was a name on his list and was assassinated for one of his Blood Magic wards.   The scar on Merakesh's right arm has been covered with a tattoo to help conceal the blood magic from all those who may see his arm. The tattoo that covers ward two is a five petaled Flower - Lucky Plum, within a circular border.   The scar on Merakesh's right arm has been covered with a tattoo to help conceal the blood magic from all those who may see his arm.
4 days
Date of Birth
26th Of Harth, 393 YAW
Date of Death
2nd Of Oak, 393 YAW
393 YAW 393 YAW
Circumstances of Death
He was taken from his crib by Merakesh and was killed for one of his blood magic wards.
Place of Death
His is still missing


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