

Lucens est un jeune ensorceleur/mage humain male non binaire de 20ans qui s'habille presque toujours de façon féminine, même s'il a une bonne constitution apparrente et une silhouette atlhétique.

Physical Description

Caractéristiques d'Identification

Il a de grand cheveux blonds et des yeux bleus. Lucens est extraverti. Il porte une longue robe blanche et bleue.

Mental characteristics

Histoire Personnelle

The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, are dedicated to goodness shaped by law and justice tempered with mercy. All aspects of Celestia are beautiful and perfect. As an outer plane, Celestia was spatially infinite and consisted of seven infinite layers (or sub-planes). The seven individual layers formed a colossal mountain that rose from an infinite sea of holy water on the bottommost layer, to the summit on the topmost layer.   The second layer, Mercuria was known as the Golden Heaven because a warm golden light suffused everywhere. This layer contained the armory for the noblest warriors who came here for their eternal rest. If necessary, Mercuria was the marshaling ground for the armies of the Heavens, as well as the gathering place for its troops. It is the location of the divine realms of Amaterasu, Torm, and Girru, as well as the main location of the mobile realm of Bahamut, and most notably, Diche, Goddess of sunlight, also tied to battle and war.   Sensing a growing and dark threat in the material plane, Diche decided to take action, she took a radiant fragment of her own being, and gave birth to a magical creature, shaping them to her own image. On a faithful dawn, she sent them to the material plane. Bathed in warm golden light, they descended upon the lands.   Lucens was so brought to this world, tasked to follow Diche's light and become a radiant beacon amidst the ever-growing darkness looming over the material plane.

Personality Characteristics

Goûts et Aversions

  • Training to grow his magical powers
  • Researching about magic, magical creatures and magical items
  • Adding new spells to his spell book
  • Praying to the Goddess and singing her praises
  • Basking in the first rays of light at dawn




Towards Amellys




Towards Lucens


"Diche thanks you, and I thank Diche"

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from dusk to Dawn

“My son, I sent you to this plane, to this island, to be the hope that banishes fear as sure as the sun does darkness, to be the break of dawn to end the night that befell it, but you can’t illuminate a kingdom that fears the sun and craves the shadows. Since the beginning people here from all races have denied you and therefore me, tarnished my name and made it a mockery, the very people that claim to follow my doctrine have twisted and corrupted it. I solemnly forsake Heeratat may it forever dwell in darkness and never see the light of day, return to me my son”   The words of my mother still resonated in my mind while I opened my eyes once more after being healed by Moonie. I can barely stand up. When I finally look up I see the wounded red dragon fiercely fighting the bronze dragon, Vasuki. Samay and Milerion are gone, everyone else seems panicked, is this it? Has Samay gone through a portal? The “fleau” rises ever higher, and I can’t help but feel relieved that it is almost over, this was never my fight nor my story, I had been sent here for a purpose that now was meaningless.   We all witness as the fleau envelopes Vasuki and now he stands with his father, this is it.   But something happens… Seems like Anantakal recognizes something in my friend, Amellys, but what? And suddenly it's revealed, she raises her hand, takes off her glove and my eyes can’t believe what I see, there it is, after all this time thinking it had been stolen, The hand of vecna. Had I been too trusting, too naive, too blind? There were signs all along, but she’s my friend, how could she? All of this? For what? My mother was right, this land doesn’t deserve saving, these people don’t deserve saving. Time seems to move in slowly, it’s just a matter of seconds till they decide to finish us all.   Anantakal addresses Amellys and offers her a pact. He knows she holds great power with the hand of Vecna attached to her and so he wants to rule, with Amellys to his side. Together they will be unstoppable. I can’t help thinking how fitting.   And so, unsurprisingly, Amellys, my childhood “friend”, accepts the deal. Can’t say I’m shocked at this point, I wasn’t sure she coveted the throne and to rule, at first but it became clear as time went on. She had always desired power and rulership. But, I don’t feel betrayed, my heart is incapable of harboring hatred, so I don’t. I don’t blame her. She had felt weak in the past, so she craved power, to not have those feelings anymore, she was just a scared little girl on the inside. I pity her. But she is my friend after all, and even now I stand by her side.   Then what I have been waiting for, comes. The dragons start tearing everyone apart. Killing them in horrible ways, when it finally comes to the paladin, Amellys stops Anantakal.   “I want to do it myself” - she tells the dragon “Very well, put up a show for us and your friends, my queen” - the dragon says with wicked delight   Amellys approaches the wounded paladin, forsaken by his own goddess, left to die alone, such is the will of nature after all. She raises her devilish hand and points a finger at him, and… I avert my eyes, the sight is too gruesome, I just hear the screams of pain, utter pain. It goes for what seems forever, she’s killing him slowly, relishing in his agony, I can hear the demonic laughter of Anantakal as he watches, pleased. So much evil around me. Then it suddenly stops. It’s over.   “Behold Lucens. Behold my new servant” - Amellys tells me, satisfied with her deed.   I finally dare to look, abomination, what once was a young paladin, now reduced to an undead corpse cursed to serve his evil queen, for eternity. And I take a look around me, I see the slaughtered bodies of Pangur Ban, Kethot, Kath. Only Moonie and Edras are still standing, terrified, awaiting their turn.   I turn to Amellys. “What now?” -I ask her, numb. “And now we celebrate, for a new King has risen, and with him a queen” - She laughs   Anantakal lands in front of us, still bleeding from his wounds. He looks at me “You were a nuisance, I thought I killed you at least 3 times, I wanted you dead and yet still you stand here in front of me. I should burn you to ashes. But I won’t, you are very powerful, I will admit that, you’re lucky my queen sees you as a friend, otherwise I would enjoy killing you myself.” - He lowers his massive head closer to me, I can feel his hot breath. I can smell the blood.   “Lucens proved to be a powerful ally, he can be useful in the future.” - Amellys says as she puts an arm around my shoulders, suddenly she turns me around to face her. “I haven’t forgotten what you did back in the orc mine, that was MY POTION, MINE, you took it away from me. But I recognized it was to save a friend, so I decided to let it go.”   She grabs my arm, strongly, with the demonic hand, I can feel its chill touch, almost trying to absorb my life essence. She leans closer and says: “May it be the last time or I won’t prove as graceful as today” She lets go.   “As to these two” She says as she motions to Edras and Moonie - “spare them, I need servants after all.”   “What about the monk?” - The dragon says, Loen is pulling himself out of the ravine he had fallen off earlier.   “Well. I found him in a cage, so maybe he belongs in a cage” - Amellys says, smiling psychotically as she does.   And so it was. All four, we were spared. But at what cost?   Things were never the same at the island, just like my mother had said to me, the Sun never shone in the skies of Heeratat, condemned to eternal darkness, what once was a flourishing land, had turned into a desolate landscape. Anantakal and Amellys started to expand their kingdom, to conquer the continent and siphon their resources back here.   I was relegated to studying magic and learning ways to make them more powerful and eventually immortal. Their thirst was unquenchable. I quickly grew in power, but I tried my best to conceal my new found strength, in vane, she knew me too well, she would send me to the battlefield, against the resistance that had grown against the evil tyrants, but they were no match. Amellys was ruthless, what once was a cheerful and reliable elf, now was a proud and evil queen, merciless. But she still held a semblance of tenderness towards me. I would also secretly commune with my mother, asking her for guidance and advice, she was the only reason that kept me going. I witnessed so much despair and death.   A few years passed, I had made incredible discoveries, but so had Amellys, despite my efforts to conceal as much of my research as I could, she is a cunning creature, she always seemed to be one step ahead of me. She had also managed to get a hold of the eye of Vecna.   One day she came up to me and said - “I know what my “brother” she said with visible disgust - “Well, my adopted brother did. He took a portal to the future, thinking it would break the time loop. But he failed” I remained silent. “I won’t let him get away, I will take care of him myself” - She said sternly “And how are you planning to do so?” - I questioned her “Well my beloved friend, you will assist me in that” - She said to me with a smirk on her face.   Like I said I had acquired an important spell she was intending to take advantage of, just like that ring I had found all those years ago inside the cryptex. But this time, I was able to cast it myself, wish. I, naturally, hadn’t said anything about this to Amellys, it had been thanks to my studies and the help of my mother, that I had acquired such strength, as a mean to eventually escape from her, but Amellys had become too powerful herself, since she acquired both the hand and the eye of Vecna, she had been unable to cast arcane magic, cut off from the weave by Mystra, she was relegated to the cursed magic her demonic artifacts bestowed on her. That’s why she kept me around, I was just a means to and end for her, nothing more.   “What do you need from me?” - I asked reluctantly “You will use a spell to put us on stasis, a state of suspended animation, in a secure demi plane inside the palace, and so we will wait for my brother to appear in the future, whatever long that will take” - She says determinedly. “But that could take hundreds of years. We haven’t yet determined how far in the future he went, are you willing to give all those years away, for revenge?” - I’m heartbroken “Whatever it takes, Samay will perish by my hand” - She replied “Anantakal is perfectly capable of taking care of the kingdom and with Vasuki with us, we will be able to fool my brother easily, the poor soul will think he is still in love with him and will come running” - she laughed “It will be done” - I say “Perfect, you’re always so helpful” - she kisses me on the cheek, it burns my skin. I had given up on this land long ago, whatever she wanted to do with it, wasn’t a concern to me. She had won. And so it goes, I used the spell, and for hundreds of years we waited, in stasis, our material bodies, frozen in time, ageless, our astral bodies projected, wondering the astral plane, for what felt as an eternity.   Until that fateful day, as our astral bodies are shunted back to our material bodies by the contingency I had set up. Samay’s presence had been felt once more, he had arrived, just like she had hoped for. Amellys' plan, one she had set in motion a lifetime ago, was finally coming to fruition. Her thirst for revenge had transcended time and space.   As she had predicted, Samay fell for the trap like bees to honey, she used Vasuki to trick him into coming with him to find the cube, where she awaited for her destiny to finally come true, she would be once and for all, the only true heir. To a long forgotten and forsaken kingdom. But right before I could witness what would be the end of this tragic tale…   The sun seems to shine once more over Heeratat, if only once. I pull out the forked, metal rod attuned to Mount Celestia I was able to finally acquire all those years ago, and before I could be stopped by my childhood friend, before I could witness her doing to Samay what she did to that paladin, before she could realize I was finally escaping… I wish to plane shift to “The Radiant Dawn” in the second layer, Mercuria, of Mount Celestia.   I’m writing these words, under the golden light of my new home, where, finally, I am free. Not to remember what happened to me. But as a cautionary tale, not every kingdom wants to be saved, not every kingdom deserves to be saved. Some are doomed to eternal darkness, because they crave the shadows. But even after the darkest night, the sun will always rise, and so I do, I rise once more, eager to see what lies ahead…

