The Great Tree of Svaradrimal

Svaradrimal, the Great Apple Tree of Spirit. Born of the Seeds created from the heart of Vytol, the Oraedar of Life itself. Created in anticipation of the Elves. As a gift to them.

The Elven tales say that it had bark of Ebony glass. Violet leaves, and Emerald Apples.

Who ever ate of its apples would become bonded to the Spirit of the Land. To live in a bond to it as close as ones own heart. To feel its growths, its damages, and its every memory.

All folks of Elves ate it its apples and became bonded to the land. 

In The Last Schism of the Elves, Yurion, the Oraedar of Creation, pulled it up by the root.  Absconding with it and its sibling trees into depths untraveled and unknowable. Where it is said he faded from the world. Passing as a spirit into a realm Beyond what is and ever can be..

Purpose / Function

Intended as a gift from Vytol to the Elves.


It was said to have been pulled up by the root by Yurion and hidden away from the Elves in spiteful revenge for their abuse of each other and the gifts given by Vytol.
Alternative Names
The Tree of the Allspirit.
Parent Location


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