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Halvar Dunrad

Baron of Bethrum Halvar Dunrad

Spurned from a young age by his southern mother for excellence, and to be true to Korholm ideals, duty, superiority & pragmatism, to be worthy of one's duty and responsibility, before an unfortunate assassination attempt saw her killed. Which in turn saw the young boy become fiercely paranoid and too many hysterical in securing a place in the family and military skills.   Halvar is hard and calculated man, withdrawn and hard to read, many would believe him incapable of feeling, but his icy exterior belies a fierce passion to personal beliefs, driven to restore his house to it's former glory but more than that, to rebuild it in his image.   To many the current ruler of House Dunrad can at best be considered cold and calculated, a man of few vices and fewer friends. Halvar was for many years somewhat of an enigma, fiercely dedicated to his house and its interest when he was declared heir apparent, incorruptible and undeterred in the path he has chosen for his house, save controversial decisions he has made in regards to rights of his bannermen and family members, he had a spotless record, brave in the war and beloved by his soldiers, intellectual and wise, heeding his council on matters outside his expertise and understanding of his subjects blight but also outright cruel to those who were he deemed unsuited for their position and those who went against him, he is deemed quite exceptional his supporters and a radical by detractors. Especially after the scandal of his marriage to his former housekeeper Eira, an act that is consider wholly inappropriate, for the gross difference in their station, and power dynamics amongst the Norskjaer .
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