Solstice Day

A major holiday celebrated by worshipers of the goddess Diche, to celebrate the gift of the sun and its light to the material plane, as well as the dawn of a new year. This marks the day where farmers harvest their crops at the earliest rays of dawn, believed to bless and bring abundance. Clergy of the Cathedral of Light would be present for the harvest to signify the goddesses’ favor upon the lands.   This day celebrates and honors as a sign of gratitude to the Radiant one, as it marks the day she gifted the sun to the planes, and its light brought fort life to them. It is the longest day of the year, with the most sunlight, and the shortest night. Followers of Diche celebrate the holiday by dressing in bright red and other sunrise hues. People sympathetic to the practice have the custom to wink at celebrants with whom they establish eye contact. This practice often results in lasting friendships. It was also customary to wear flower crowns made with sunflowers and other yellow flowers and wheat stems.
  A solemn ceremony is held at the main temple of The Cathedral of Light, hosted by Kelddath Ormlyr, human cleric, the most radiant high priest of Diche and Diene Tally, human wizard, the most radiant High Magus of the church. Together they sing the “Song of Dawn”, an elegant song honoring Diche with an intricate combination of choral harmonies, followed by a performance of the Chorus of Paladins. After the ceremony, the clergy join worshipers to celebrate with followers of towns nearby temples of Diche, with a festival that sees much feasting, music-making, and frolicking in the fields. It is a time when love blossoms, and often acquaintances become romances and courtships traditionally become betrothals. All shops close at highsun and thereafter people join the festivities, everyone is welcome even people that don’t identify themselves as followers of Diche. The golden night, as it is traditionally called, shortest of the year, always coincides with a full moon, ensuring an unusually brighter night. Celebrations often go well past late hours. This is also time for new members of the clergy to be appointed with different titles among the church, and usually some couples get married on this day, among the festivities. It is said Diche herself takes a hand to ensure good weather for the occasion. That the sun shines brighter and bigger in the sky.  
  I would always attend the festivities with Diene, we would dress all fancy and rejoice in a new year full of sunlight, in gratitude to my mother. I would attend the ceremony and watch Diene sing that beautiful song, in awe. We visited Thalisius-Flora together to join the others in the frivolities of the occasion. I always wondered if one day, I too would sing the “Song of Dawn”, the highest privilege among the clergy of the cathedral, as Diene does. One day I’m sure I will…

A ballad for the departed

In loving memory of Teddy and his beloved father, may their souls now eternal in Mount Celestia.   *soft spoken singing by Lucens, to sooth the souls of those who lost their lives*   “Her heart is big enough to hold your fears; You can fill it up with all your tears. Your hopes, and dreams and failures too; it’s big enough to hold all of you.   Let go of the tiredness that came with each day, the sadness that didn’t go away. the memories that flood your heart; the pain of being apart. the chores that piled around; the loneliness of standing your ground. Her heart is big enough for all of this pain; She knows what you went through and it was not in vain.   You’ve been through it all, you suffered so much; so now you feel Her touch. It will come to you through a smile, like a friend; A helping hand that came in the end . A thoughtful moment from someone who cares; a candle alight in the depths of despair.   Know that Her presence is wrapped around you, and all that you’re feeling, all that is blue; Her heart is big enough to take all of you. To take you inside, to the warmth of Her love, where you are now able to safely hide. Her heart will never let you feel alone, and it burns away all the fear of the unknown.   This is my prayer during this time, that a ray of hope from Her heart will shine. Straight into yours to take out the fear, dispel all darkness and fill you with cheer. Her heart is big enough — Believe it, it’s true! Her love is the source of all life anew.   She is waiting for you. See Her smile! See Her hand! She will lead you ahead.   Morning's Dawn lights the way; Restless dream all done; Shadows gone, break of day, Life has just begun. Every tear wiped away, Pain and sickness gone; Wide awake there with Her! Peace goes on and on! Going home, going home, You'll be going home. See the Light! See the Sun! You’re just going home.”   O Immaculate Radiant Diche, Heavenly beauty and splendor, you are the most valued Heavenly treasure. Recieve their souls in your golden heaven, eternal. Diche thanks you, and I thank Diche.  

Letter to Diene

My dear Diene,   How naive was I, today I have been confronted with a harsh reality, one I never thought could exist. My perception has been forever tarnished, from that pristine one I grew up in at the Cathedral, I have witnessed the wickedness of men corrupt the doctrine of my mother. Where she teaches love and courage they preach hate and cowardice I witnessed a so-called “priest” of the goddess Diche, falsely judge and sentence to death an innocent child, accusing it of being a fiend. Where my mother’s light shines and brings redemption, they called for fire and death. You would be as disgusted as I am of what I stood witness today, far from the real light of the Radiant One, these people claim to hear her voice but their actions make them seem completely deaf. I refuse to believe The Golden Goddess Diche ever talked to this blasphemous coward, as I stood my ground to protect innocents, he ran away, like a dog, without remorse. My heart won’t hunger for revenge but it longs for the day his soul will face divine judgment. Have these people been cut off from the world by the “fleau” for so long it has lost all sense of reality? The more my journey goes forth, the darker it becomes. We tried our best but the forces of evil are wicked and cunning, a whole village ravaged. They are using necromantic magic, turning people into undead that hunger for living flesh. We tried our best, we are still young and not as experienced, but we couldn't save the town. In a church we stood strong as a final stand, fighting off hordes of undead, trying to save as many villagers as we could, we fought valiantly, but we were overwhelmed, we had no choice but to retreat with as many innocent souls as we could. I lost track of Loen, the fight was messy. He came close to dying. Thanks the Goddess Thanae had come with us and was able to get to him and save him.   We stumbled across a gruesome discovery in the woods near the town, someone created a tool to turn living people into undead, we fear it might have been Rufus, corrupted by the “fleau” now his soul is forfeit. We destroyed a stone golem protecting the unholy tool, and found a goblinoid witch making sure this foul plan would come through. We were too late, their schemes were too advanced for us to stop. I feel the heavy weight of the guilt I will have to carry from now on.   My dearest Diene, I beg of you, pray for me, pray for my friends and pray for our success. Now more than ever I need my mother’s aid.   These are dark times and darker even are coming, my light wont flicker, but it needs to shine brighter. I won’t falter. I worry for my friends, I hope their hearts and souls won’t be corrupted by the shadows. The events of this day call for ample reflection and prayer. We need to grow even stronger, although we have come a long way and our powers and abilities have indeed strengthened yet we need more.   I was able, thanks to Milerion, to get my hands on a relic that holds a powerful secret that will help us tremendously in our upcoming adventures. I need to uncover its secrets.   I don’t know when you will be able to read my words dearest Diene, I hope soon. 'Till then keep praying for me, may my mother always hear you. Take care and keep shining.


Lucens’ Impenetrable Prayer of Protection:   “Dominus regit me, Deduxit me super semitas iustitiae.Nam, etsi ambulavero in medio umbrae mortis, non timebo mala. ut inhabitem in domo Domini in aeternum.   Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the sunlight of the Almighty. I will say of the goddess, “She is my refuge and my fortress, my goddess, in whom I trust.”   Surely she will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. She will cover you with her feathers, and under her wings you will find refuge; her faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.   If you say, “The goddess is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For she will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.   “Because Lucens loves me,” says the goddess, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”   Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the goddess, and who meditates on her law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. I will give thanks to you, golden goddess, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Radiant One. My enemies turn back; they stumble and perish before you. For you have upheld my right and my cause, sitting enthroned as the righteous judge. The goddess is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Diche, have never forsaken those who seek you.   The goddess Diche is my shepherd. She leads me in paths of righteousness. I will fear no evil. I will dwell in the house of the goddess forever. I lift up my eyes to the heavens; my help comes from the goddess. She who keeps you will not slumber. She will keep you from all evil. I give you thanks, O Radiant One! All the kings of the planes will praise you. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. My soul waits for Diche alone. She alone is my light and my salvation. Trust in her at all times, O people. Power and love belong to Diche. The golden goddess Diche is our refuge. We will not fear, though the earth gives way. The nations rage, kingdoms fall. "Be still and know that I am Diche." Praise the goddess! For great is her love towards us. Do not be envious of evildoers, for they will fade like the grass. The righteous will inherit the planes. The goddess is their stronghold. I waited patiently for the goddess. She drew me up from the pit. I delight to do your will, O Radiant One. My heart fails me, but you are my help. How lovely is your dwelling place, O Radiant One! A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. For the goddess is a SUN and shield.” Heavenly mother, Thank You for Your continued presence with us. Thank You for Your Almighty wings which cast an impenetrable sunlight of protection. Thank You for choosing to be in our midst, for lifting our burdens. Your divine Words bring so much hope and comfort to our hearts. Remind us daily of Your strength, and may we always see glimpses of Your infallible glory and blessing as we seek Your face throughout our days. Victory and salvation are found in You alone, Golden goddess. It is in the Mighty Name of the Radiant one, Diche, I pray.   The downfall of Edgewind has brought so much sorrow to my heart, I weep for every soul lost this day, but in these trying times I turn to you merciful mother, temper my heart with mercy and fill my soul with radiant hope.   Today we witnessed so much evil, death and despair. We behold what the forces of shadow are capable of, in their eternal quest of oblivion. But life will always pierce these torturous clouds and prevail. Even after the darkest night, the sun will always rise.


We finally made it to Edgewind, after what seemed like an eternity of trying to reach the city after learning there is a temple dedicated to Diche here. I felt compelled to come, somewhat connected to the city. Ever since I left home at the main temple of the Cathedral and left Diene behind, I have been feeling a little guilty about it. I needed to come here and feel closer to home by visiting the temple.   I know I was meant to come and help my friends try to rid the island of this horrible curse that has fallen upon it, but that doesn’t make me feel any less guilty about the way I had to leave home. Diene told me one morning as we strolled the gardens of the Cathedral, that the temple's mission sometimes attracted somber enemies, that would stop at nothing to harm the clergy and tarnish my Mother’s shine in the planes. Naturally if they learned my origin as a son created straight from Diche’s essence, they would seek to harm me and possibly destroy me, that was the reason she had been so protective of me all these years. She had hoped living cloistered in the refuge of the Cathedral could help me grow and become stronger to face the harsh realities of our world. I am thankful to Diene, her teachings have come in handy many times, and she was right, but no matter how hard I trained, or how many books I read, nothing could better prepare me to face the real world, and now that I have it has helped me grow even more! She thought I wasn’t ready yet, and I somewhat agree with her, in many ways I wasn’t. I’m learning as I go, it isn’t easy but I have faith we will succeed in our mission, and I will be able to see my home again and Diene.   This place is beautiful, very different from Neverview, cleaner and more orderly. Regal. The influence The Cathedral of Light has over the city is visible, with beautiful gardens and statues of The Radiant one all over. I'm proud to see Edgewind has adopted the Cathedral the way it has, if it were for me, every city would do the same.
It feels nice being back to a big city again, we had been on the road for a while, so it gives me some respite. Seems like we aren’t free of ordeals tho, seems like the consequences of his acts are finally catching up to Milerion as we found a wanted poster of him, accusing him of murdering Neverview’s supreme counselor’s brother, the man Amellys had unpetrified back at the basilisk’s lair. Now we have to deal with that. Edras and I headed to the Cathedral, I had some business to attend as the others went to take care of their own endeavors.   Our sojourn in Edgewind has been nothing but eventful. Milerion seems on a quest to complicate things for us, seduced by the corrupted promises of power whispered by the hand we found at Elvenbleak tower, he chopped off his own hand and then realized the mistake he had made so decided to chop it off again, with my help.   I am worried this powerful artifact might seek to manipulate my other friends with its twisted offerings of power, cursed power. I need to deal with it, but who can I entrust with such a powerful and malevolent artifact? Somewhat of a ray of sunshine in this chaotic storm, the intendant Duval, a faithful paladin of Diche. What I have hopes Tholor will maybe one day become? He is stalwart, staunch and devoted! He definitely caught my eye right away. I admire someone so pious and dedicated to the goddess, it reminds me of myself. It makes me think of Tholor more and more, I can’t stop wondering what he has become! Anyway, I’m glad Duval seems willing to lend me a hand in my duties, I sure need all the help I can get.
  Especially taking care of those disgusting priestesses of Shar, horrible corrupted creatures, they will all meet their end, no exceptions, to worship an evil goddess needs to be punished with death… is what Diene would probably say and Duval probably as well. They might be right, but I know my mother better than anyone and she also advocates for redemption of those willing to truthfully repent and change their ways. We need to purge the darkness with our light, but our light can also shine as a ray of hope to others. A light of salvation. That’s only if they truly repent tho, if they don’t, then yeah I will kill them if I have to.   I will be contacting my mother directly. It fills me with joy but makes me a little bit nervous, she’s a goddess after all. I hope she will help me save Milerion from a gruesome execution.

Plumeria bouquet

Before facing two giant snakes, saving Milerion from what seemed almost certain death, going through some portals, skillfully defeating a golem and a moving suit of armor by myself and narrowly escaping the crumbling tower. Before all of that, while still trapped in what at the time seemed as an illusion, my mind wandered off to a memory of my past.   It never really bothered me how different I seemed to other kids growing up. Diene kept me pretty discreet to outsiders at the Cathedral and clergy thought I was just some orphan she had taken under her tutelage ordained by the goddess, she kept my origins and some details secret. She said I would accomplish great things so naturally many could look to harm me if word got out of my existence. And so I mostly kept to myself, confined to the Cathedral and its walls for most of my childhood. I was able to interact with other kids whose parents would bring to pray at the temple, I was careful not to talk too much and they would find odd how devoted I was to the goddess as such young age, some would wonder about my parents, I would always tell them I didn’t remember them, and in some way, it was true. I was just a baby when they found me, and I’m almost certain they perished 10 years ago during the tragedy at Neelam. They were nice folks but never really understood the nature of my powers even if they were faithful people. They were afraid of my magic, so they wouldn’t allow me to use it. I would do so in secret, when I was around 7 I would sneak out at night and go into the forest and spend hours trying to cast spells, of course at the time I didn’t really know many. One night while I was summoning flame-like radiance from the heavens trying to hit a target I had placed on a big rock, I heard a voice call out to me, at first I thought it was the goddess, my mother, as she had done so many times before, specially in my dreams, she would come to me and we would talk, sometimes her words were cryptic and some very clear. But it wasn’t The Radiant one, it was a different kinda voice. A young woman, very beautiful, had been watching. She approached me and said: “you have potential, you hold a very special sort of magic inside you young one. As she walked towards me - It’s dangerous to be alone at night, specially for a child” “I’m practicing, my parents don’t like me using magic, so I have to do it at night while they sleep” - I replied “I know they aren’t your real parents and I know why they don’t understand, she has also come to me in dreams” - The woman said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. With those words, I knew what she meant and who had sent her, our meeting was foretold. “My mother sent you, who are you?” - I asked “My name is Diene Tally, Radiant High Magus at the Cathedral of Light, I was sent by the Golden Goddess Diche” - she said proudly, as she started glowing with a golden light. “I was sent here to meet you, Lucens Dawn touched, this has been foreseen” “Diche thanks you” - I said as I extended my hand holding some golden light. “And I thank Diche” -She replied as she did the same This is how I came to meet Diene, and how she had become my tutor and mentor, we would meet in secret and she would train and teach me.   It was around this time Mohun Gazdar took me in and I joined the Academy of Magic at the castle in Neelam. Then the tragedy took place, and I left the island with Diene, headed to the Cathedral of Light   And so the years passed, as I grew up in the safety and comfort of the Cathedral, so did my curiosity to see the outside world. Like an old habit, I would also sneak out at night, most of them to the forbidden section of the Library. Diene favored practical training but I knew I could also gather valuable knowledge from the pages of the countless books I read. On rare occasions I would dare venture outside of the Cathedral, it was a hard feat to pull off but I managed to succeed without being caught, although I always wondered if Diene knew and she just allowed me to go anyway, in any case, I sometimes went down to the lake next to the Cathedral. It was peaceful and beautiful, the reflection of the moon over the water was mesmerizing, but most nights when I was feeling extra adventurous I would go as far as a city nearby called Thalisius-Flora, known for growing some beautiful flowers in fields surrounding the city and making stunning bouquets and arrangements out of them. It was a way to see how the world outside the Cathedral was. Thalisius-Flora was a lively city, people would gather at night in taverns and down the streets, I would see all sort of different people, of all sorts of races and backgrounds, they would share drinks and food as some others would sing and dance, the streets decorated with the flowers they so proudly grew, unique to the region. I longed somewhat to join their night of fun and frivolity, if even for one night. I was too worried it would be dangerous to do so at the time, so I didn’t. Diene would always tell me to be careful.
Except one night, as I tried moving discreetly around the city trying to spectate the festivities, I got distracted by a delightful flower arrangement hanging from a window, a sweet scent emanated from it, I approached to take a closer look. I heard a voice say to me - “They’re called Plumerias, these ones are of the royal pink kind” The voice startled me, I had made a huge mistake, my number one rule was to never be caught by anyone, and my number two rule was to never talk to anyone. I pulled my hood even lower over my head and turned away to leave, but a hand grabbed my arm lightly, my heart started racing, Diene will be very mad at me if I get in trouble, even extra mad when she realizes I’ve been sneaking out. “Wait” - the voice said hurriedly I turn my head and see a young man holding my arm, he’s around my age, maybe a year or two older but I can’t be sure. Taller than me, brawny, with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes, but not as blue and beautiful as mine. He's wearing common folk clothes and looks at me interrogatively. “I need to go” - I tell him, fearing I have been caught or may be in some kinda trouble. “You’re not from around here are you? What’s your name?” - he asks “You don’t need to know that” - I say as I try to pull my arm free He lets go and as I turn to leave runs past me and stands in my way. “Now where are your manners, I’ve asked you a question” - he claimed I tell him something in celestial, pretending I don’t speak common, trying to get rid of him. “You speak celestial? Interesting, not many folk know the language of the gods, you must be part of that shiny temple near the city” - he says “Shiny temple? You mean The Cathedral of Light, show some respect! And how do you know what celestial sounds like?” - I say before realizing I have given away way too much already. “So you do come from the shiny temple then? And sounds like you speak common alright, why so evasive? Did you run away?” - he says with a slight smirk on his face Run away? funny, at the time that would have never crossed my mind. I didn’t realize I would have to do so to keep a promise I made to Amellys and the others back at Neelam all those years ago. “What’s with all the questions? Are you a guard or something? I have to go” I say as I walk past him. He once again runs past me and stands in front of me, holding his arms in front of him asking me to stop “Hold on, a guard? No way, one day I will become a great paladin” - he says proudly “A paladin? Who are you faithful to?, paladins normally serve in the name of a god” - I say intrigued “To whatever god needs me” - he says nonchalantly. I scoff - “An unfaithful paladin? Ridiculous” - I say unamused “What god are you faithful to then?” - he asks with what seemed genuine intrigue I stop, hesitate for a bit but I would never deny my faith so I respond - “Diche, of course” “So you DO! come from the shiny temple after all, how is it in there? It looks like a huge castle” he asks me excitedly I’ve said too much, I need to leave but this is the first time I’ve talked to common folk so a part of me wants to keep talking to him. A long pause ensues as I stand unsure on what to do. “My name is Tholor” - he says to break the silence as he reaches a hand in front of me I look at the hand for a second “My name is Lucens” -I reply as I take his hand which is a bit callous but still soft and warm. “Mind taking off your hood?” - he asks I look around to make sure there’s no one else watching us and I, slowly lower my hood and reveal my face to Tholor He looks at me clearly mesmerized by my beauty and our eyes finally meet “So what brings you to Thalisius-Flora Lucens from the shiny temple? Is it your first time in the city?” - he asks me as I let go of his hand I roll my eyes slightly and reply - “I don’t come often but I like to come see people celebrate, what about you?” “I live here with my family. My parents own a farm, we grow flowers, I help my dad in the fields, we mostly grow Plumerias, like these ones” - he says as he motions to the arrangement hanging from the window “They’re beautiful” - I say gently as I admire the plumerias “They really are” - He says as he looks at me He takes one and puts it over my ear, I can tell he’s blushing as he does, and I could swear I can hear his heart beat really fast. “Thanks” - I say “smells delightful” “Come I wanna show you something” - he says eagerly But as we start walking off and turn a corner we witness a terrible scene, a man holding a dagger is trying to rob a couple, the thief hits the man with the hilt of the dagger and grabs the woman by the neck as he tries to snatch her jewels, but she starts screaming so the man stabs her twice in the chest and proceeds to run away. I am stunned, how could this be? I couldn’t believe something like this could happen in such a lively and lovely city! I hear the muffled sounds of people yelling as I stand there, suddenly I come back to my senses as Tholor pulls me to the side and we tumble to the floor as the thief runs past us. I can’t let him get away with this, in the name of the goddess I will punish him! The thief is getting away. I feel compelled to stop him,I need to act quickly, my hands start emanating a golden glow as I let go a bolt of shiny light towards the thief that hits him right in the back making him fall face first to the ground as he lets go a scream of pain. Two armed guards come and apprehend the thief. I turned to Tholor and saw him staring at me with both fear and shock. But before I could explain, I heard the man crying and yelling for help. I stood up and saw him holding the woman in his arms as she bled off on the street, still alive but barely and rapidly fading. I walked up closer to them, Diene hasn’t really taught me to use healing magic that much. I mostly train for combat, but I knew how to use it if I had to, at the time. I held the woman’s hand in between both of mine, the man asking me to please do something, as I prayed to my mother and asked her to hear my plea, a warm golden light came down upon us and enveloped us, making her wounds heal and close. She let out a big gasp as she opened her eyes, healed. She looked at me and said “Thank you, thank you so much” Suddenly I feel the man hug me tightly and with a crying voice start thanking me. I look up and see Tholor followed me and is standing close behind me looking confused and shocked. I’m afraid he will just be scared of me now, as so many people had been in the past. I stand up and let the couple reunite as they start kissing each other. Some guards start to gather and curious people start to peek around to see what is going on. Tholor took a step back as I stood and faced him and then another. The woman still lying on the floor, in the arms of the man asks me - “What’s your name? You saved me” I’m overwhelmed, Diene can’t know about this! What would she think? I stuttered “I’m- I- I need to go” I start running away hearing people asking me to wait I turn a corner and I feel someone grab my arm, I stop “Wait! Stop, please!” - Tholor’s voice called out as he grabbed my arm I’m somewhat relieved, so I asked him - “Aren’t you afraid of me?” “Afraid? N-No! Of course not! You saved that woman! You stopped the thief! You can’t just leave like that” - he said confused “I can’t stay Tholor, I need to go, If she finds out I'm here…” - I told him nervously “She? Who is she? Just wait please” - he insisted I turn and look him in the eyes, a look I hope I will never forget. “It was enchanting to meet you Tholor” - I said softly “Will I ever see you again?” - He asked somewhat sadly He ran his hand down my arm from where he grabbed me and to my hand, and we held them. I giggled “Have some faith that we will” - I said as I winked at him He chuckled “Enchanted to meet you Lucens” I make some sparks shine around us before I let go of his hand as he looks in awe and I run away, looking back one more time to Tholor of Thalisius-Flora who grows Plumerias with his family, as he stands and watches me leave.   I was wonderstruck making my way back to the Cathedral, as I was leaving too soon.   The next morning, as we were doing our afternoon training, Diene said to me - “Word has come from a city close to the Cathedral, there was a commotion last night” . “What happened?” - I asked eagerly. Hoping is not what I think it is “There was an attempt of theft that went awry, a woman got stabbed and almost died” - Diene said casually “By the goddess that sounds horrible” I said pretending to be shocked, nervously, had I been caught? “Indeed, but by Her Grace there was someone, a user of magic, divine even, common folk are saying, who stopped the thief and saved the woman, praised be the Radiant one” - Diene said looking firmly at me “Truly outstanding, I’m glad everything is ok then! People must be relieved” - I said somewhat proud of myself hoping Diene didn’t think it was me “The thief died on the spot, somewhat recklessly but seems like justice was quickly served” - She said still looking firmly at me, expressionless I remain silent, I had no idea the thief had died, I think she knows the truth “Maybe they didn’t mean to kill the thief” - I finally dared to say “Would you? Have you had the chance?” - She asked me raising her voice with a tone of authority “To what lengths would you go to impart justice? Would you become Jury and executioner? What gives you the right?” - her words resonated “If I could make a difference, if I could defend those who can’t defend themselves, then…” - I say calmly “Then what?” - She asked me sternly raising an eyebrow I remained silent “You will be faced with many hard choices, Lucens, you must remain steadfast in your faith, it will always guide you. You still have a lot to learn” - she said in a more calm manner “The goddess wills it so” - I replied “Thalisius-Flora’s authorities wanted to know if the Cathedral had a hand in last night's events, so naturally I assured them it didn’t” - Diene assumed a more casual tone “They wished to talk to the person responsible and hoped it had been one of our clergy given the nature of the magic the witnesses described. I put their suspicions to rest and reassured them it wasn’t linked to us. I’m sure that’s the case, I can’t think of who could have been? so I quickly dismissed them” - she continued with a tone of indifference. “Besides, we aren’t the only ones that use divine magic are we?” - I said jokingly “It isn’t common but not entirely unheard of” - She said - “Now let’s continue” - as we resumed our training session.   Did she really not think it was me? Or was she just pretending she didn’t to protect me? I always thought she secretly knew all along about everything.   Thinking back to that night, how I was able to heal that woman, I couldn’t do so now. My powers have grown but they have become more destructive. Have I become too much of a weapon? I’m ok with that, I wanna be strong and be able to protect others!   I think about Tholor sometimes, I still have the Plumeria he gave me that night, among the pages of my spell book, the magic seems to keep it from withering, that was the last time I visited Thalisius-Flora, I left to come to Heera’tat soon after. I wonder if he was able to become a proud paladin, maybe even a paladin of Diche. I like to believe he did. If anything I hope he is doing well, among the Plumeria fields.

Elvenbleak tower

After what seemed like an endless battle, won by my impressive display of skill to light the beacon, the orcs retreated. We were all exhausted and spent, yet we were overjoyed to see our efforts had paid off. We decided to camp at the beacon for the night, it could offer some protection and everyone was too tired to try and move anywhere else.   Before nightfall, I decided to take a moment for myself. I needed some respite, I had seen so much death these past couple of days, especially losing Valor had filled my heart with some sorrow. I found a quiet flower field amidst the trees, the flowers had an ethereal beauty to them, and some whimsy butterflies fluttered around. I decided to rest here. I took the time to cast a ritual to summon an unseen servant and together we gathered some of the flowers, they smell so good! The butterflies flutter around us now and out of a sudden they have grown in numbers, almost swarming me, one comes and lands on my forehead, my head started spinning and I think I passed out for some time when I came back to my senses all the butterflies are gone, strange but I think no more of it I came back to my friends and we decided to rest for the night, with two elves in the party we can all sleep soundly.   As it is tradition, I wake up to dawn, to make my normal morning prayers to Diche, but something feels different, I can smell that sweet and pleasant aroma from the flowers I found yesterday, and some of the butterflies have returned and flutter around me, a bit odd but a pleasant surprise to be honest, but suddenly Amellys says to me: “Lucens, there is a unicorn-like horn protruding from your forehead!!” I look up and I touch what it seemed, like she said, a unicorn horn on my forehead! By the goddess! What is this? Some sort of trick, spell, illusion? No! It feels real! I panic a bit and try to figure this out and I remember what happened the day before, could it be? Had I been…fey touched? Hope it comes with some magical perks. It will take some time to get used to it but it should be fine! I kinda dig it, unicorns are celestials after all.   We decided to head out into Elvenbleak forest, the bane had cleared leaving an opportunity to travers and reach Edgewind. Arin asked Thanael, who I had mercifully saved from death, to go back to Neverview and notify Khadlin of what we had learned and let him know the orcs were gathering under the command of an orc general called Kilkogg. He will also put up a good word for the Cathedral and my exploits as Arin promised, I’m sure he will be so impressed and will want to meet me. I'll think about if I wanna grace him with my presence.   We traversed the forest almost uneventfully, except for some helpless drow getting owned by some orcs, that we easily defeated. I watched Edras cast the same spell yet again for the 100th time. I wonder if he is capable of casting a different spell, if any other at all. He should probably consider making a pact with a new patron, I guess that’s the price people without innate powers have to pay just to replicate a fraction of mine. Same goes for Amellys, I think she saw Edras cast that cantrip so many times she started to cast it herself, hilarious. She has gotten really good at playing her musical instrument though. Milerion hasn’t really changed much, still running around stabbing things. Simple as his mind.   I found a creek filled with bane running across the forest. I took some time to investigate and try and learn a thing or two. From what I learned, this could be the byproduct of an experiment, probably a spell that went awry. Whoever or whatever did this, must be capable of great magic, only a spell of high level could cause such effect. This worries me, considering the state of my companions, we don’t stand a chance as of right now. We’re still learning and growing. This got me thinking about our goals, I know I want to rid the kingdom of this infestation. From what I know so far, it too seems to be the goal of my friends although we all have our personal quests we want to accomplish. If I am honest with myself, finding who the next king or queen of the island will be isn’t a priority to me. Does Heera’tat really need a ruler so bad? It’s been years since the tragedy at Neelam, and every city had to come up with their own way to govern itself, if anything it will be a challenge to rally everyone under one banner. Which of the twins is really up to the task to wear the crown? Does Amellys even covet such a title? So many distracting questions, as we lose time deciding who will play king many innocent people suffer and die with the bane and the monstrosities that ravage the land, maybe this is why my mother, I mean Diche sent me here, to be the light that will cleanse the kingdom from this infection. That is why I need to become stronger and more powerful, who if not us will stop this? I just hope my friends will realize and think the same. I try to calm my mind and join my friends as we camp for the night, with the drows, which offer us some tattoos representing some lesser deity of some sort, nothing that concerns me so I obviously decline, I wouldn’t even dare. My friends of course blindly accept it, given they are unfaithful. I remain pious in my believes.   We resume our travels and come across a crossroad, we can either explore the Elvenbleak tower of the naga mages or we can head to Edgewind, but before we can make a decision a band of travelers coming from the city approach us, they are looking for one of their companions, Uron, who Milerion decided to cold-bloody kill, we had no choice but to pretend we have no idea where he could possibly be and lead them to Neverview. If you think about it, why was Uron alone? Where were they when he needed them? He clearly did considering he found himself petrified by a basilisk in a cave, where were they to help him prevent all of this? Conveniently missing, for all I care they are just as guilty as Milerion for his death, and now they wanna find him? Too late, he was dead the moment he got petrified by that creature. I like to believe I would do anything in my power to protect my friends and those I can, I would never let them to their own demise, if it is in my power and if the goddess wills it then I will help. So I did what I had to to protect Milerion and the others. Regardless I still feel bad for Uron, I didn’t know him so I can’t be sure if he was a good man but I don’t wish anyone the fate he met.   We decide to press on to the tower, Edras would absolutely throw the biggest temper tantrum if we did otherwise. He is convinced we will find useful information and whatnot at the tower, He isn’t entirely wrong although I consider going to Edgewind the better course of action, we could restock and gather information instead of blindly exploring but we might not get a chance to reach the tower in the future, so against my better judgment we go. I turned invisible and scout ahead, everything seemed clear aside from what clearly seemed like the feeding grounds of a large beast discreetly camouflaged by a battlefield, I turned back and brought my friends. Arin decides to go underground and tells us he will remain vigilant in case we need him.   As per usual, I was right and this was indeed some sort of feeding ground for a monstrous hydra, that made its way out of the water surrounding the tower and started to attack us, not only that but my worst fears turned out real when I saw my friends in the battlefield, not having the training I had in combat, they scattered around like headless chickens, I masterfully assailed the beast with my magic, raining down scorching rays from the heavens, but Milerion being the only one trying to still stab things found himself face to face with the monster and went down which now threw Edras and Amellys who also got greatly injured into a state of panic, as they yelled to Arin for help, I couldn’t believe how inefficient we were, was I not strong enough? I knew we could slain the best but we lacked any coordination or strategy. Raw power means nothing without tactic, war is an art after all. Like the goddess I needed to be their beacon of hope in battle, and so I called forth her aid and healed Mileron back up as well as Amellys. As Arin came back running and yelling at us to run to the tower, Milerion, somehow, using his new found magic, incapacitated the hydra, by… making it laugh, an unorthodox method but efficient nonetheless. And so we did, I felt so disappointed with myself, running like cowards from a fight. I felt so pitiful but I couldn’t let my friends notice. I don’t blame them for their inexperience, the fault fell on me, as a leader I should command them better. Once inside the tower, Amellys surprised everyone casting a new spell, she created a magical hut that serves as refuge, cozy and comfortable perfect to take a long rest! Amazing!   The tower was full of magical traps as expected in a wizardly tower, but we managed. We encountered a creature that seemed immune to the one spell Edras can cast, what are the odds? Pretty meta if you ask me. As we make our way up the tower, without finding anything helpful at all, a feeling starts growing inside of me, a feeling of this might have been a waste of time! There is nothing here like, no useful books, no treasure, nothing! This tower is supposed to hold the supreme council of the nagas, where the most powerful members would gather and make important decisions, but most importantly where they would store powerful magic items, including the Tome of the Nagaraaja, a huge tome of around 500 pages with a black metallic cover or something like that according to what I read. Regardless, we haven't found anything so far. It is foolish of me to think we would just find anything of value just lying around waiting to be looted, I am well aware it won’t be easy finding, and by the looks of it, judging by the dead body we just found, people do come here looking for treasure. So anything worth taking is either already taken or really well hidden, which would make a lot of sense. I’m starting to sound like Milerion, only driven by the promise of coin and riches. My desires are less basic, power and knowledge. I've read that mages like the naga mages sometimes hide away powerful magic items, tomes filled with powerful spells and scrolls scribed with magic, I hope to find them!   Anyway we haven’t explored the entirety of the tower just yet, at least we aren’t trapped in some cheap illusion, oh wait…

Snake island

Thinking back to Pangur Ban’s sad backstory and the way the captain was so adamant not to let me board his ship judging solely by the way I look, made me reflect of how cloistered from the outside world I grew up, and makes me feel a bit guilty of the privileges I had compared to many others and how I gave so many things for granted not realizing how hard circumstances could be to some unfortunate souls.   Yet I’m grateful for my upbringing, grateful to the goddess as she has always looked after me, making my life as pleasant as possible, I also owe so much to Diene, she dedicated a good portion of her life to me and my wellbeing as well as to my development. I’m well aware she was compelled by the goddess herself, but she did it with grace and goodwill. I can’t shake the feeling of guilt for leaving the way I did, nevertheless I can’t let them overwhelm me, more reason to use these emotions as fuel and motivation to succeed in my current mission. I promised Amellys to help her, a promise I made all those years ago and I tend to keep it. I’m sure Diche wills it so and wants to see me prevail, I wouldn’t be here without her. And then I think about the kingdom, so many innocent people at risk, who if not us, who if not me led by Diche will help them? I will be their hope of a new dawn, they will know the light of the Golden goddess.   As I listened the “Captain” whatever-his-nuts, won’t even bother remembering his name, bash my looks and throw misogynistic and bigoted comments at me, I couldn’t help but feel confused and aghast, how could someone’s ignorance be so big as to completely cloud someone’s judgment? I felt angry at first but I took a step back and felt sorry for him. I had never witnessed such a scene before. At the Cathedral, people try being patient and understanding of one another, there is a sense of community and everyone strives to be better each day, one small step at a time. I guess the harsh truth is, that doesn’t hold true everywhere, sadly. All those hours training and improving my combat skills, not even all those books I read in secret when I would sneak into the library, ever prepared me to face other people’s bias and misconceptions.   Yet I remain steadfast in my faith and duties, like I like to tell myself: “Stay positive”   Pangur Ban is such a sweet yet tormented soul, you can tell, not only by the horrible scars he wears on his face but by the stories he tells of his past, that he has gone through a lot! I’m glad the goddess put him in my path, he seems like a gentle person, I’m glad I was able to help him get into the boat using my superior intellect and magical skills.   Before the boat left the pier, looking at the big statue brought so many memories of my time at the palace, of the king Mahaan II and Mohun, what would they think of me if they could see me now? Would they be proud of how strong I’ve become? I like to think they would.   As it had become a habit, I spent most of the day training on the deck of the boat, practicing some spells and reading some books I had managed to take with me, It had been a peaceful trip so far, Pangur Ban is a very sneaky individual so I wasn’t too worried for him, he seemed like he could find places to hide easily, I just needed to save some food and bring it to him when no one was watching.   I woke up to utter chaos, as the ship rocked violently from side to side, sounds of people screaming and otherworldly roars of some gigantic beast, I immediately ran to try and find Pangur Ban and tried to get on deck to see what was going on, just to find out a KRAKEN! Was attacking the ship. We reunited with a monk called Loen, who Pangur Ban had met earlier during our trip. We had no other choice but to abandon the ship into unknown waters. Poor Pangur Ban, I remember he is totally afraid of water.   The ship stood no chance against such a legendary beast, it tore through it like a stick, its gigantic tentacles smashing and breaking everything, wrapping around it. But the ocean wasn’t totally safe, as a large hunter shark had noticed us and started to attack. I had no choice but to defend myself and my new-found companions with my holy magic. Not only that but we also had to take care of the coward “captain” who was trying to escape without even trying to help others, he obviously didn’t stand a chance, being the weakling he was.   We washed ashore a seemingly deserted tropical island, by the grace of the goddess we’re all three safe and sound, we gather ourselves and decide to explore the island in search of water and food, Pangur Ban being the avid wilderness explorer he is, leads the way. I had never been in an environment like this one, yet again I rarely left the Cathedral, the training grounds and library consisted most of my world, ‘till I was old enough to accompany Diene from time to time in some boring diplomatic mission, I longed for adventure and battle, seems my wish got granted considering the circumstances.   We navigated the thick jungle with ease guided by Pangur Ban. We suddenly came across a giant skull, of some beast, after further inspection I could finally wrap my head around it. It once belonged to an imposing being, a naga, a dragon-like creature that existed long ago. In this state it was nearly impossible to determine the cause of its demise, the thought of such powerful creature fallen like this was intriguing, we also discovered some humanoid remains, a skeleton, a gruesome discovery, it was holding a map, possibly leading to a treasure, we learned back at the ship that a notorious pirate captain by the name of Navar had hidden it somewhere in a desolate island, coveted by many. Could this possibly lead us to it? Truly a blessing of the Radiant one.   Diche’s light was about to set, so we decide to make camp inside the skull, to use it as cover, after some pleasant conversation we decide to rest for the night, I fall asleep as Pangur Ban takes the first watch, when I finally wake up I get absolutely startled by a large feline, shadowy yet majestic and I learn Pangur Ban had somehow tamed the beast, which turned out to be a playful and cute large kitty cat. Loen was incredibly conflicted, he was attacked by a similar creature when he was just a kid so he had been traumatized ever since, poor monk but Pangur Ban assured him Cengwu, as he called her, was not gonna attack us.   After some quick breakfast, provided by our dexterous monk friend, we decided to try and find the temple mentioned in the map. We walked for a while until we came across a pond with what seemed drinkable water, as we took some time to refill our waterskins we noticed something sparkling at the bottom of the pond, and what seemed like a chest, led by the potential for treasure, I decided to jump in head first just to be surprised by a huge crocodile! The beast foolishly tried to bite down on me but my powers are far too great, protected by a shield of light I deflected the attack with ease and grace. I’m sure the goddess is so proud of me! Wish Diene was here to witness! But I can’t let my guard down just yet, my two friends don’t seem as powerful as I am so I naturally feel the responsibility to protect them. As Loen distracted the crocodile, I channel some deadly magic, I know I have to make quick work of the beast, just one hit of it could prove devastating, we can’t afford to be injured in uncharted territory, and so my eyes start to glow with blinding light as I unleash a searing beam from them, killing our foe instantly. I noticed the look on the faces of my two companions, filled with awe and a hint of fear. They are wise to fear me, as I could wipe them out in an instance if need be, but obviously won’t, we’re allies, for now. I tell them to collect their jaws from the floor and focus on the second one that had sneaked up on Pangur Ban, luckily Cengwu had proven to be very skillful in combat. I guess it is to be expected of a wild animal.   Once we took care of our assailants, I went back for the chest, it contained some sikkas and some potions, nothing crazy but not too bad. We decided to press on, but my memory blurs from this point on. It comes in flashes, I remember a temple, some puzzling murals and a giant snake, that I, yet again, had to do most of the work to slain. I also remember finding the treasure of captain Navar, so much gold! Loen kept what seemed like a ceremonial dagger, it had some eerie vibe to it, we assume it had been used to perform sacrificial rites of some sort.   The rest is just a blur, it seems like Pangur Ban and Loen decided to stay on the island and explore it further. I wish them well. If the goddess wills it, our path will cross again. For now I have a promise to keep…

My goddess

Diche, Radiant one, Golden goddess The goddess of light and the sun (including the dawn and dusk) She’s also tied to honorable combat and war. Her light is often seen as a beacon of hope in battle yet destructive to her enemies.   Her symbol is of a hand holding golden light resembling that of the sun, her holy symbols were always made of gold and would shine softly when touched by sunlight. She appeared as a beautiful, blonde, often winged, human woman with, of course, a radiant smile Diche would also assume the appearance of a woman with a white lion head and golden mane, made of sunlight.   She worried about events on the material plane and sought to understand other deities of the sun. She was known to have great pride but also great gentleness   She made her home in Mercuria, the second layer of Mount Celestia. The realm is called “Radiant Dawn”, and is a land of eternal soft sunlight with no shadows cast anywhere. It is soothing, and sometimes even sleep-inducing, and all secret and illegal activities failed.   Her worshipers are called the “Dawn Touched” One of her most holy days is the summer solstice. Her followers often pray to her during the first rays of dawn, they believe this to be the most special kind of sunlight. Most of Diche’s ceremonies were held at dawn, and actions and contracts agreed to at sunrise were said to be blessed by her. Worshipers of the Golden Goddess were avid magic users. All manner of spellcasters were included in the hierarchy of Diche's church.   "I shall let all who dwell in the dark feel your holy dawn, Radiant one. Hear my prayer." — A basic prayer to Diche   Diche, mother of Lucens, came to him in dreams and declared: “When you run to the light, shadows are cast behind you. You need to be ready, son, be the light that pierces the clouds, be the hope of a new dawn”

Dawn Touched

The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia, are dedicated to goodness shaped by law and justice tempered with mercy. All aspects of Celestia are beautiful and perfect. As an outer plane, Celestia was spatially infinite and consisted of seven infinite layers (or sub-planes). The seven individual layers formed a colossal mountain that rose from an infinite sea of holy water on the bottommost layer, to the summit on the topmost layer. The second layer, Mercuria was known as the Golden Heaven because a warm golden light suffused everywhere. This layer contained the armory for the noblest warriors who came here for their eternal rest. If necessary, Mercuria was the marshaling ground for the armies of the Heavens, as well as the gathering place for its troops. It is the location of the divine realms of Amaterasu, Torm, and Girru, as well as the main location of the mobile realm of Bahamut, and most notably, Diche, Goddess of sunlight, also tied to battle and war.
Sensing a growing and dark threat in the material plane, Diche decided to take action, she took a radiant fragment of her own being, and gave birth to a magical creature, shaping them to her own image. On a faithful dawn, she sent them to the material plane. Bathed in warm golden light, they descended upon the lands. Lucens was so brought to this world, tasked to follow Diche's light and become a radiant beacon amidst the ever-growing darkness looming over the material plane.

On the path unwinding

After what it seemed as an eternity and a series of tragic events, there was a glimmer of hope for us when we met Arin and were able to get out of that Diche forsaken cave, I much rather forget some of the things I saw take place there.   Nevertheless, we weren't out of the woods just yet, we had to make our way to a beacon that would act as an alarm to Edgewind and hopefully Neverview too, to warn them of a new danger, an imposing Orc general commanding what might as well be a legion of orcs looking to invade Edgewind, it was imperative to me we made them aware of the lurking danger.   The ascent to the beacon was fraught with tension as we encountered a fierce skirmish between orcs and the valiant Thanae Riel. Milérion struggled to join the fray, while I wielded my mystical abilities to get rid of the archer gnolls, with great precision from a great distance, my training with Diene at the Cathedral was paying off rather well. Amellys, Edras, and Arin fought with a blend of magic and strength, holding back the relentless onslaught. The beacon's ignition, sparked by my precise magic, turned the tide, I'm sure the goddess and Diene would be quite proud of me, yet the battle raged on. Amidst peril and orc reinforcements, a network of beacons illuminated the region, signaling our warning was heeded. As the orcs retreated, our path to Elvenbleak emerged, reigniting hope in our quest to reach Neelam. And here I ponder, as our path unwinds before us, where it might take us next...   P.D. Arin promise to put a good word about Diche and her religion to Khadlin, I'm sure he was quite impressed by my abilities. I've heard Khadlin is quite good-looking, I wonder if I could meet him soon, maybe he will fall in love with me ♥ May the goddess will it.

The road to the lake

"The goddess reigns forever; She has established her throne for judgment.   She rules the planes in righteousness and judges the people with equity.   The goddess is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.   Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Diche, have never forsaken those who seek you.   Sing the praises of the goddess, enthroned in Mercuria, Mount Celestia; proclaim among the nations what she has done.   For she does not ignore the cries of the afflicted"   Today marked another step in my pursuit of mastering the intricate weave of divine and arcane energies that course through my being. As the sun rose over the horizon, casting its warm embrace upon my being, reminding me of the Light of the Goddess, I delved into the ethereal mysteries waiting to be unveiled. My studies have become a harmonious symphony of devout prayers and scholarly incantations, a melding of faith and logic. The blessings bestowed upon me by the goddess, divine light within me, when she created and shaped me from a shard of her own being, entwine effortlessly with the intricate spells I weave through the rigorous discipline of wizardry. With each page turned and each spell meticulously dissected, I feel the tether between my soul and the cosmic energies strengthen. The divine guidance from my goddess whispers softly, guiding my hand as I transcribe ancient rituals into my grimoire. The symbiotic relationship between my innate sorcerous abilities and the academic precision of wizardry is a dance I am determined to master. The morning hours slipped away like sand through an hourglass, lost in the pursuit of forgotten knowledge and undiscovered potential. The teachings of Diene, and The Cathedral of Light, have proven invaluable in honing my control over the ever-shifting currents of magic. My aspirations soar higher with each passing day, as I strive to unlock the secrets veiled within the layers of time and mysticism. The path to enlightenment is arduous, yet the hunger for understanding fuels my determination. Another dawn, another opportunity to meld the divine and arcane, forging a destiny written in the stars and sealed with the essence of celestial power. I one day will become a powerful Archmagi. "May the goddess guide my hand and illuminate my path as I continue this sacred journey."   This day shall forever be etched within the annals of my journey, for it marks the fateful day when the arcane gates swung wide open, revealing a treasure trove of knowledge—a spell book, an enigmatic tome of untold power. I had finally cracked the code, and was able to use it. I remember the day the goddess led me to it. As the sun cast its golden rays upon the spires of the Cathedral of Light, I found myself drawn inexplicably towards the forbidden section of the library. It was as though the goddess herself guided my steps, leading me to a dusty, forgotten shelf concealed behind a tapestry depicting the ancient wars between celestial beings and primeval forces. There, nestled amidst volumes whose bindings had faded with time, lay a book—a relic of ages past, its cover adorned with gold patterns shimmering faintly with dormant magic. As my fingers traced the intricate patterns, a surge of energy coursed through me, a resonance between the celestial spark in my soul and the arcane potential within the book. Golden light coming off of it. I didn't know it at the time, but one day, I would uncover the secrets of the book, and that day had come. The moment I gingerly opened its pages, a rush of whispers filled the air, ancient voices mingling with the whispers of celestial ancestors. The secrets contained within those weathered pages ignited a fire within me, a fervor to unravel the mysteries of spells long forgotten. The glyphs and sigils inscribed upon each page seemed to dance before my eyes, their meaning slowly unraveling as if they were awaiting my arrival, yearning to be brought back into the world through my conduit of magic. With trembling hands, I transcribed the first incantation into my own grimoire, feeling the raw power thrumming beneath the surface of the words. It was a spell of illumination—a beacon of light in the darkest of places, a fitting metaphor for the enlightenment this discovery bestowed upon me. The revelation that I, a wielder of celestial magic, could harness the arcane through the wisdom contained within this spell book filled me with an unparalleled sense of awe and purpose. It was as though the celestial and arcane energies, once thought separate, harmonized within me, weaving a tapestry of magic that transcended boundaries.   The echoes of the ritual resonate within the confines of my consciousness, imprinting upon the very essence of my being—a day marked not just by the casting of a spell, but by the forging of an ethereal bond with a celestial emissary in the form of an owl. I had the idea in my mind ever since I laid eyes on that statue depicting the goddess holding an owl on one of her arms, and ever since every day praying to the statue next to Diene I knew one day I wanted to follow her example. Amidst the radiant glow, materialized an avian figure—a celestial owl, its iridescent feathers aglow with ethereal golden light. Its eyes, like pools of cosmic wisdom, met mine, and in that fleeting moment, an unspoken bond formed between us. It was as if the owl, with its keen gaze, peered into the depths of my soul, acknowledging the intertwining of our destinies. With a gentle hoot that resonated like a celestial melody, the owl perched upon my outstretched arm. The touch of its feathers against my skin sent a surge of warmth coursing through me, a confirmation of the mystical connection forged between us. In that instance, I felt the weight of responsibility and companionship that this celestial emissary bore. It was not merely a servant bound to my will but a companion whose wisdom and celestial insight would aid me on my path to enlightenment. As the ritual concluded, the celestial owl remained perched by my side, a silent guardian and confidant. Its presence imbued Torfort's kitchen, where the ritual had taken place, with a sense of tranquility, a reminder of the interconnectedness of the celestial and mortal realms. Valor, I called to it, and Valor called back to me. The boundless potential of this newfound companionship fills me with both anticipation and reverence. Together, we shall traverse the arcane tapestries, unraveling the mysteries that await in the celestial expanse and the depths of arcane knowledge.   I had so many burning questions, so much had been revealed to me, specially some troubling misconceptions about the Cathedral, I had to contact Diene, I had to see her. I found myself penning a missive to the one whose guidance has shaped the very foundations of my arcane and celestial pursuits—my beloved mentor, like a mother to me, Diene. The quill danced upon the parchment, each stroke bearing the weight of my earnest plea. The ink, an embodiment of my fervor, flowed in concert with the sentiments etched upon my heart. With every word transcribed, I summoned the essence of my longing for wisdom and guidance. In the letter, I conveyed the urgency that tugs at the fabric of my being—a call that resonates beyond the boundaries of the written word. I implored Diene to heed my plea and grace me with her presence, to stand once more side by side. I knew she would forgive me for running away, I know she understands it was a choice I HAD to make, and I await for her. As the final seal was affixed to the parchment, I felt a pang of anticipation mingled with a whisper of trepidation. The weight of my request now rested upon the wings of a messenger, entrusted to carry my plea across the sea and to the continent and into the hands of my beloved Diene. May the Goddess keep her safe.   The thought of Diene lingered with me, in my mind, and slowly my thoughts drifted to the Cathedral of Light, as we made our way to the lake, the memory of how The Cathedral, a bastion of knowledge and enlightenment, became my haven—a haven I was compelled to depart from. Duty called from distant lands, and the sanctum that had sheltered my pursuits and endeavors slowly faded into the horizon, its memory etched into the very essence of my soul. A grand cathedral but also like an academy, a fortress of knowledge and enlightenment that stands as a testament to the convergence of celestial heritage and arcane mastery. This majestic edifice, akin to a castle veiled in celestial splendor, served not only as a sanctuary of faith but as a realm where celestial and arcane wisdom intertwined harmoniously. The towering spires of the cathedral pierced the heavens themselves, reaching toward celestial realms—a tangible reminder of the celestial connection ingrained within its very foundation. Within its hallowed halls, the resonance of celestial hymns mingled with the echoes of arcane incantations, creating a symphony that transcended mortal comprehension. The library, a vast repository of ancient tomes and scrolls, held within its shelves the accumulated knowledge of ages past. Tomes on celestial lore stood shoulder to shoulder with grimoires detailing the arcane intricacies of magic. It was within these hallowed walls that I first delved into the celestial ancestry that coursed through my veins, seeking guidance amidst the scriptures and celestial treatises. Adjacent to the library, the armories gleamed with celestial-forged weaponry, each imbued with an otherworldly luminescence that mirrored the celestial radiance of The Cathedral. Here, beneath the watchful gaze of celestial guardians etched into the walls and statues depicting the goddess, martial and arcane disciplines intertwined—a testament to the balance sought between celestial guidance and arcane prowess. The training grounds sprawled across the cathedral's precincts, bathed in the soft glow of golden light. It was here, under the open expanse of the celestial sky, that I honed my abilities, guided by the skilled hand of Diene. The convergence of divine heritage and arcane potential found its harmonious expression amidst the sparring echoes and ethereal incantations. Every stone of The Cathedral, every archway adorned with celestial motifs, whispered tales of wisdom and celestial secrets waiting to be unveiled. The very essence of this grand structure resonated with the celestial energies that flowed through my veins, a testament to the interwoven tapestry of celestial and arcane forces. As I chart my path beyond the shadow of these celestial walls, the cathedral stands as a beacon, a testament to the foundations upon which my journey is built. The memories of celestial hymns, arcane incantations, and the wisdom bestowed by Diene within these sacred walls shall forever guide my steps along the celestial and arcane paths.

It is not yet your time

As my body hits the ground, I start to bleed on to the forest floor, I can hear my breathing, inhale slowly, exhale slower, as if time is winding down, I hear noises all around me, but everything is unintelligible, I feel my eyes close as to the rhythm of my dying breath. Finally, I do. Everything becomes darkness, my whole life I have run to the light and now I lie in the shadows, all encompassing surrounding me and for a moment everything goes quiet, I feel myself drifting away, and a coldness begins to set.   I don't struggle, I feel no despair. I am at peace, I won't feel the darkness, I will embrace my faith. And so, I feel a warmth, touch me all over, slowly, and a light begins to appear in the horizon and it becomes so bright, dispelling the darkness as I approach, I open my eyes, and I see it once more, that sky. I have been here before, and so, strangely, it feels me with joy, I feel no pain I am whole once more. The light is brighter than ever before and I go to it, slowly drifting, among the clouds I see it.   But then, like a whisper I can barely hear, almost nothing I hear someone calling my name, and again, and again, and it becomes louder, and louder, and clearer. I hear my friends they're calling out to me. My memories start to flash before me, of meeting them at the port market, after ten years, all four of us, reunited at last, that promise, fulfilled. what a joy. Entering that tavern I wished I could see for so long, and seeing that man I met at the castle all those years ago, almost like a miracle he is there in front of me again. The trees we left behind over and over as we walked side by side making our way through the forest, eager to find a new town I had never seen before. And then I hear that soft, harmonious voice I recognize right away, engraved in my memories, and in my soul, she calls out to me and says: "It is not yet your time Lucens"   As I sit among my friends that night, watching them sing and laugh and dance at that tavern I hold so dear in my heart. My soul fills with conviction and determination, I am where I am supposed to be and now more than ever I trust the path laid before me ...

Not here, not now ...

I don't remember much of the time before moving to the Cathedral, I remember meeting Diene years before but not much more. She tells me stories of how I was an apprentice to a great wizard called, Mohun, and how I was always so eager to use my magic, or how my parents found me the night Diche sent me to this world. Sometimes I wish I could remember, but her stories are enough, they comfort me. Diene used to be more lighthearted and laugh more, now it seems like she always has something pressing on her mind, I know we both have been tasked by the Goddess, and sometimes I wonder if she too feels the weight of this burden we carry.   I sometimes wish I could tell her I do remember my friends, and the promise I made to them, of one day, seeing them again, but I feel she wouldn't understand! I'm afraid of what is to come and the choices I will have to make, yet one thing reassures me of my fate, and that is the light that shines upon me, Diche, ever watchful of my every step, she has willed it so.   I never talk to her about it but I do remember the castle, the princess, the king, the chapel, I hold that rosary I took and keep it safe and concealed, it secrets still evade me yet I know one day I will uncover them. I still remember the great old tome I hide under my bed, written in an ancient language I still don't comprehend, that talks about some ancient prophecy old as time.   But what I remember the most vividly, as clear as the sun in the sky, is me hitting the ground, on that fateful day, in the catacombs. I will never forget the moment my eyes closed in resignation of what was to come, yet I don't remember fear or anger, I was at peace, I would be whole once more, as I was to return home, to her, my Goddess. I could see a clear and beautiful sky, so quiet, so still, the wind blowing all around, warm and tender and a light to the horizon, and I knew it was time to go to it as it would guide me home. And then I heard her voice, almost like a lullaby, it brings tears to my eyes, the mere thought of her voice, calling out to me, not to welcome me to her but to tell me: "Not here, not now Lucens"   We made it out that day, so many didn't, all four of us did, and so we promised to meet once more, as we all went our separate ways. I carry the weight of this memories alone, as they are mine, and only mine to bare, yet sometimes I wish Diene could know, and sometimes, I'm sure she does.   She held me all the way, till on the Horizon I could see the boat neared our destination, I didn't know what was to come, I held her hand tight, I trust her and the path ahead of us ...


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